Saturday, November 28, 2020

12/13/20 Through 12/19/20

 12/13/20 Through 12/19/20

In joyful praise give thanks to God,
Be steadfast all your days.
To whom you pray is not some fraud,
But One the wise obeys.

Each one a purpose, clear, distinct,
No other can fulfill.
To many others, each is linked
Within His holy will.

So be a means of grace to those
You meet throughout the day.
Show others, how in joy you chose
To thank Him as you pray.

We may not see or ever know
How God has used our day,
But patient love and kindness show,
He answers when we pray.

Not always though, as we would like,
But always for our good.
Our role is to be childlike,
And trust Him as we should.

Connecting dots, quite clear I see 
That Balaam was a bit like me.
Both knowing God and knowing not,
The awesome gift that he had got.

So too, the Pharisee did know,
John's teaching was the way to go.
In pride, refusing to repent
Those hypocrites away were sent.

For action is required where
The truth is known, and come to bear.
Conviction in our ways of sin
So growth at last, could then begin.

My every word received from You
The source of good in all I do.
Alone, one worthy of no praise.
His grace, the blessing of my days.

One poor, without an offering,
Yet all my sins,  to Him I bring,
And beg for Mercy's healing grace
That in His blood, my sins erase.

I often try, but cannot hide,
The depth of selfishness inside
That often leads my heart astray,
Instead of leading to obey.

But with Your grace, I'll change the mind
Then meek and humble often find
Your way, it is that brings the joy,
If I would just Your grace employ.

No longer wonder who is He,
Who makes lame walk and blind men see.
The leper's cleansed, the deaf man hears
The dead are raised, and poor He cheers.

No other One who forms the light
Created darkness for the night,
Makes good health and brings the woe,
He is the One that all should know.

Like gentle rain, let justice fall.
Let earth be open to His call.
From time's beginning, none but He,
And all the earth should plainly see.

All knees shall bend, all tongues confess,
The humble soul, His words shall bless.
And vindication just shall see.
For wicked, flames eternally.

In family lies a history,
A story that is His.
Of faith, and those who fall away,
Of every kind that is.

We look and see a varied group
Of saints and sinners too.
Each one a flavor in the soup
That brings us down to you.

We see when looking back on those
How God has used each one.
Even shameful, as the keys
To whom you've now become.

But now the choice is up to you
To pass the faith along.
To be a saint in all you do,
Or one to do the wrong.

What ere the past, it's up to you.
To set the future course
So think of this in all you do,
Make love your driving force.

A savory spice, or bitter herb
The choice is up to you.
No matter which, you will disturb
The flavor of the stew.

A man of gracious, humble heart
Refused to let her suffer shame.
Decided quietly to part,
Till in a dream, the angel came.

And said, "Don't worry, true is she
He's chosen in virginity."
To bear the Son of God and be
The One to set the captives free.

The gift of life, so great a gift
No other can compare.
It passes by so very swift
Oft times we're unaware.

Of all that He has done for us
In oh, so many ways.
So take a moment and discuss
How He is due our praise.

Each time we see an infant there
Newborn of love's embrace.
It takes us to the Godhead where
We see Him face to face.

Each face a mirror of His love,
Each one afresh and new.
Each turns our thoughts to Him above
Who sends the morning dew.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

12/6/20 Through 12/12/20

 12/6/20 Through 12/12/20

With Your Spirit, Lord descend,
Grant the grace to make amends.
Give the courage, each to change.
Priorities to rearrange.

For only by Your gift can we
A kind and patient people be.
Self must die and You must live,
So we can learn to freely give.

Our simple minds constrained in time,
To greater height would quickly climb
If we accepted, offered grace,
And made our hearts Your dwelling place.

So come to each that we might grow.
Our need for change, now clearly show.
And courage give to every soul
To take the steps to be made whole.

Abundant flowers blooming here
As that blessed day draws near.
The splendor of our God is shown
To those that love, and make Him known.

Knees made strong and hands restored.
Our God alone, be then adored.
The tongue will sing exultant praise,
And joy shall reign for endless days.

There shall eyes be clear to see
What sin has lost eternally.
And there the Son shall free at last
Those paralyzed by sinful past.

I heard You in the Garden,
But was naked and afraid.
What was pure began to harden,
And my innocence to fade.

The tree looked so enticing,
And its fruit so good and sweet.
I never stopped for pricing
What it cost for me to eat.

The woman and the serpent both
Agreed that I should take,
Ignoring now Your solemn oath,
That sin would trouble make.

But in Your kindness, Thou hast made
Another, Full of Grace.
Pure tabernacle that obeyed,
Perfection of our race.

Through her words, "Thy will be done."
The evil overturned.
The Virgin bore Thine only Son,
And righteousness returned.

Forgiveness for the wayward one,
The Garden now restored.
Our eyes beset upon Your Son,
And evil thoughts ignored.

Put your head up into heaven,
Not the other way around.
Let your life become a leaven,
To lift up the one that's down.

Know ye not who is the Lord,
He that made the skies above?
Never faint, never weary,
He alone, our God of love.

Gracious and merciful, bountiful Lord,
On parched land, and desert, and wasteland outpoured.
The worm and the maggot You grasp by the hand
Saying, Fear not, salvation for you I have planned.

The poor and the needy seek water in vain.
Parched with thirst are the tongues of those lacking in rain.
You will answer them Lord, and forget not their pain,
As rivers and fountains break forth on the plain.

Now the trees and the plants of their various kinds,
Throughout all the wasteland, the humble now finds.
The faithful may know, and the lowly ones see,
That our God be the One that is caring for thee.

If only you would hear and learn
From wickedness and evil turn,
And then be like the planted tree
By running streams, with yield for thee.

A river, Your prosperity,
And vindication, waves of sea.
Your stock, the grains upon the shore.
Cut off from God be nevermore.

But all His efforts cast aside,
Unrepenting of their pride.
A fool, the Christian in their eyes,
But time reveals the truly wise.

Patron of our blessed land,
You fulfilled what God had planned.
Hearts were changed and garments rent
When to the people, you were sent.

Ungodly ways abandoned when
The true and lasting Great Amen,
Conceived within your blessed womb
Was recognized, a Godly bloom.

Again reveal your blessed Son.
Make known to all, there's Only One
That we must quickly, now repent,
To gain our rightful president.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

11/29/20 Through 12/5/20

 11/29/20  Through 12/5/20

Would that You would rend the skies,
And there before believing eyes
Have come and found us doing good,
As every Christian person should.

But withered leaves, polluted rags,
We offer You in filthy bags.
Not one among us pure and clean
Our every sinful act You've seen.

So  mold us at Your Potter's wheel,
Make our repentance firm and real.
Grant us along this Advent way
The grace to serve You well today.

An empty net beside the sea,
A voice that echoed, "Follow Me."
St. Andrew recognized the King,
And many others would he bring.

Lord, help me follow well his lead,
And grant me all the grace I need,
To many others, show the way,
And faithful servant be, I pray.

Anxious to more souls convince,
When faced with pain, he did not wince.
He counted all his gain as loss,
And joyfully embraced the cross.

Grant me a measure of such grace
To honor You in every place,
And join my suffering to You
That You should bless the things I do.

So drastically, He turns around
The way the things on earth are found.
The child leads the wild beast
On grass the lamb and lion feast.

Let such a change be done in me
That those I know could plainly see
This change the Lord has brought about,
To make of me a soul devout.

It's real, and not some fantasy.
With open eyes, I now can see.
How foolish is the world's way
And gifts abundant when I pray.

Juicy rich food, and pure choice wine,
A promise His, and hope of mine.
A broken web, the veil removed,
Now powerless, has death been proved.

Tears be gone, the face be cleaned,
The Lord of all has intervened.
Rejoice, be glad, His hand is shown.
His favor rests on all His own.

To hear and act upon His word
Is not to act in ways absurd,
But building a foundation strong
To stand for right and face the wrong.

The proud be trampled in the dust,
But welcomed in the ones who trust.
And those who hear, but won't obey
Are far along destruction's way.

My light and my salvation Lord,
One thing I ask of Thee.
Have pity on Your helpless ward.
For Lord, I want to see.

For faith, You granted eyes could see,
And sent us on our way.
How could such thing, a secret be,
That brightened every day?

No more a secret, all should know,
Our Savior, Thou art He.
To only One the poor should go,
For there salvation be.

Lord open other eyes like mine
That all the world could see
You are the loving, fruitful Vine,
No other is like Thee.

Oh Lord, what brings that blessed day
When all is right in every way?
Where tears are gone and bread is found,
And running streams are all around.

Where meadows broad, and lush with green
And fattened sheep are often seen,
Where clear Your voice is recognized
And truth is never compromised?

Blest are those that wait for You
That praise Your name, and what You do.
For great the wisdom You supply,
And always true, Your quick reply. 

No longer sheep with shepherd gone,
But to the Shepherd, all are drawn,
And sent to gather others in
To peace and love, where strife had been.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

11/22/20 Through11/28/20

 11/22/20 Through11/28/20

When Christ shall come, the morn shall rise
And dark be overcome.
The veil be lifted, clear the skies,
And loudly sound the drum.

The scattered sheep be gathered in,
And rescued be the stray,
For now, is judgment of the sin,
That fearful, final day.

When now be known our every sin,
Or kindness left undone.
Our hope is but that Mercy win,
And each be named a son.

But unrepentant goats will be
Cast out to lands below,
And humble servants then shall see 
Their God they long to know.

She offered all she had to give,
All that on which she had to live.
And trusting in the Master's care
She hesitated not to share.

For love outweighs the riches here.
No wealth of earth be held so dear
As that which lies beyond the grave,
And that which holds the pow'r to save.

Chastised a little, greatly blest
The faithful servant passed the test.
That fateful day was thus endured,
And life eternal, thus secured.

In days of ease and times of wealth,
In youthful vigor, and good health,
We seldom think of how we'll be
When facing our eternity.

But age creeps in by subtle ways,
Then aches and pains soon fill our days,
And then through cloudy eyes we see,
We're unprepared eternally.

So we must learn before too late
To suffer well and compensate
For all the many failings when
The easy way we chose again.

Give grace to those though old and gray
Who want to find the narrow way,
To raise their daily cross and find
Acceptance and some peace of mind.

A martyr great, they may not be,
But one like holy ones, we see
Embracing all the Lord allows,
And using grace that He endows.

Worthy of some persecution,
Maybe even execution.
Such is what we're called to be
If truly we belong to Thee.

Chastised yes, but unrepentant,
To the clueless and the stray sent
To reveal the truth and see
How much this Jesus means to thee.

No worries then how to defend,
Upon the Spirit, you'll depend.
He will grant a wisdom then
To marvel kings, and baffle men.

The final days, a dreaded thought,
No more is ease or plenty bought.
The wealth that hid our sinful ways
Is of no use those final days.

The lies now caged, then truth be known,
With lust and greed then overthrown,
No more shall evil ways pollute,
But freed, the poor and destitute.

The wedding invitations sent
To those, in sorrow, who repent.
Who come once stained, but washed in blood,
Who weathered every storm and flood.

For some be terror, fear, and fright,
For those who made their wrong seem right.,
But for the meek and humble poor,
Now endless peace and love secure.

The end be drawing nearer still
The signs are all about.
Yet wise and learned often will
Have chose another route.

To where it leads, the truth be known,
The sane would never go.
For there, are seeds of hatred grown,
And everyone's a foe.

Be not a fool, but read the signs
That call us to repent.
Be sure your way, with His aligns,
And be your time well spent.

That day will come for every man,
Be vigilant and pray.
Not one escaped since time began,
The faithful and the stray.

So gird your loins, take courage now,
Be faithful, and be true.
May God, with you, the strength endow
To stand, and love pursue.