Sunday, July 28, 2019

8/11/19 Through 8/17/19

8/11/19 Through 8/17/19

Waiting in confident hope
For the grace and the patience to cope.
I wait for a word, just a syllable heard
As the blind, in their darkness will grope.

Sometimes just a tiny tidbit
Is all of the message I git.
But a morsel today, and I'm sent on my way
With instructions to just follow it.

By whom should the tribute be paid?
The family or masses arrayed?
When Father and Son are essentially one,
The tax, by the bond, is outweighed.

So we don't, their senses offend
To the lake, with a hook, you I send.
Toss it in where you wish, and take out the first fish.
Find a coin there for Me and My friend.

The one returned from desert waste
Great mercy from our Lord will taste.
At one time He has rescued all,
And saved us from a dreadful fall.

But still it is a choice we make
Be humble, and His mercy take,
Or prideful letting mercy ride,
And our own way to tread decide.

With eyes undimmed, no vigor lost,
He saw the land, but never crossed.
He died without the land enjoyed
But was this, for him, grace employed?

He went to his eternal home
With their apostasies unknown.
His part fulfilled within the plan
The people led to Promised Land.

We too a part within His plan,
A job for us no other can.
But we must listen and obey,
If we are well, our part to play.

Oh how feeble every word
Describing what the Virgin heard.
Every day herself she gave,
Her purity and man to save.

Unknowing of the plan of God
The way of trust and love, she trod
In those most tender youthful years
Her steadfast purity appears.

And when at last, the angel comes
A Virgin Mother, she becomes
A soul to magnify the Lord.
A heart for piercing by the sword.

What love has known such unity
Contained in Blessed Trinity?
The bond of man and wife must show
Reflections of this holy glow.

A giving all, with none held back.
A place of love where none shall lack.
A joining of the flesh as one,
Where victory over sin is won.

The marriage bond, by God designed
Where two, as one, are intertwined
And giving all, brings forth new life,
From total gift of man and wife.

Let not the whisper change your mind.
Hold fast to where true love we find.
Turn not aside to right or left,
Be those of wickedness bereft.

Courageous, strong, and steadfast be
To all He brings to light to see.
In truth, He knows what's best for man.
If we would follow well His plan.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

8/4/19 Through 8/10/19

8/4/19 Through 8/10/19

No barn can hold the treasure true
Of knowing One who loves like You.
The daily toil for earthly gain
Is shown for all to be in vain.

No benefit to scrimp and save,
For none will pass beyond the grave.
The only wealth we take above 
Is that of our self-giving love.

So work, but trust all to His care
And patiently all trials bear.
Build abundant wealth of love
That lasts into the land above.

The belly screams to satisfy,
And Spirit whispers, "Mortify."
Two calls, one screams, so always heard.
Another whispers, "Seek My word."

One a temporary pleasure,
One a lasting, valued treasure.
One another link of chain,
One that brings us heaven's gain.

Feed both body and the soul,
For both are needed to be whole,
But listen 'till His voice is heard,
And follow well His sacred word.

Attentive to the candle be.
As it illumines darkness, see.
In patience wait with watchful eyes,
Till Morning Star at dawn will rise.

Oh Lord, these words can frighten me,
For often I have failed to see,
Then turned to dark, with light to back
And failed to keep my will on track.

I wait as watchmen for the dawn.
And though I fail, to light, am drawn.
I long to see Your shining face,
And feel Your welcoming embrace.

Grant me faith, oh Lord I cry.
Or in the desert I shall die
The barren waste is all I'll see
Instead of life eternally.

Let me recognize each day
How much You love, and how to pray.
Humbly let me come and plead,
Then follow anyplace You lead.

For I am weak, but Thou art strong.
Grant courage when I suffer long.
Keep me ever close to You
Forgetting never what You do.

Rock shall yield a flowing water,
Doubt not works of loving Potter.
Leave behind on desert sand
Works that mind of man has planned.

Follow in the way divine,
But with the world intertwine.
A catalyst for change there be,
And lead the people close to Me.

Twas never known, a god like this.
Just pause a while and reminisce
Of how His love for man is shown,
And how He makes His presence known.

For love He freed from slavery,
For love He split the mighty sea.
For love He fed with daily bread,
For love, from rock, the water sped.

For love, in humble birth He came
To freedom from our sin proclaim.
For love He taught and showed the way
That men should give of self each day.

For love He preached and masses fed.
For love He healed and raised the dead.
For love, upon Him, sin was placed
For love, the ugly cross embraced.

For love, in glory, He arose
For love, each one of us, He chose.
For love, He bids you, "Follow Me."
For love, your cross will set you free.

With bountiful sowing we bountifully reap,
So why should the blessings, we selfishly keep?
The Lord gives the grain both to feed and to grow,
So satisfy hunger, but bountifully sow.

By dying to self will the grain multiply
Abundance of fruit the good Lord will supply.
The giving away of what God has bestowed
Is how barns are made full, and the cup overflowed.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sr. Mary Imelda

Sr. Mary Imelda

Sr. Mary Imelda graced the halls of the Little Sisters of the Poor home in Clifton for the past nine years.  She was the driving force, and incredible talent behind every bake sale and spaghetti dinner during that time.  She was also a very kind and welcoming soul for everyone that entered the home.
Unfortunately her time with the Cincinnati team has come to an end.  She was traded to the Mobile team for twenty-five rosaries and a future draft pick.  She will be sorely missed.

Sr. Mary Imelda

Imelda leaves our happy place
She blessed so long with cheer and grace.
Our eyes grow full as we recall
The many ways she blessed us all.

A carrot cake or key lime pie,
Her cookie tins, or salty rye.
And never have I come across
Such finely made spaghetti sauce.

But far more than her tasty treats
We’ll miss the cheerful smile that greets,
And heart of service always there
To help the needy anywhere.

Those favored years we had with you,
How quickly passing by they flew.
But blessings are for sharing, see…
So we must share with others, thee.

Although the distance far away,
Forever in our hearts you’ll stay.
And when we fondly think of you
We’ll say a prayer of thanks for you.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

7/28/19 Through 8/3/19

7/28/19 Through 8/3/19

Let us all more Christlike be
In patience and humility
In willingness to suffer long
To bring the wayward soul along.

Our Father, as Your children plead,
Reach out and meet their every need.
Help them grow to be like You 
In all they say, and all they do.

Martha's known for working hard,
And then, somehow, her record marred.
It's true, the better part that day
Was listen well, and drop the tray.

But working hard's important too,
And what is needed we must do.
We spread the word through prayer and work,
And neither we must ever shirk.

So don't impugn dear Martha's labor
She took too, some time to savor,
Jesus, One to be adored
For she declared Him Christ and Lord.

Let Your cloud on me descend
Rifts of sinfulness to mend.
Speak to me as One to man
guide me in Your holy plan.

Lead Your people through the heat
Guide them on to where they meet
Their Savior and their risen Lord,
And get their final due reward.

I want in me that holy glow
So those I see each day would know
That dwelling here beneath the skin
Is one who spends some time with Him.

And through it all such joy would shine
That shows I hold this pearl of mine
In such esteem that none could buy
This treasure that I hold so high.

Your cloud and glory fill this place
And give to Moses, shining face.
Where man and beast would fear to tread
The glow of Moses' face is fed.

The fire that burns consuming not
Your holy place that hands have wrought,
Enlightens us to see the way
That You would have us walk each day.

Together go the feast and fast
The mending of what's new and past
A reconciling God to man
To live once more within His plan.

So easily we fall away
And follow then a selfish way
But fasting brings the focus back
To all the ways in which we lack.

Our sacrifices pave the way
They teach the soul to weep and pray.
Through discipline they train the beast
So we can join the Master's feast.

Make this year a Jubilee.
Return the land, and captives free.
Offer worship everyday
And learn to love and rightly pray.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Prayer in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Prayer in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

A weak little kitten, this body of mine.
Now come to this place, just to waste here, some time.
In view of the body, in bread here adored,
Who gave of Himself, blood and water out poured.

Replete with the mercy that comes from above,
The Savior redeemed with His heart full of love.
So tired and wanting of none but to sleep,
In sorrow You ask, but one hour to keep.

So much that You give and so little You ask,
I pray for the strength to be up to the task.
My privilege is spending an hour with You,
For grace upon grace is granted anew.

So few will partake of this wondrous gift
Where freedom and truth, through my actions will sift.
Revealing my sins and the ways I have strayed,
Giving grace to repent, and for times I've obeyed.

Here heaven and earth occupy the same room,
With saints all around, who in trust, came to bloom.
So make of this weak and incompetent man,
A flower to bloom in the course of Your plan.

7/21/19 Through 7/27/19

7/21/19 Through 7/27/19

The cherished guest a gift so fine
To welcome in this house of mine.
Be anxious not of how to serve
But offer love without reserve.

The truth of hospitality
Is not in dry formality,
But being present with your guest
And resting sure you've chosen best.

(Feast of  Mary Magdalene)
Freed from demons, born anew,
Love has placed His call on You.
No fear could make you run away,
Your love for Christ prevailed that day.

Clutching to the bloody cross,
No words consoling such a loss.
The blood she tasted on that day,
A First Communion in the fray.

The serpent thought the vict'ry won,
When darkness overtook the sun.
But on the third day Love prevailed
As Gospel writers all detailed.

The risen One assumed the throne
As God above, and God Alone.
His blood and body strength to say
My freedom's not for sale today.

Waters stood apart for those
Who freedom, over slavery chose.
They crossed amid the waters high
While walking on a land that's dry.

A bounty there, but do you see,
The many ways I care for thee?
The grace I give in varied ways
To lead you through the desert maze.

Yet few will take the grace and try
The Manna fallen from the sky.
Instead they grumble and they groan
Preferring chains to mercy shown.

Trust and eat the humble bread
I give each day so you'll be fed.
The thorn and weed, to fire throw
And till the ground for seed to grow.

You've seen it happens many times,
The humble docile one who climbs
To height by many never known
To see the Lamb upon His throne.

My grace abounds, but you must choose
To follow Me, or life to lose.
A harvest rich will come to thee,
If you but trust, and follow Me.

The greatest one will serve the least
To enter on the Master's feast.
Instead of being served, he'll serve
To reach the prize that God reserved.

The cross will be his closest friend.
His gracious love will never end.
He'll suffer for his enemy,
And pray that God will set him free.

He'll clear the stone and plow the path,
That none should suffer righteous wrath.
And though, in tears, he sows the word,
At harvest time, rejoicing's heard.

Another Sabbath come and gone,
And all, but to, the Lord are drawn.
The seed is quickly carried 'way,
By all the cares about that day.

Wheat and weeds together grow,
But only wheat did Master sow.
Not wanting to uproot the wheat
They grow until the harvest meet.

Then on that day the two divide,
The humble wheat, and weeds of pride.
A fire awaits the wicked weeds,
But wheat to happiness proceeds.