Tuesday, December 27, 2022

1/8/23 Through 1/14/23

 1/8/23 Through 1/14/23

Come ye all from every land
Obey His word and each command
See the King anew has come
For God has sent His only Son.

Dawn has broken from on high
His star has risen in the sky
Let kings on earth be humbled now
And kings of earth before Him bow.

Oh star of Bethlehem rejoice
All listen now to hear His voice
The King of kings we must obey
For all on earth shall see decay.

But those who place their trust in He
Forever fresh will always be.
The moth and worm on earth destroy
But none can fade what we enjoy.

The way has been prepared quite well
Of this the Bible stories tell
So too, by those who came before
And taught to love forevermore.

But choice in every life is made
To follow how the Savior bade
Or choose a way of selfish sin
Not welcoming the Spirit in.

I pray that I may so prepare
A way that shows how much I care
A way that leads the young to know
The way of love that they should go.

All evil subject to his word
The demons all around have heard
That One  with great authority
Has come to set the captives free.

Not one that suffers more than He
But those rejecting of His plea
To take His yoke and burden light
And find the pathway through the night.

For suffering that comes our way
Can be for us the light of day
To make us more and more like He
Who died for us upon the tree.

For all you've seen and yet you turn
When will this people ever learn?
The signs are clear, the Savior's come
Yet still the soul remains as numb.

What work could e're convince the mind
The gift of sight for one born blind,
A corpse arising from the dead,
Or One's true flesh as simple bread?

The poor believe because they see.
In all His works, the way to Thee
The perfect love that soothes the soul
And makes the broken sinner whole.

So wait no longer come and know
The way to peace and love we go.
By giving all we thus receive
The boundless love to which we cleave.

We enter into rest with Him
By turning from the dark and dim.
By trusting in the way He leads
And taking daily what He feeds

For sure our sins He does forgive
That we might truly learn to live
With mercy always ready found
Where Christ as King alone is crowned.

It's there that rest is truly known
Where love is always ready shown
Where all will place the other fore
And never heard are sounds of war.

Two simple words of "Follow Me"
Would set the tax collector free
To each the same two words are said
That hungry souls be richly fed.

How sharp the words that slice between
The joints and marrow cutting clean
With soul and spirit severed there
To show our nakedness so bare

His word when sifted every day
Will prune and trim in that same way
And draw us always further in
To turn us always far from sin.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

1/1/23 Through 1/7/23

 1/1/23 Through 1/7/23

The glorious title of Mother of God
Belongs to the Virgin the angels applaud
Whose "Yes" brought the world a Savior anew
And the One, from the cross, made her Mother of you.

Be one that clearly points the way
So all would learn and know to pray
Like John who daily called to turn
That man forever would not burn

So few today that know the way
That daily now have learned to pray
If we neglect Good News to share
Then we as well had best beware

Our labors too must point the way
To those we meet throughout the day
So all can see how we behave
To conquer o'er the waiting grave.

To be like Him, the Lamb of God
These gracious words my heart applaud
For what a gift to be as one
With God's most holy, precious Son.

But this He offers every time
The bells up in the steeple chime
And yet the few alone will find
The gift to which the most are blind

Let those in bondage wake and see
This daily gift of God to thee
Then come and feast upon this bread
The bread on which the angels fed.

What are you looking for, what do you seek?
One who is wealthy, handsome, and sleek?
Come with me and follow, then your eyes will see
All the world is hollow, solid though is Me.

Something that was seen in me
To catch the Master's eye
A something that would come to be
If love would purify

To love one another, the duty of man
To treat as a brother the poor when you can
To suffer, enduring the wait and the pain
Is none but ensuring your heavenly gain.

Compassion and love are the roots of the gain
Our strength from above that never shall wane.
The Father will give what our labors deserve
He wants us to live without keeping reserve.

Eternal life that you may know
He came to earth to clearly show
Revealing how the all we own
Is love of God for man that's shown

The light that's hid so well by sin
Will welcome those repentant in
Then all that share this light of day
To perfect peace will find their way.

God has shown me many things
But all this knowledge ever brings
Is just how far I still must go
To all His love and power know.

All grace, oh Mary, flows through you
All beauty here on earth, so too.
For God Himself took flesh in you
To save us from the wrong we do.

The majesty of mountains high
That reach unto the waiting sky
Cannot eclipse the yes you gave
That all in sin, your Son would save.

No beauty here on earth below
Compares to that above you know
For one no sin has touched is clean
A beauty only you have seen

12/25/22 Through 12/31/22

 12/25/22 Through 12/31/22

This day is here, A Savior born
His name Emmanuel
In darkness 'fore the chilly morn
The shepherd folk did tell

The Bread of Life, in manger, laid
No room among the inns
To Him have generations bade
Forgiveness of their sins.

With peaceful and courageous hearts
Our Lord of lords the grace imparts
To speak when trials come our way
By giving us the words to say.

The martyrs many lost their lives 
But when the final time arrives
The words they speak have come from God
And perseverance we applaud.

The faith and love of blessed John
The one who laid his head upon
The breast of Perfect Love that day
When Judas chose another way

Such faith and love can teach us now
To make our will, to His will bow
Dear John surrendered giving all,
But Judas spurned the loving call.

So many times I turn away
And follow not the Savior's way
Forgive, forgive, forgive me Lord
To pay this debt I can't afford

Hostile place becomes a haven
Once rejected, now received
Penalties on Pharoah craven
Hope for those who now believed.

Innocents in bitter dying
Suffer in the Savior's stead
But forever they are crying
Christ came to the House of Bread

In Eternal Light they glory
While in anguish far below
Obstinent repeat their story,
Though the truth they clearly know

Here today the Herods many
Truth they claim to make their own
Two one day be worth a penny
When at last real truth is known.

And Joseph humbly there obeyed
In silent waiting, there he prayed
While Babe and mother there were praised
In silence, onward, there he gazed.

Convinced to do His holy will
Not as a hack or shameless shill
But one in trusting humble hope
That always found a way to cope

For many trials came his way
But he would listen every day
To hear the tiny whisper sound
That told him how the way was found

That whisper sound can still be heard
It often comes within the Word
But daily we must seek to find
The piece that offers peace of mind.

A holy family to be
The ever-present goal for me
Have I been what I ought to be
For such a family to see?

Well, sometimes yes and sometimes no
But that's the way it seems to go
Trouble comes when pride arises
In its many sly disguises

If humility was reigning
Troubles all would soon be waning
Make me one humble, wise, and true
That seeing me, they all see You.

The Word is there in every way
At every hour throughout the day
Those who call shall hear His voice
To guide their every daily choice

So call on Him in all you do
Let not the evil capture you
For many come and falsely say
Come follow me, I am the way.

But only One in truth we know
That humbly to the Cross would go
To show His love that knows no bound
So love for all could then be found.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

12/18/22 Through 12/24/22

 12/18/22 Through 12/24/22

Here for but His holy will,
We tend, our days, with fluff to fill
Ignoring that created for
Yet always grabbing more and more.

As Joseph did, so we should do
Forsaking what we want for You.
For You will give the hungry food
To all the ways of death elude.

A Nazarite the child shall be
One dedicated unto Thee.
He'll drink no whiskey, wine, or beer
And man or beast he shall not fear.

The way, he'll make as straight and true
From here, a pathway unto You.
Once barren womb, be filled with joy
For great shall be this little boy.

But worldly look at him each day
And mock his poor and humble way
They fail to listen to his call,
"Repent, or evil shall befall."

Ask for a sign as deep as the sea
Know that the Lord, out-done will not be.
Ask for a sign as high as the sky
Know that the Lord astonishes eye.

Joy is to know Him and know that He loves
In Him, surrounded like fingers in gloves.
Rejoicing and dancing for wills that align
Tis then that the joy of the Lord becomes mine.

For hark, my lover speaks to me,
Arise my dove and come to see
The winter's past and rains have gone
The vine has put her flowers on.

No other joy as such is known
When tender stem is fully grown
And wills align for now they see
Twas You, that motivated me.

My soul, His greatness, ere proclaims
My humble heart His love inflames
All generations call me blest
That God Himself would be my guest.

His mercy shown in every day
He comes to each a different way
Exalting low and humbling high
A sign for all the Lord is nigh

The proud He scattered in conceit
The mighty fall in grim defeat
The hungry filled with all that's good
The poor now stand where wealthy stood

His promise faithful, always true
He makes this fallen world anew
That all might praise forevermore
And all the One True God adore.

Fathers turn hearts of children to God
Thus will they learn to His mercies applaud.
Fathers be gentle and humble, and kind
That children the Lord of all lords they may find

Fathers be faithful and loving and true
For children are watching the all that you do.
When little ones grow to be mothers and men
The story repeats again and again.

So do what you can on earth here below
That all of your children, the Savior, would know.
For faith is a legacy fathers pass on
It's their duty to God for the here and beyond.

Separation from God from the earliest time
For all who committed their crime after crime.
Pushed away by the evil that man had embraced
The people of God, only darkness now faced.

But loved by their God these children of men
Somehow found hope in His promises when
Their evil was multiplied time after time
And the pit was so deep that no one could climb.

But dawn was soon breaking for morning had come.
The King, to the earth, was sending His Son.
With gift of forgiveness for all of our sin,
The gift that would let us common folk in.