Saturday, August 31, 2019

9/15/19 Through 9/21/19

9/15/19 Through 9/21/19

The many times that You forgive
Allowing sinners yet to live,
Is baffling to mortal mind,
And part of greater plan entwined.

Only You can judge the heart
And play the Father's loving part.
Forgiveness feeds our journey too
And makes our likeness more to You

Help me not to prideful be
And see in every sinner, me.
A weak and wand'ring foolish son
Whose wand'ring days are finally done.

Offer prayers for those who lead.
On their behalf, to Jesus plead.
That they would govern in accord
With ways established by our Lord.

As shepherds true who guide the sheep
Who comfort those who mourn and weep.
As guides who lift the little ewes
And teach the young ones how to choose.

Have faith and trust His every word,
Obeying once His voice is heard.
And such a master you will find
So peaceful, prayerful, wise, and kind.

Not everyone who died was raised
Not every healing act was praised.
Some met disdain from Pharisee
For showing that the wise can't see.

But those whose faith was pure and free
Were granted what they asked of Thee.
And even those who knew You not
Were grateful for the gifts they got.

The fear that struck the little town
Was spread to those for miles around.
for when His mighty deeds were done,
They knew they met God's only Son.

Exquisite joy and sorrow sure
Will come to all whose hearts are pure.
One cannot feel the depths of these,
Who from the source of Truth, but flees.

The anesthesia granted by
A foolish pride and daily lie
Will drown the sorrow, dampen joy,
And tepidness of will employ.

Blind to tragedy of sin,
The worldly wounds sink deeper in.
Placating flesh a little while,
Succumbing to the serpent's guile.

Suppressing sorrow, maybe so,
But making hard the truth to know.
The sorrow comes from evil known,
But joy can come from God alone.

Wisdom will enter your heart.
The place where conversion will start.
There love will be born, as the selfish is torn,
Revealing there, God's work of art.

The wisdom of following well
Exceeds what mere words ever tell.
They who answer the call, and have given their all,
Will forcefully, evil expel.

What mercy our Maker has shown
For the ways of the wicked we've known.
Before we were drowned, sweet repentance we found,
And darkness was thus overthrown.

Naked I came and Naked I go
That left behind, a legacy show.
Not piles of riches, or copious hoard,
But family devoted to loving the Lord.

Once the call has broken through
The jingle of the coins,
We recognize that only You,
Can satisfy the loins.

The weight of love so hard to lift,
Such burden that it brings.
But those who answer to the gift
Are given heaven's wings.

To make the burden sweet and light,
And taste the gift of love.
To fly up to the highest height,
To endless light above.

I see and hear the truth, I know,
Yet often turn around
To where the flesh and greed will grow,
And worthless coins are found.

Lord call me each and every morn,
Your burden to accept.
That every day I be reborn,
And in Your graces kept.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

9/8/19 Through 9/14/19

9/8/19 Through 9/14/19

Less than all is nearly none,
A cake that's baked, but never done.
A steak exposed to little heat
yields nothing more than spoiled meat.

If we intend to find our way
We must conform to what You say.
Abandoning what leads astray
And following the Master's way.

A cross to bear along the road,
A share of love on us bestowed.
The only way to carry well
Is other burdens to dispel.

How many withered hands there are
Among those near and also far,
That tightly clutch and hold so dear
The sin that cripples so severe.

Make Sabbath day this day for rest
The perfect time to be addressed.
Then stretching forth to be released
They find the meaning of the feast.

The leaders of the wicked scold
For fear of losing all their fold
To Him whose ways are far above,
So simple yet so full of love.

Make me rooted deep in Thee,
Firmly grounded, make this tree.
That winds may blow and drought may come
But those attached may not succumb.

The empty ways of man seduce,
But restless discontent produce.
The only way to satisfy
Is if the sin in me shall die.

The Son of God, the only One
This Jesus, on the cross, who won
Will be the saving strength for all 
Who answer to His daily call.

What once was dread, by now am fed.
What change has come about!
Reject the ploy of passing joy
For genuine to sprout.

An ancient scroll, a garden stroll
Will calm a restless mind.
By taking time to hear the rhyme
Communion now we find.

The bell that tolls for naked souls
Is sounded loud each day.
But few can tell, that sacred knell
Is joy to those who pray.

Where peace is found in silent sound
A welcome warm caress
A place for two, just He and you,
Where He will surely bless.

Without You all is emptiness
No way to truly, love express.
Each act a payment towards a debt,
Or layaway we wish to get.

But You, a prize most undeserved
Creator came and creature served.
Be ever praised and glorified,
The King who for His subjects died.

The gift, the key to fill the soul,
True love to heal and make us whole,
Is freely give what's undeserved
And find that peace and joy is served.

A child true, I want to be
One steadfast and secure in Thee.
One with the wooden beams removed
And thus, with sight so much improved.

Overwhelmed with much forgiven
To the blessed Savior driven.
Thankful for His every word
By this humble servant heard.

The cross a mystery unknown.
True love in all its horror shown.
One emptied in the form of slave
One whom, His all, for sinners gave.

For many now a stumbling block
But not for those who see the Rock.
A madness for the worldly wise.
True wisdom for the humble eyes.

The serpent raised for all to see,
In death was won the victory.
In emptiness was fullness shown
And foolishness was wisdom known.

Friday, August 16, 2019

9/1/19 Through 9/7/19

9/1/19 Through 9/7/19

Lord make of me a humble man,
Who lives according to Your plan.
One disciplined and ready when
I'm tempted toward what honors men.

Make my motivation pure,
To holiness and love secure.
Help me shun that worthless guide
Of haughtiness and boastful pride.

How quickly love will then abate
And fondness turn to awful hate,
If He exposes that within
Revealing only greed and sin.

A faith must dwell within the soul
To bring to life what's on the scroll.
Great wonders can be worked through those
Who humbly follow where He goes.

No worries for the one who dies
For they will meet Him in the skies
When trumpets blast and angels call
The dead will rise and shed the pall.

His words are truly spoken
With authority and power
Not just a simple token,
Or saying for the hour.

But pow'rs above and those below
Obey at His command.
Such work He does that we would know
The power of His hand.

So stay awake and sober be,
Let darkness never win.
Put trust in Him and you will see,
The vict'ry over sin.

What healing in His gentle voice
The healed, and those around rejoice.
Great love in every word He speaks,
And hope for everyone who seeks.

The voice each day I long to hear
That let's me know, my God is near,
Not far away or high above,
But in each act of selfless love.

The voice that leads to certainty
The voice of pure veracity,
That says if I will ever learn,
From selfishness, I must return.

Before we catch we must be caught,
A little way from shore be taught.
Then hearing words to guard and keep,
He bids us, "Put out in the deep".

Though Simon says, "Depart from me."
His truest wish is, "Set me free,
From all the chains of sin that bind
And occupy this erring mind."

Depart from all and follow Me.
Your net no more belongs to sea.
As now for souls of men you'll cast
Until this life on earth has passed.

How deeply do I know You Lord?
The depths of You are unexplored.
Your presence in all that I see
Is often now obscured to me.

It's only when I stop and think,
I recognize the stunning link
Between what I find aggravating
And what Love sends me purgating.

Patience earned is patience tried
Patient love was crucified.
If to mold me in that shape,
A cross or two I can't escape.

Forgive me Lord for oft I fail
And sit within my self-made jail.
Not seeing You, at me beside,
But blinded by my foolish pride.

A sabbath rest He gave to man,
A day according to His plan,
To give refreshment, rest, and peace
To every creature, man and beast.

Not just an hour in the morning,
But a day, our week adorning.
Set aside to faith renew
And come to know Him through and through.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

8/25/19 Through 8/31/19

8/25/19 Through 8/31/19

A steadfast heart create in me,
And grant the grace that I may see,
That in this ordinary day
Each choice I make will shape this clay.

The will I think I have is naught,
As countless failures now have taught.
Each day begins with change in mind,
But weakness and despair I find.

Lord send Your fire here today,
And melt the dross of sin away.
Give the grief and pain I need
To on the narrow way proceed.

So when that final day arrives
When only steadfast soul survives,
You'll welcome me as one You know,
And cast me not to that below.

To lead is then to take a place
In need of love and holy grace.
To show the way that all might see,
And still a humble servant be.

Temptation comes to all who lead
To think they not, their teaching need.
To speak, but not to carry out
The word they love to talk about.

Give all who spread this holy word
The gift to see Your way un-blurred,
And grace to practice what they preach,
And stand for others in the breach.

A camel down, a cow to go.
A hippo next or buffalo.
How blind the hypocrite can be,
Unable to the evil see.

When God is gone and man has rule
We follow but a worthless fool.
We cleanse the outside, but within
Remains a cup of filth and sin.

If we would know prosperity
But humble servants we must be
Who look inside and cleanse the wrong
Repenting first to then be strong.

So weak and worthless is my will
That I must exercise it still
At every chance and every way
Throughout the hours of everyday.

Your grace, oh Lord, I turn away
So many times throughout the day.
If I would just accept the gift
Your love would flood the gaping rift.

Lord call me louder every time
I drift away and darkness find.
Help me learn to love like You,
And humble me in all I do.

Living the truth in every way
With many small yeses throughout the day
The making of saints is a daily chore,
But no other one worth living for.

The yes of the humble and meek survives.
The yes of a saint, on patience thrives.
If every moment in love we try,
Then come when it may, the day we die.

Pursue His wisdom every morn.
His light, each day, in thee be born.
This gift He promised all to give,
To guide us in the way we live.

Grant us oil to last the night.
Renew our strength amid the fight.
Let us not be unprepared, 
As those by evil ways ensnared.

That fateful night the door will close
And sealed will be the fate we chose.
The wise in everlasting glee,
The foolish left in misery.

His love reveals what eye can't see,
A measure of the mystery
Of how He works in ways beyond
What yet on mortal mind has dawned.

So work and use the gifts He gives
Prosperity, in faithful lives.
The lazy look on in dismay, 
And gifts they have they cast away.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

8/18/19 Through 8/24/19

8/18/19 Through 8/24/19


Love, the purifying flame
Jesus Christ, igniting name.
Set Your flame in me ablaze,
And let me offer holy praise.

Incinerate what slows me down,
In this pursuit of holy crown.
Melt my soul, remove the dross.
Count earthly gain as none but loss.

Perversion today, tomorrow the norm,
Unless we repent, we are prey for the storm.
Falling in with the crowd will a true danger be,
For the blinders they wear will impede what we see.

All that we grasp and think that we need
Are none but the fodder of lewdness and greed.
Repent and turn back on the way of the crowd
Let shouts of God's praises and glory be loud!

Learn to be obedient
That vital one ingredient
And learn to trust His every word
In prayer and humble meekness heard.

He speaks, if we but listen well
His voice, the willing heart can tell.
A prompting of the soul within
Where trust and faithfulness have been.

In kingly and in lowly too
Are jealousy and lust in view.
The humble and the meek will know
His mercy that will overflow.

Who are we to judge what's fair,
When of so little, are aware?
Beyond the eye, the heart must see
The Master's generosity.

How foolish one to pay the price
And follow through to sacrifice.
The ways of pagans, He abhorred
And conquered for his Mighty Lord.

The precious life He gives to all
Is given for a higher call.
Let fool refrain from promise made,
And value of the life be weighed.

Whither you go, my feet will go.
Your people, and your God to know.
I found in you what's true and good
I wish to love Him as I should.

The grace of martyrdom is found
And saints who persevere are crowned
When God is sought beyond all things,
And love outweighs what evil brings.

Oh grant me wisdom everyday
To seek and do, what ere You say.
And if someday You call for blood,
Let grace o'retake me like a flood.

But until then, in little ways
Let me be faithful, all my days
And answer every call to me
With, "Yes, as You said, let it be."