Saturday, May 25, 2019

6/9/19 Through 6/15/19

6/9/19 Through 6/15/19

Lord, send once more, Your Spirit down
That all the lost may now be found.
That those in chains would be set free,
And come to know new life in Thee.

In some way help me be so bold
And speak till every heart enfolds
The love You showed upon the cross
And sees their sin as none but loss.

Oh Mary, Queen of Angels come,
And comfort now your dying Son.
Gather tepid souls with thee
To see your Son's divinity.

Strengthen me to stand with you
Beneath the cross in all I do,
And share the depth of love I see
In Him who died for one like me. 

Dear Barnabas encourage me
To offer all, that others see.
To not give up on those that fall,
But help each one to hear their call.

The truth contained within the cross.
One beaten, crowned, contains no dross.
A purity and glory there,
That makes the humble stop and stare.

Before this pure and holy One
I fall and cry, "What have I done?"
The pure I've made to look like sin,
And yet pure Love invites me in.

Lord, remove the veil, I pray
For me, and all I meet today.
Let us see in clearest light,
How sin has drawn the shades of night.

As from the cross, You tore the veil
To once, for all, the dark assail.
That light would shine in every soul,
And every broken heart be whole.

The treasure in this earthen jar
Surpasses seen by man thus far.
So all  may know with certainty
That God, is One who powers me.

Afflicted much, but not constrained
Still spreading love, though bound and chained.
Perplexed, but never in despair,
Maltreated, yet with joyful air.

Within the body, death obscene,
But also joyful life is seen.
Confounding persecution's view,
That death in us, brings life to you.

Filled with grace I wish to be,
That Truth in all I clearly see.
Undeceived by Satan's ploys
Nor drawn away by all his noise.

A man to recognize the true
And follow well in all I do.
To lead the young along the way
And shepherd them to never stray.

One humble and so fully Thine,
Forsaking base desires of mine,
To stay within Your perfect will
And find my every need fulfilled.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

6/2/19 Through 6/8/19

6/2/19 Through 6/8/19

Ascended now above the clouds
The bread and wine alone enshrouds
His blood and body present here
To drive away all sin and fear.

His Spirit now empowers those
Who with the love of God He clothes.
And sends them forth to all the land
To preach the word as God has planned.

Receive the gifts and know it's you
The Lord empowers works to do
So be attentive to the word
And act upon the voice you've heard.

Blest are those who suffer well
Enduring more than words can tell,
Boldly facing evil's glare
Without another worldly care.

Eyes well-focused on the prize
Unwilling to accept their lies
Standing firm on what is true
They place their hope in life anew.

To recognize the end is near
And face its coming without fear
Is joyful for the righteous ones
Who call themselves adopted sons.

For peace will come from living well
And trust in God will always quell
The fear of what is yet unknown
For those who trust in God alone.

The chosen are the ones who hear
And choose to closer yet draw near
Within their soul the truth resounds
Ignoring other useless sounds.

Oh consecrate them all in truth
The aged one, and also youth.
Grant them unity in love
Send the Spirit from above.

In mystery He works His plan
To fill the heart of every man
Confounding those divided souls
Who read, but know not, ancient scrolls.

Our unity His one desire
To fill our hearts with holy fire,
Knowing love beyond all telling
Selfishness and fear dispelling.

He has a work for every word
The ones we've read and ones we've heard.
Revealing truth of how we fail
And how our love, to His, is pale.

Yet somehow still, He calls by name
To change and never be the same.
To simply follow where He leads
And see how love and trust succeeds.

With scripture read each passing day
A new beginning comes your way.
His word a guiding light for you
In all you say and all you do.

He touches in so many ways,
And words are not enough to praise.
For all the world could not contain
Nor books His mighty works explain.

His love surpassing all we know
And Spirit prompting us to go
To spread the news that love has won
The vict'ry through God's only Son

Saturday, May 11, 2019

5/26/19 Through 6/1/19

5/26/19 Through 6/1/19

To you the Advocate will come
With greater depths of love to plumb.
Reminding you of all I've said
And feeding you with daily bread.

These greater depths will challenge you,
But if what lies beyond you knew,
Humility would rule the day
And you would heed the words I say.

But pride insists on casting blame
And tempts you to shout out the name
Of one with whom you closely live
Instead of saying, I forgive.

So let the Spirit flow on ye
That all the world could plainly see 
A follower of Christ is he
Who even loves his enemy.

The Spirit comes to make it clear
The time to make a choice is here.
To stand with Him, the Crucified,
Or cower with the one who lied.

Within a jail in Philippi
A faithful guard was standing by
Amid the stench of sweat and dung
While songs of praise were being sung.

Two beaten bruised, and bloody men
Were singing songs of praise again
Rejoicing in their suffering,
And glorifying Christ the King.

When deep at night an awful quake
Shook prisoners and guard awake.
And though unfettered none would flee,
The guard dropped down and spoke his plea.

Please tell me how to be like you
And live the life of love you do.
Where suffering and pain is braved.
Let me and all my house be saved.

A worshiper of gods unknown
Declares himself the god alone.
And makes the rules on fancy whim
Instead of those received from Him.

The only one whose knowledge can
Transcend the age since time began,
Is one Creator of all things
Who to the simple, wisdom brings.

Some will mourn at pagan's merry
Those who find their ways are scary.
Not a giver, but a taker
Separated from their Maker.

As so oft before we've seen
Opinion doesn't make one clean,
But following the Maker's law,
And giving Him our every flaw.

The weeping ones shall all rejoice
When God rewards their humble choice,
But we must do our best to see
We turn the wicked back to Thee.

Oh how the world was changed by thee
Who answered, yes, to "Follow Me".
Who welcomed in her virgin womb
The Flame of Love to grow and bloom.

Oh Mother of the Word Divine
Please heed this small request of mine,
And bring me to your tender child
That I no longer be defiled.

Our Father, in His name I ask
That You remove my every mask.
And make of me a servant true
Whose greatest love is pleasing You.

Make me so humble, kind and meek
That those who see would also seek
To know the joy of serving You
And seek that joy in all they do.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

5/19/19 through 5/25/19

5/19/19 through 5/25/19

To love one another's the new command
If ever we wish, in His presence to stand.
For loving's the way a disciple should be,
Just like the Master they nailed to the tree.

The pagans who see, in amazement proclaim
How they love one another seems almost insane.
Yet something about this incredible love
Seems not of the earth, but to come from above.

It tugs at the heart that's now burning within
And urges to turn from a life full of sin.
To live in a world full of mercy and grace
With sin washed away without even a trace.

Then hand will not grasp as if trying to live,
But will open to others and offer to give.
Forgiving of all is the call of the Lord,
And in giving we find that His love is out-poured.

The Advocate will come to you 
And then it will be clear.
The signs and wonders that I do
Will not at all seem queer.

These works you'll do and many more
Empowered by His love,
If you rely upon His store
Of graces from above.

The peace of full abandonment
Is offered to us all,
For on the cross our Sacrament
Reversed our sinful fall.

Undaunted by the trials they face
The saints push on ahead
Heroically respond to grace
With strength from daily bread.

The only peace is in Your will
Yet Satan's hoard attacks us still
Attempting now to foul the wine
Of life that's flowing from the Vine.

Yet firmly grafted on to Thee
The grace that flows gives light to see
And pruned to bear yet even more
The one whom devil's words ignore.

To love is more than just obey
True love attends to all You say
Anticipating every need
And loving what Your word decreed.

For in Your law is love unbound
The way our peace and joy is found
The shining light to guide our way
And point us to the cross each day.

Thursday random thought...
My Lord I want to be a saint
Shower me with mercy,
Shower me with grace.
Make me into all the things that currently I ain't

Love the way that I love you
Teach the sinner what to do.
Share the love you've come to know,
That through you the flock may grow.

My son if you decide to serve
Prepare for an ordeal
You must have courage, strength, and nerve
And not your faith conceal.

Remember who before you went
Was beaten, mocked, and scorned.
Disciples who are also sent,
Will be so too adorned.