Saturday, November 21, 2020

12/6/20 Through 12/12/20

 12/6/20 Through 12/12/20

With Your Spirit, Lord descend,
Grant the grace to make amends.
Give the courage, each to change.
Priorities to rearrange.

For only by Your gift can we
A kind and patient people be.
Self must die and You must live,
So we can learn to freely give.

Our simple minds constrained in time,
To greater height would quickly climb
If we accepted, offered grace,
And made our hearts Your dwelling place.

So come to each that we might grow.
Our need for change, now clearly show.
And courage give to every soul
To take the steps to be made whole.

Abundant flowers blooming here
As that blessed day draws near.
The splendor of our God is shown
To those that love, and make Him known.

Knees made strong and hands restored.
Our God alone, be then adored.
The tongue will sing exultant praise,
And joy shall reign for endless days.

There shall eyes be clear to see
What sin has lost eternally.
And there the Son shall free at last
Those paralyzed by sinful past.

I heard You in the Garden,
But was naked and afraid.
What was pure began to harden,
And my innocence to fade.

The tree looked so enticing,
And its fruit so good and sweet.
I never stopped for pricing
What it cost for me to eat.

The woman and the serpent both
Agreed that I should take,
Ignoring now Your solemn oath,
That sin would trouble make.

But in Your kindness, Thou hast made
Another, Full of Grace.
Pure tabernacle that obeyed,
Perfection of our race.

Through her words, "Thy will be done."
The evil overturned.
The Virgin bore Thine only Son,
And righteousness returned.

Forgiveness for the wayward one,
The Garden now restored.
Our eyes beset upon Your Son,
And evil thoughts ignored.

Put your head up into heaven,
Not the other way around.
Let your life become a leaven,
To lift up the one that's down.

Know ye not who is the Lord,
He that made the skies above?
Never faint, never weary,
He alone, our God of love.

Gracious and merciful, bountiful Lord,
On parched land, and desert, and wasteland outpoured.
The worm and the maggot You grasp by the hand
Saying, Fear not, salvation for you I have planned.

The poor and the needy seek water in vain.
Parched with thirst are the tongues of those lacking in rain.
You will answer them Lord, and forget not their pain,
As rivers and fountains break forth on the plain.

Now the trees and the plants of their various kinds,
Throughout all the wasteland, the humble now finds.
The faithful may know, and the lowly ones see,
That our God be the One that is caring for thee.

If only you would hear and learn
From wickedness and evil turn,
And then be like the planted tree
By running streams, with yield for thee.

A river, Your prosperity,
And vindication, waves of sea.
Your stock, the grains upon the shore.
Cut off from God be nevermore.

But all His efforts cast aside,
Unrepenting of their pride.
A fool, the Christian in their eyes,
But time reveals the truly wise.

Patron of our blessed land,
You fulfilled what God had planned.
Hearts were changed and garments rent
When to the people, you were sent.

Ungodly ways abandoned when
The true and lasting Great Amen,
Conceived within your blessed womb
Was recognized, a Godly bloom.

Again reveal your blessed Son.
Make known to all, there's Only One
That we must quickly, now repent,
To gain our rightful president.

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