Saturday, March 30, 2024

4/14/24 Through 4/20/24

 4/14/24 Through 4/20/24

How ignorant the ways of sin
We all at times are found within
For whom it is that we ignore
Is He that offers so much more.

So much within the scripture would
Renew us if but understood
But oft His word, by man ignored
And freedom's truth left unexplored.

The prophets long ago foretold
That we would look and then behold
A face so marred and wracked with pain
To lead us to eternal gain.

It's only natural, you see
For man to pain and anguish flee,
But suffering can lead to love
With peace and joy from God above.

Repent of sin, endure the pain.
And so much more you have to gain,
Then learn to love in varied ways
And give to God your duty praise.

The scriptures hold the sacred key
To peace and joy, and setting free
The prisoner who's trapped in sin
For Light and Life are found within.

Ignore no more the sacred guide,
Cast off the chains of sinful pride
And hear anew the Word of God
To guide you on the path you trod.

So, sift and savor all that's true
And let His Word abide in you
For that which sinner just ignores
True happiness and joy restores.

Angelic glow upon his face
Filled with wisdom, poise, and grace
Not backing down when faced with death
But speaking truth with every breath

The martyr, Stephen made his way
From death to life that very day
Forgiving those, his life would take
To many more disciples make.

What a gift, this Holy Bread!
By this, a multitude is fed
Though broken and divided so
Yet undiminished grace we know

This tiny morsel feeds the soul
With life eternal we extol
An overflowing font of grace
That fear and doubt cannot efface.

Communion with Creator here
A creature yet, one held so dear
The Lord of Lords, the Great I AM
Became our precious Paschal Lamb.

His signs and wonders went with them
When scattered o'er the earth
And they became a budding stem
To bring about new birth

Though persecuted, young and old
Who heard the Gospel news
Repented sin to be enrolled
And Christ, as King to choose.

As sparks amid the stubble spread
No force could ere contain
The word of He who rose from dead
To now forever reign

Within the world, but not of such
His followers remain.
The ones who felt His gentle touch
And live in love's domain.

The bread of life, to earth came down
His word was spread from town to town
By those who listen and obey
Who eat His flesh and light the way

His food which gives both life and light
A savored meal and sweet delight
To feed the masses great and small
And evermore His gift recall

This bread will feed the hungry mind
And all who seek will surely find
Their sustenance for every need
When daily on this Bread they feed.

From Heaven rains this Holy Bread
The morsel sweet by which we're fed
A feast within a desert land
So those in darkness understand

A Sacrifice that's true and real
A Victim slain to make our meal
Alike to manna found of old
This treasure far surpasses gold.

My daily food for many years
My strength and hope to conquer fears
My comfort when I needed rest
My always welcome loving Guest.

Oh, Flesh and Blood of Love Divine,
Come change this selfish heart of mine
May all I do be done in love
And mold my will to Thine above.

How shall I make a return to the Lord?
What tribute or gift could I ever afford?
His blessings are many, the trials are few
And trials I learn may be good for me too.

His word is a treasure uncovered for me
A window beyond the earthly I see
A glimpse of the mysteries of heaven above
A door to the wonder of mercy and love.

Teachings are hard and distasteful at times
Trusting, though weak, I ascend through the climbs
And always I find there is truth in his word
Unlike all the voices of earthly I've heard

Saturday, March 23, 2024

4/7/24 Through 4/13/24

 4/7/24 Through 4/13/24

"My Lord and God," dear Thomas said
Has truly risen from the dead
I've seen and touched His hands and side
No more the truth can be denied.

How blest are they that do not see
But still have faith and trust in Me
My grace to them will overflow
And many more will come to know

So, here today what we believe
It's truly Christ when we receive
In form of simple bread and wine
He comes to us, our Lord Divine.

No longer doubt, but do perceive
He promised He would never leave
But always send His Spirit near
So man would have no need to fear.

The all you need is in the Bread
Be seeing now and richly fed
Come daily feed on Love Divine
And share this blessed faith of mine.

(To the tune of "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence")
Overshadowed by His power
Womb that bears the Son of God
Mary in the greatest hour
Gives His will her humble nod
God becomes a man, incarnate
Shepherds, saints, and angels awed.

A simple word to change all of hist'ry
As it was with fallen man
Creator now created myst'ry
Fathoming, no mortal can
Jesus Christ the Son our Savior
Dividing line of all history.

The call to leave the world behind
Can weigh on every Christian mind
The thing for which we've labored long,
The things we say to us belong

But what is there that any own?
For all they have is gift alone
So we should be a gift as well
To so the Gospel story tell.

Then all that we possess must be
Disposed in ways that honor Thee.
That fill another's need in love
And liken us to Him above.

For that we grab and hold will die
But flowing gifts will multiply
The Giver none could ere out-give
So like the Giver, we should live.

Freed to freely preach the Word
In spite of danger, boldly spurred
To spread the news that He's alive
And stir the faith of all to thrive.

No cross, or grave, or prison cell
Can stop the news of love we tell
That Christ, once crucified now lives
And daily bread for hungry gives

The Light has come to dark dispel
And of our loving Father tell
Yet some prefer the dark to Light
For evil are their works of night.

Don't hide amid the shadows long
But come to Light where you belong
Confess your sin, repent and see
The Light of Life is calling thee.

Let not the truth be silent now
Nor to the whims of evil bow
But stand amid their threats of pain
To everlasting honor gain.

The lies repeated o'er and o'er
Remain a lie forevermore
Though evil tries to call it true
It's but another trap for you.

Believe the evidence that's clear.
The martyrs, and their faith sincere.
He lives and reigns who once was dead
Who gave Himself that man be fed.

No lie can bring one peace and joy
Perhaps some pleasure, like a toy
But truth alone will win the day
When all the lies are washed away.

Then shining brightly, like the sun
We'll meet the Father and the Son
The Spirit too will be our guide
And all we need He will provide.

A harvest worker make of me
A one that loaves and fishes see
And bring them to the Lord to bless
So He might every need address

If men of faith but understood
The little that we have is good
He multiplies to fill the need
If we, but to His call will heed.

A humble Virgin thus became
A woman of unending fame
Because she answered well the call 
And offered God her little ALL.

Apostles too, were whipped to shame
But rather found eternal fame
In bearing wounds the Savior bore
By giving all He's asking for.

Choose from among you seven men
With wisdom and the Spirit when
They see the needs that must be filled
And act in ways the Father willed

Lay hands on them to serve as Christ
Who let their wills be sacrificed
To serve in love as Jesus taught
And bring about the justice sought.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

3/31/24 Through 4/6/24

 3/31/24 Through 4/6/24

He is not here, He has been raised
Forever now His name be praised
He conquered death and rose to life
Forever gone, the sin and strife

Now evil's shown for what it is,
The opposite of all that's His.
The lack of goodness, peace, and love.
No place for such in land above.

But first, before we see that day
We must teach others well the Way
To let His Gospel grow and swell
'Till all the earthly bound we tell.

Just fifty days before, they fled,
Denied Him as the Teacher said
They lost their nerve and ran away
What change occurred upon this day?

The Spirit came in tongues of fire
Calling them to places higher
Spurring them to bear much fruit
And make His Way their life's pursuit.

Alive He is, and well they knew
The pow'r of hell He overthrew
The fear of death no longer swayed
His call to preach, they all obeyed.

So too, He calls believers now
To spread the Gospel word somehow
And not be cowed by fear or shame
But boldly speak of Jesus' name

His Spirit, filling jars of clay
Can move a mountain in the way
And lead the sinner to repent
That he as well, be also sent.

Receive the fire and find anew
The special gifts He has for you
Then use them to proclaim the word
Until all men on earth have heard.

Go announce the morning news
Apostles first, and then to Jews
And then to every nation round
That life beyond the grave is found.

Forgiveness of our every sin
For those repentant deep within
The chains of sin can fall away
For love is shown to rule the day.

Be known to me in broken bread
By such as this my spirit fed
This gift so fine received today
To lead me on in Heaven's way

Alive You are at every turn
Oh, let the heart within me burn
And recognize that You are real
At every daily sacred meal.

No more unworthily received
But every word of yours believed
A humble servant list'ning well
To every precious word You tell

Obedient at Your command
To every hardship well withstand
With love the motivation used
And never what You ask refused.

All that's needed you well know
To in My love and graces grow
The history is there to see
I came, true love, to show to thee

I know your weakness, every one
But through My passiontide, I won
The vict'ry over death and sin
That man could now, new life begin.

My mercy covers every sin
Find peace and joy again within
Get up each time you fall and see
With mercy I will greeteth thee

Your every weakness I have known
But grace is stronger, this I've shown
United with My Father, grow
And grace abundant you will know.

Returning to their former ways
They hoped to clear the milky haze
But after long and empty hours
They see again the Savior's powers

He meets them on the shore with food
And there another meal ensued
With broken bread to clear the eyes
And prove that after death we rise.

Not once or twice, or even three
He shows Himself alive to be
Alive, and with a task for them
A task to spread the Word to men

Abandon self and spread the Word
'Till everyone on Earth has heard
One name alone by which we're saved
Is Jesus Christ, the Way who paved.

Don't cower to the evil men
But let them see His pow'r again
And boldly speak of what you know
That little ones, in faith, can grow.

Each must judge what's right each day
And what or whom we should obey
We can't deny what God has done
Nor that we killed His only Son.

We could repent and find a crown
Or turn away and double down
The choice remains for every day
To turn to God or turn away.

There's fullness in the Son of Man
And living out the Father's plan,
But emptiness and guile await
The fool that wants to turn too late

The time is now, so don't delay
Repent and wash the sins away
Then spread the news both far and wide,
Humility has conquered pride.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

3/24/24 Through 3/30/24

 3/24/24 Through 3/30/24

From there within the upper room
To on the deadly Cross of gloom
He made no effort to escape,
But set about to minds reshape.

To show no terror changes truth
For aged man, or tender youth
Each suffering in love endured
Unitl, at last, our debt secured.

With the costly oil anointed
Now for death the Lord appointed
Sweet pefume now fills the air
A traitor though is lurking there.

Betrayed in oh, so many ways
As fast approach the final days
Most unaware of how they sin
Until His eyes will gaze within.

And when His gaze shall meet our eyes
We either love or then despise.
Repent and let His mercy flow,
Or turn and only judgment know.

My Lord, for mercy here I plead
Forgiveness of my sin I need
Though scarlet, You can make as snow
That everlasting life I know.

Surely not I, surely not I
His closest of friends that evening would cry
Twas the end drawing near, and Apostles in fear
Couldn't dream that the Savior would die.

Two eons now past, and the Cross fully cast
A sign of great love unsurpassed
Yet still we betray the great love shown that day
And plead mercy for sins we've amassed.

May never we fear to return and to clear
The slate which we splatter and smear.
By sin we are signed with the fall of mankind
But Jesus still holds us as dear.

On the night of that Last Supper
Here no lamb of cloven hooves,
But a man alike no other
Boundless love the Lover proves.
Bending low in humble service
So, foreboding mountain moves.

Now the humble Lamb is offered
Spotless One for sinful man
By His blood the garden watered
Bowing to the Father's plan.
Flesh and blood for daily living
Nourish like no other can.

Oh, the wickedness we muster
When our pride is undermined
As a band of thieves we cluster
With ungodly wills aligned.

Death to Him exposing evil!
We shall make the rules our way.
As the man and wife primeval
Chose back then, we choose today.

How the fallen need a Savior!
Mercy and forgiveness too.
Turn our vile, corrupt behavior
Into loving only You.

Lamb of God and Perfect Victim
Make my soul your dwelling place
On the Cross You gave the dictum,
Shower mercy, Shower grace.

Lord, change my heart to listen well
Change my will to then obey
Lord, save me from the flames of Hell
Let me follow well Your way.

What emptiness, what time surreal!
In truth, He died and here I kneel.
None ere like He had come before
And now there's emptiness once more.

Our dreams of love and hope have died
For Him they scourged and crucified.
A shameful death for One so good,
By men, cannot be understood.

What now? Does evil reign supreme?
Such love that man has never seen
Was given death by sinful men.
What fool would ever love again?

Our every hope, in horror, gone.
To gloom, despair, and sorrow drawn.
If evil truly conquers good,
His life will ne'er be understood.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

3/17/24 Through 3/23/24

 3/17/24 Through 3/23/24

For this is why the Savior came
To set the hearts of men aflame
To show them one that freely dies
Is one, the faith, that multiplies.

For when we give without reserve
And those less fortunate we serve
We die to self and life obtain
For loss of self is always gain.

Why shy away from trouble now
For every trial builds somehow
Our bridge to life eternal there
In happiness beyond compare.

One guilty and one innocent
Both saved by grace alone.
A Savior, by the Father sent
Revealing that unknown.

The veil of secrecy that shrouds 
The evil that's within
May make for man, concealing clouds,
Of all their sordid sin.

But when, by grace, the truth is known
The evil slips away
For when their wickedness is known
They'll be the ones to pay.

But if one turns from wicked ways
Repentant and contrite,
The Son whose love and mercy saves
Will lead them to the Light.

Joseph, man of humble service
Be my guide and confidant
Trial may not make me nervous
Be there pain, or be there want.

You endured the trials many
Quiet, calm, and trusting God
As more loving man than any,
Man all men should praise and laud.

Help me imitate Your bearing
List'ning well as You have done
Always patient, always sharing
Father of His precious Son.

To choose the furnace over life
Preferring so the earthly strife
To life eternal without God
They showed the earthly god a fraud.

Their God of truth and honored glory
Writes a new and different story
Cooling there within the flames
Those three steadfast and holy names.

And today we face a culture
Cancelling those whom they oppose
Like the hungry circling vulture
Only death what they expose.

Faithful witnesses are needed
Showing God, the One they heeded
Choosing now the earthly flame
To win an everlasting name.

A covenant with Abraham
From many years ago
At last, A Sacrificial Lamb
Whose soul was white as snow.

If Abraham our father be
Then we would too rejoice
For now fulfilled, what promised He
Once by the Father's voice.

A land where milk and honey flow
Was promised for the few
A place where faithful people go
Is opened now for you.

Don't pass it by and lose this chance
To reconcile your soul
The blood and water from the lance
Will heal and make you whole.

So many blind to how we share
In wickedness and sin
How sins of which we're not aware
Contribute to the din

Refusal to repent shall be
The greatest sin of all
Our willful blindness we shall see
Is that which makes us fall.

Lord, clear our eyes and help us find
Repentance for our sin.
Give us then Your peace of mind
And welcome us within.

The Kingdom's here, but not yet there
For fallen man sins everywhere
But Christ has come to sanctify,
To show men how to live and die.

A father teaches young in love
About the wonders up above
Where wills once molded straight and true
Fulfill the promise made to you.

So too, this Kingdom reigns below
To that extent which men will grow
Beyond their selfish will to see
With eyes affixed eternally.

Our job is to a witness be
That those in sin might also see
That Christ has died to sinners show
His Kingdom's also here below.

If we but trust, we too will find
The gift of self brings peace of mind
And when we seek another's good
We act the way that Jesus would.