11/24/19 Through 11/30/19
King of kings and Lord of lords
Christ, to all, His love affords
Our entry to the heav'nly realm
Where love and peace will overwhelm.
What privilege to be serving One
Who sacrificed His only Son
The One who gave His life for all,
The sinner great, and sinner small.
To give You all, means everything
To trust when seems disaster brings,
But You receive the widow's mite,
And to the sacred feast invite.
Let me not be trusting of
The temporal things I tend to love,
But place my hope and trust in Thee
Who cares for simple ones like me.
When only one could hear Your word
And all the other minds were blurred
One stood apart, with wisdom blessed,
And boldly now the king addressed.
He showed that man can hear You speak,
If we would take the time to seek,
And listen with intent to learn
Instead of truth and wisdom spurn.
Be not perplexed by what you see
But take the time to come to Me,
And I will show you everything
Then peace and knowledge, to you bring.
The writing on the wall reveals
What lightnings flash and thunder peals
How wanting are the ways of man
Refusing to accept His plan.
Self-giving love, His ordered plan
To fill the life of every man
Not selfishness or lust and greed
But love and trust for all in need.
Give glory and eternal praise
In thanks to God, the anthem raise
His gifts abound in every sphere
Our way of knowing God is near.
His blessings now deserve our praise
So we must act in proper ways
To share these gifts with those in need
That soul and body, we may feed.
Give glory and eternal praise
That God in all His varied ways
Would show His love for sinful man
And execute so grand a plan.
How beastly those who turn from You
Preposterous, the things they do.
No future in the ways of man.
No winner in their sordid plan.
No peace can come from violence
Their wicked ways can make no sense
For greed and lust, breed greed and lust,
No room allowed for holy trust.
But on the clouds, the Son of Man
And thus the final scene began.
Enthroned on high the mighty King,
Where throngs of saints and angels sing.
All tongues proclaim Him as their Lord
Who conquers now, the beastly hoard,
And everlasting peace shall reign
Where He is King, the Lamb once slain.
The call will come amid the day
In such an ordinary way
As not to shock, or raise a brow,
But strike a longing, deep somehow.
A ring of truth, a ray of light,
A sound of hope in darkest night.
It comes in many varied ways
And takes its root in one who prays
Lord may I hear and answer well
Then gladly, many others tell
Of You who died, but rose again
To save the lives of sinful men.