Sunday, June 25, 2023

7/9/23 Through 7/15/23

 7/9/23 Through 7/15/23

What little ones have come to know
In innocence takes root to grow
And in humility we find
The Father's will and peace of mind

Come you burdened, all who labor
Come and find a peaceful rest
Come and bring a welcome neighbor
All your worries here divest

A woman on the fringes tries
To follow Him with steadfast eyes
To find a way to touch the hem
And so, her flow of blood to stem

When so she does, and sure enough
The power from that simple touch
Did cure her malady and gain
Her place of everlasting fame

For many read her story now
And seek to find a cure somehow
To maladies of every kind,
Both physical and in the mind

And oft-repeated since that day
For simple souls who humbly pray
The smallest touch from Love Divine
Can cure the aching heart of thine.

Here the harvest rich and new
Awaits a gathering by you
Here are crops that richly grew
But those to harvest them are few

Don't leave the crops to bloom and fade
For that's not why each plant was made
For each could feed a myriad
If we but harvest labor had.

When hunger comes we seek the bread
For then we see by whom we're fed
When all within our power's gone
We turn to where all power's drawn

In times of plenty we forget
That all we have is but our debt
To God alone who gives us all
And to complacency, we fall

So look around and blessings see
The many ways He cares for thee
Then give Him glory, honor too
And know how much He blesses you

One day at a time and we'll see in the end
How deftly they're woven and beautifully blend
In the tapestry of the Lord's mighty will
Where trials seemed empty, and colors now fill.

The grace of the moment, the key to it all
The means that by which we answer the call
Our every success that we see in the end
Did only on grace and acceptance depend

Oh, grant me a will that will see and respond
With every success, only strengthen the bond
Let me never succumb to evil desire
But lead me to sing in the heavenly choir.

Among the wolves, a single sheep
To faithfully her vigil keep
Of prayer unto the God above
Who filled her with self-giving love

The Lily of the Mohawks glowed
And graces from her freely flowed
When after death was clearly shown
The face before, which God had known.

His good returned for evil
His blessings for his foes
God's provident retrieval
To free them from their woes

The elders serve the younger
They bow to him in shame
The one to slake their hunger
His brothers will reclaim

Prefiguring a Savior
For all of man to come
Benevolent behavior
Reflective of the Son

Dreamer's dream beholding
With sun and moon, and stars
In truth, his dream unfolding
But healing distant scars.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

7/2/23 Through 7/8/23

 7/2/23 Through 7/8/23

A cup of water, cold and clear
Could be the means of drawing near
Could be our way to serve the Lord
And could repay a great reward

For none our actions go unseen
And each will serve to prune or preen
A place above or down below
As quality of actions show

So clear, our works will point the way
Despite what some of faith will say
For works reflect what's in the heart
And so, a picture true impart.

Belief is more than what we see
But how it makes us change
It's how the faith reflects in me
And what I rearrange.

The faith must change my sinful ways
Renew a course of love
Denying self throughout the days
To plot a course above.

No turning back. No turning back.
A way be cleared from the attack
But those who turn to see what's lost
Shall pay a mighty heavy cost.

Away from sin, our gaze must train
For our prosperity to reign.
Secured by Love that reigns on high
Despite the evil drawing nigh

For though He seems to answer not
His promises are not forgot
And when the tempest wind will blow
To calm the sea, to Him we go.

So, cut the ties of sin that draw
And cling unto His holy law
For there we find our source of life
And pathway through whatever strife

The freeborn gets the better share
But slave is not forgotten there
A promise too, bestowed on him
Albeit lesser, somewhat grim.

For only in the pure and free
Is proper worship given Thee
When all is given, all obtained
But some in slavery still chained.

The slave can blessings still receive
But never excellence achieve
Until they shed the chain of sin
And fully welcome Christ within.

Our trust is that which sets apart
So trust in God with all your heart
His grace shall come and not be late
So pray, not letting trust abate

As through the Red Sea waters led
As in the desert, daily fed
As on the altar, Isaac laid
So on the cross, our debt He paid

So many times, so many ways
Our God is there throughout our days
To cure the sick and heal the lame
And spark within the Spirit's flame

But we must answer when He calls
As trust of Abraham recalls
With nothing held as in reserve
And so, our Promised Land preserve.

Just walk away and don't look back
Within His will you'll never lack
His grace provides for all we need
If we His kind instructions heed.

So let Him heal your sickly soul
And make of you, a human whole
For when He occupies the heart
The evil ways of man depart.

The skins of love are fresh and new
But skins of law are old, like you
The new will stretch to fit the wine
But old will sever from the vine.

So, recognize the wine that's new
And make afresh the skin that's you
For love will grow the heart within
And needs a fresh and supple skin

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

In the Presence of the Savior

To the tune of "Of the Father's Love Begotten"

In the presence of the Savior 
Here before the Holy bread 
Hearts are open and available 
Ready for the word that’s said. 
Here more than another setting 
Find HIm ready here at hand 
Evermore and evermore 
Come as sinner here before Him
One repentant and contrite
He the Victim slain for sinners
He the Victor in the fight
Never known was such redemption
Never known such shining light
Evermore and evermore
Resting here is truly resting 
Where the peace and calm abide
Here adoring Holy Presence
Loving Groom before His Bride
Silence filling every moment
Words in truth, the Truth belied 
Evermore and evermore   

6/25/23 Through 7/1/23

 6/25/23 Through 7/1/23

All fear dispelled by perfect love
Our home not here, but up above
For there we see in clearest light
Futility of useless fright.

For One who's numbered every hair
Has promised He will take us where
No moth or worm could e'er destroy
Nor evil sentiments annoy.

The splinter seen across the way
Is not as bad as people say
But far too often that we see
Before the beam that lies in me.

How clear the sin that's not our own
But blinded eyes have clearly shown
The beam that lies within shall blind
Unless the truth, at last, we find.

The way that few will travel down
Will lead not to a bustling town
But lead unto a quiet way
For those inclined to Him obey

The wide and easy beckons here
The road is broad and way is clear
Come travel where the masses go
With all the wealthy friends you know.

In life, the promise never seen
But from the point of hist'ry glean
Far more than mind could comprehend
And still, His progenies extend.

Great faith He promises shall be
For miracles, the finest key
For naught is done without belief
So trust, at last, He'll bring relief.

The timing never quite our own
But always, in the end, is shown
To be the best and quite sublime
And far above the thoughts of mine

Peter and Paul were two men of Good News
Unlikely they be, but ones that You choose
To pass on the Gospel to all of mankind
To offer Your mercy, to loose and to bind.

Each Christian a role in the plan of the King
The Gospel of love, to the masses we bring
By ones or by thousands, we answer the call 
For only by such will we get to them all

The question is what shall we do in this day
To further the cause of expanding the Way
Just look to your neighbor of everyday fare
And find a new way to show that you care.

For one at a time is the most common way
And best is the Gospel expressed here today
When joy is apparent through trial and pain
Disciples anew, and the masses we'll gain.

A name that's given thee in love
Becomes a sign of such thereof
Declaring who and what you are
Beloved lamb, or shining star.

What's in a name some never know
Or to the deeper meaning go
But in the name, we'll find the key
To who or what, a child shall be

So, wisely choose a name you give
That in such aspect they shall live
To follow on the narrow way
And never turn or fall away.

A lack of faith the laugh reveals
A withered body youth conceals
A pagan soldier clearly sees
The cure for every ill disease

Are you a one to recognize,
Or one to simply turn the eyes
Away from that, we see as bread
And fail to see by whom we're fed?

Sunday, June 4, 2023

6/18/23 Through 6/24/23

 6/18/23 Through 6/24/23

The harvest is rich, but the laborers few.
The question is now, is He calling forth you,
To be a farm worker and gather the grain
Ignoring the trials and passion and pain?

The answer is, Sure!, for He speaks to us all 
And sheep are expected to answer His call.
We can't sit around in the comfort of home
While people are crying or dying alone.

Be friend and companion, be leader and guide
Walk with the poor and the sick at their side
For God of the harvest is calling you now
And giving the gifts to show you just how.

Mary, help of sinners
Turn to us today
Turn the weak to winners
Teach us how to pray

Mary, font of graces
Pour on us we pray
In our varied places
What we need this day

Mary, poor and humble
Graced with eagle's wings
Help us all who stumble
Heal the wound that stings

Mary, help the outcast
Miscreant, ill-famed
Raise the low and downcast
Those of sin ashamed

Hide within your bosom
Sinners that you see
Be a tender cushion,
Make a place for me.

The love of God extends to all
Both those who stand and those who fall
Our love is called to be like He
For friend or foe, or enemy

The comfort zone we know so well 
For here, we many stories tell
All so familiar, fits so good
Just like a well-made puzzle should.

Discomfort zone not quite the same
Exposing us to taunt and shame
Yet we must answer to this call
To meet at last, the Lord of all

The Oh-zone follows up from there
Where God provides the daily fare
So high above the other zones
For this the one our Savior owns

It's here we simply marvel when
We see our Lord at work again
How He can take our little seed
And then a group of thousands feed

The Ohs of wonder, fear, and awe
Explode at what the docile saw
That when the poor and humble pray
Great things will come if we obey.

Our comfort's not the thing we need
But willingness to not succeed
And know the world's is not the way
But simply, lovingly obey.

Then ohs of wonder joy and fame
Will follow on His Holy Name
For then we peek above the skies
And get a glimpse of Truly Wise.

Quite enough to say "Our Father"
That alone will set the stage
Why should God attend or bother
But His children to engage?

That alone conveys the message
God is love and want for good
Prophets those who dimly presage
Christ, the Light, within them stood.

The treasure stored, a useless lot
But blessings used, not so.
For what have wealthy peasants got
For where they want to go?

Their wealth decayed and rotten in
A few short years below.
With nothing there to help them in
To where they want to go.

A messenger to break the news
In varied small degrees
To show the way of life to choose
And how, our God, to please

Repent and turn away from sin
Behold the candle's flame
In doing so, new life begin
Accepting rightful blame.

Foundational to life with Him
Is turning from our sin
And raising up a joyful hymn
When all is clean within.