Saturday, August 26, 2023

9/10/23 Through 9/16/23

 9/10/23 Through 9/16/23

Repentance is the greatest gift
For any to receive
Correcting one that’s gone adrift
To sin now well-perceive.

So, let me see and let me hear
Rebuke with open mind.
Forgive me then and draw me near
That I, true joy may find.

Withered, misshapen, and useless are we,
In need of a Savior to set our hearts free.
Forgiving and loving of weak and depraved
Freeing of those who to sin are enslaved.

They long for the day they can walk for the lame
And leap like a stag at the sound of their name.
The deaf and the dumb are expecting the days
When they hear and they sing in the choir of praise.

So, free us no matter the day or the hour
We long for Your presence and word to devour.
Self-righteous may see an injustice by You
But Father and I have a far different view.

As Mary, none was ever known
As sinless and as holy shown
The purity and beauty there
Are such that man cannot compare

For there upon her tender breast
The King of kings would lay to rest
And One who made the earth and sky
Would meet her gaze with eye to eye

The Babe in arms, her little child
The greatest One, so meek and mild,
Has chosen her as Full of Grace
The fairest of our human race

When all of truth is thus revealed
No more lies and filth concealed.
We’ll see that blessed are the poor,
The meek and humble ones for sure.

For truth reveals the inner core,
The lustful greedy, grasping more.
The poor and meek and humble too,
Who put their faith and trust in You.

No more facades of acting plays
For truth is seen in lighted days,
And none that day, with Him compare
And none our weight of sin can bear.

But then a humble Lamb once slain
Appears to help the poor regain
The glory once in garden lost
To warm the heart and melt the frost.

For rich and haughty then will learn
The weight of what their works did earn,
Eternity where darkness reigns
And none but evil there remains.

The cross, far more than any sign
The greatest gift for all mankind.
Such love beyond our mortal minds
The one who contemplates it finds.

There, suffering and pain is found
To loose the chains with which we're bound,
For when we gaze on love Divine
We see the Cross does love define.

As serpent on the pole was raised
And saved were all who on it gazed
The Son of God became our sin
So we might His salvation win.

So, lift it high, this Cross of love
For none on earth and none above
But One alone has conquered sin
Defeating death, so we might win.

Oh Mother of Sorrows, oh, Virgin of Grace
Please grant me a home in that heavenly place.
The years of His growing and nightly embrace
No cross, or no sorrows could ever erase.

So, confirmed in His love and convinced of the good
You trusted Him always, as always we should.
Obeying in spite of the hurt and the pain
Forever quite focused on heavenly gain.

Obtain for me now such a grace that I seek
That in time of my trial, you'll strengthen the weak,
So one day I'll look at the trial that's passed
And see that in truth, it was gold that was cast.

Exalted the ones who endure to the end
When lies are abounding, the truth they defend.
When all are the wrong, still they stick to the right
When all are in darkness, they offer the light.

You are the icon, the window above
To the land of His glory, and mercy, and love.
Make of me now an obedient child
Cleansed of my sin and all that defiled.

For sinners all, He came to save
For there His flesh and blood He gave
And taught them how to dig below
For solid ground on which to grow.

For if we listen and obey
No flood can ever wash away
What's built with love on solid ground
For there our refuge safe is found

Saturday, August 19, 2023

9/3/23 Through 9/9/23

 9/3/23 Through 9/9/23

At some point, every man will see
How worthless things on earth can be
Without lasting satisfaction
All on earth will lose attraction.

Only that which lasts forever
Worthy of our life's endeavor
Cross and glory come together
Like the flight of bird, and feather.

Shun not that which leads to glory
Suffering for love's the story
That redeemed the souls forever
With a love no sin can sever.

Born anew as once in Garden
Let His love, your sins all pardon
And then in turn repeat the word
Until all men on earth have heard.

Among the common, lies the gem
The heavenly, from earthly stem
But those familiar cannot see
For blinded by their pride they be.

Upon this One, the Spirit rests
By every measure passing tests
But obstinate, will not believe
And so no miracle receive.

\Persistent to this very day
The disbelieving have their way
And proudly by the diamond pass
Assuming it no more than glass.

Believers though can recognize
The truth and love within His eyes
And see the many facets there
That prove His love beyond compare.

Monday in Adoration
I'm here to hear Your word today
To listen well and then obey
I come with trepidation for
I know You always ask for more.

But two can play that game as well.
I've read where You would people tell
To ask and seek and search and find
And so, Your precious gifts be mined

So, here I am imploring You
To make my will afresh and new
Accord with Yours in every way
Detached from all that holds my sway.

The thief has come to steal
What He cannot possess
The demons, they are real
With mortals they contest.

Jealousy the motive
Shared misery the goal
Lies that are emotive
And sway a weakened soul.

Alert and sober be
Awake at every turn
For traps they set to see
And unto God return

Read again My Gospel story
See in there My Road to Glory
Days are filled with mercy granting
Seeds of love in masses planting

Do as I would do each morning
With my silent prayer adorning
Come and seek My Father's yearning
There His will and favor learning

There one poor and wretched seeming
Finds His love in torrent streaming
Grace for every daily trial
Help to walk the extra mile

The deeper the water the bigger the fish
A catch that's beyond the best that you wish
So do as He says and "put out in the deep".
For that's where the catch of your life you will reap.

The cowardly stay in the boat near the shore
But longing, and yearning, and craving for more.
They heard, but afraid, of the call He has made
The gift of their all, that to all He has bade.

So, trust and obey for the net that you cast
Is eternity bound and forever will last
It's required of all that the All be obeyed
For nothing they'll have, where the cowardly stayed.

King of all kings, to be born such a way
With naught for a bed, but a manger with hay.
And Queen of the angels and saints up above
What a one of obedience, patience, and love!

The great and the powerful, bending so low
That all ever living should know where to go.
To meet with Queen Mother who stands at His side
And asks us to all come along for a ride.

The path where He leads us, with trial is fraught
But then, in the end, to glory we're brought.
By trusting His love every step of the way,
Like Mary, we're led to that manger with hay.

To the lowly abode where All Holiness reigns
Where obedience leads us through sorrows and pains
To find that self-giving, as odd as it seems,
Will lead in the end, to the land of our dreams.

So, come with the Mother to worship the Son
If the stirring of faith in your heart has begun.
And learn from the lowly, the way of on high,
Where the joy of the Savior forever is nigh.

Lord of the Sabbath and Lord of my life
Lord in the plenty and Lord in the strife
Lord in the good times when all is at peace
Lord when the trials seem never to cease.

The Lord of all lords, and King of all kings
In times of calamity, comfort He brings
The Lord of the sea, and Lord of the sky
The Lord for the faithful, and those who deny

No matter our poverty, wealth, or our fame
The Lord is our Lord, forever the same.
Unmoving, unchanging, and loving for all.
Why is it so few ever answer His call?

Sunday, August 13, 2023

8/27/23 Through 9/2/23

 8/27/23 Through 9/2/23

Who do you say that I am?
A prophet; a king; just a man?
Your answer will be quite revealing to Me
so answer as best as you can.

You hypocrites and blinded guides
You see not what the Lord provides
Your eyes and ears to earth are tuned
while Truth before you stands impugned

The light of day your deeds abhor
Phylacteries your teachers wore
Produce but filth and selfish gain,
To greed and pride, they simply train

You fail to see the light of day
Or recognize the Holy Way
Before your eyes and calling you
To turn from sin to life anew.

Arise and speak what I command
My words can heal this wicked land
Repentant souls can be made new
If you, My will, would simply do.

I call and yet so few will hear
The loss of worthless bling they fear
When what I offer shall endure
But what they have they feel is sure

They fail to see what long endures
And choose to grasp for sudden cures
But satisfaction slips away
As dew in the approaching day

So, you must be My voice to them
This tide of wickedness to stem
A window clear that all might see
The satisfaction found in Me.

All whitewashed tombs with dead men's bones
He calls the Pharisee who moans
Of how He cures on Sabbath rest
And tries to put Him to the test.

Such pride He sees as filth and rot
The sum of all the teacher's got.
Gnats they strain and camels swallow,
But the Word they never follow

So, do as said, and not as done
For such as they did prophets shun
By acts of love, the true are known
And opposite, are wicked shown.

Always here and always ready
In a way that's clear and steady
Well aware to hear His bidding
Evil in our lives forbidding

Such is how His faithful living
All their lives attuned to giving
Work until His final entry
In His way, so elementary

But the fool that drags and dawdles
And for young, the vices models
Risks the loss of treasure mounting
By the Master's will discounting

Simple find the right direction
In their humble way's perfection
Simply do what He's commanding
And you'll find rewards outstanding

Many times the wise and foolish
Look the same in outward ways
Wise the docile, fools the mulish
In the Lord's perceiving gaze

One has come without preparing
One is ready, come what may
In the time of need no sharing
What you'll want that final day

Fond relationship one building
One concerned with only me
Hurried bling the foolish gilding
Wise, a well-made prize for Thee

Final day approaches steady
Be no fool that's unprepared
Be the virgin wise and ready
With the groom, the banquet shared

The talents wasted bear no fruit
No benefit in our pursuit
Of lofty status there beyond
Where everlasting light has dawned

Each gift was meant for use below
To help the wand'ring children know
That God exists, and loves us so
He wishes each of us to grow

The status quo is wickedness
A stagnant swamp of uselessness
But flowing streams are not withdrawn
And grow along the path they're on

Accountable, each one shall be
To turn a profit here for Thee
So, let us bury not the gold
But use it well to more behold

Saturday, August 5, 2023

8/20/23 Through 8/26/23

 8/20/23 Through 8/26/23

This house of Mine is made for all
Who listen well, and heed My call
For every tribe and every race
Accepting of My holy grace.

For eye is not the ear, you see
And hand, a foot, can never be
They all are one as made by Me
Their prayer I hear as well as thee

So welcome with a ready smile
Your kindred of a different style
The salad made of all mankind
Is one in heaven you shall find.

So, sell it all and follow Me
For that's the way you're truly free
And here's the wealth you really need
To plant and grow that precious seed.

True wealth so few can recognize
Though here each day before our eyes
With arms outstretched to welcome home
The wayward ones that far do roam

Oh, keep me Lord not far from You
And guide my heart in all I do
So if somehow I start to stray
Your love would draw me back to stay.

The lowly chosen by the King
To peace and joy and vict'ry bring
He uses those on earth so small
Who answer well His simple call.

He asks for everything we own
For then His will is clearly shown.
And those who answer, "Let it be."
Are those who lead to victory.

When called, I pray to answer well
Without excuses then to tell
To use His every granted gift
To seek the good, and common sift.

To labor well for just reward
With grateful heart unto my Lord
What better way to sing His praise
Than follow Him through all my days

Attentive to His every word
No hesitation e'er incurred.
But one so willing all to serve
With nothing held as in reserve.

For what a great foundation laid
With blood and tears Apostles paid
To lay the stones still here today
That teach us how to live and pray

The men that walked His path each day
And listened to the words he'd say
They gave them root so deep within
That all would lose their life for Him

No other held so deep a sway
No comfort could deter the Way
The fire of love that burned within
Was Jesus Christ, who conquered sin.

We too, must spread the word each day
And faithful be, if come what may.
For trial attends the word of love
But leads us to our home above.

A loyalty uncommon then
Was shown by Ruth to mother when
She chose to stay to be her aide
And calls to leave could not persuade.

Her gods of former days were gone
The One True God she counted on
She left behind her home and kin
To life anew with God begin.

Humble let Your servant be
By placing souls in front of me
By putting others 'fore my will
And making love my nature's fill

For You who made the earth and sky
So humble, came to earth to die
To show what man was meant to be
When sin was conquered on the Tree.

No greater sign could e'er be known
Than Jesus on a cross-shaped throne.
Our King in all humility
Who suffered there and died for me.

Oh, let me share that grace, Divine
And place Your will ahead of mine
If that be suffering and pain
Grant all for my eternal gain.

The lowest place above with Thee
So far exceeds where I should be
But in Your love, the lost is found
So hear my humble pleading sound.

Friday, August 4, 2023

John Vianney

 John Vianney

The miracles attained in Ars
The lifting of so many scars
Come through prayer and sacrifice
Through humble priest with good advice.

His littleness well-known before
Is that which gave him wings to soar
The humble heart's appeal is heard
When in submission to His word.

8/13/23 Through 8/19/23

 8/13/23 Through 8/19/23

Never on the water walking
Rather in the boat and talking
Never in the whisper finding
Always in the storm so binding

Stop and listen for the calling
Not the sound of tempest bawling
Leave the boat or shelter where
Appears the safe, but lies the snare.

Or you'll miss the Voice of favor
Calling you to sip and savor.
What joys the Master has for thee
If docile, one like you would be.

The law He gives is for our good
So, follow it all faithful should
We needn't fall to depths of sin
If we but listen well to Him.

It's not that hard to peace enjoy
If we but truth and love employ
If we but turn from selfish lust
And in the Savior place our trust.

If we admit the wrongs we do
His mercy's there to make us new
Then persevering in His way
We find His peace throughout the day.

Blest womb that bore and breasts that nursed
Most ancient curse of sin reversed
Not just because of whom she bore
But what she conquered in the war.

Sinless Mother of Divine
Come and touch this heart of mine
Let me know the Father's Son
And someday be with Him as one.

Your blessings through obedience
The way of all expedience
To find His blessings here below
True peace and happiness to know.

There the happy, there the blest
There you find eternal rest
All who do the Father's will 
So too, can have their blessing fill.

If two or three are gathered here
To them He shall be very near
Presenting to the Father's will
For Him to every need fulfill

So, join with me in prayer today
To help me recognize the way
To seek His will in all I do
And meet Him face to face with you.

With forgiveness evil flees
Remember not our evil deeds
For if each deed were recompensed
The fire of hell would be dispensed.

We see in ever clearer light
Our evil done in dark of night
And only mercy clears the way
For us to have eternal day

Recalling all that God has done
And how He came to make us one
Through trials in the desert waste
With miracles when Pharoah chased

With daily manna there to feed
And from the mount, give rules to heed
He cared for those He called His own
And brought them to their promised home.

As for me and my house, the Lord we will serve
No other my honor or praise shall deserve
Be gone, to the gods of pleasure and lust
There's only One True that is righteous and just

The Lord of all lords, and King of all kings
By Cross and by Blood, salvation He brings
With heart widely opened, arms spread to receive
The Cross and the grave, to surprise did conceive

The dawn of the new everlasting embrace
The age of His glory, and honor, and grace.
The time when His wonders are seen every day
When gold is contained in the vessels of clay.

So, humble thyself to receive from the Lord
What the rich and the haughty could never afford.
A life that is rich in the market of love
One destined to find it's homeland above