Sunday, April 29, 2018

5/13/18 Through 5/19/18

5/13/18 Through 5/19/18

Hated for My word received
Blest because they have believed
Though living in a world of wrong
Protected 'cause they don't belong

Consecrate in truth the ones
That chose to be the Father's sons
Give them unity in love
Reflective of our bond above.

For silver coins a love betrayed
Despairing once the deal was made
Another chosen in his place
Matthias, man of humble grace

Remain in Him no matter what
For Mercy's door is never shut
Then  follow well His every word
And spread to all what you have heard.

Go in peace, a job well done
Good news passed on about the Son
A conscience clear, you've shown the way
In love, you did, the word convey

It's up to those you leave behind
To seek, and then, His will to find
To follow in the way He shows
Till each and every child knows

May Your word of truth inspire
Spark a flame of holy fire
Illumine where the mind is dim
Help us to see our God in Him

The world and flesh will try to say
Come walk within their wider way
But where it leads is to a snare
To catch the foolish unaware

The way of truth will lead you there
Within the Shepherd's constant care
To where the verdant pastures grow
To where the one true God you'll know

In unity the Spirit dwells
This unity a story tells
A final prayer that we be one
Was uttered by the Father's Son

For He knows well the enemy
Divides to conquer us you see
And where Diablo has his way
Humility will hold no sway

So heal divisions long since torn
In humble hearts, let Christ be born
Let us reflect in unity
Our God, the Holy Trinity

Although immersed in doubt and fear
The call to follow made quite clear
A call to love when on the cross
And count all other gain as loss

I wish I had, oh Lord, such strength
To love another to such length
But I am weak, and often fall
And fail to answer when You call

So trust and put your faith in Me
Then let My Spirit set you free
For I provide the strength you need
With every cross to sow the seed

No chain can bind the mighty word
No darkness make this vision blurred
His eyes that penetrate the heart
The greatest love, to man, impart

To each He beckons, "Follow Me"
The doubtful told, "Now look and see"
It's true that love has conquered death
Now spread the word with every breath

Sunday, April 22, 2018

5/6/18 Through 5/12/18

5/6/18 Through 5/12/18

Love conquers all the world's ill
When faithful friends obey His will
A burden shared, a bond is formed
A heavy load, by, love transformed

No selfish lust for sordid gain
Just willingness to share the pain
A ready hand for those in need
No trace of avarice or greed

Fulfilling all of His commands
The grace from holy love expands
Creating there a perfect scene
Of beauty that no eye has seen.

Discouraged far too easily
We mustn't let the devil see
Us try our best to testify
Without the help of God on high

For only with His Advocate
Can words of our then cultivate
The ground of stony hearts to sow
The seed of love, and watch it grow

They could not bear to let Him go
The King of Kings they'd come to know
For mortal minds could not conceive
The greater gift they would receive

Spirit, wise and understanding
Fire of love, forever branding
Sins forgiven, boldness granted
Every word, a new seed planted

Never must we grab and hold things
But to get, we give away things
Eye has not seen, nor ear has heard
Love greater than on us conferred

Far more there is for you to know
But not until you further grow
The Spirit that I send to you
Will lead you in what things you do

Reminding of what words You said
And drawing in the way You led
Then as you follow you'll expand 
And things once hidden, understand

For either pauper or the Pope
There's always room and always hope
To further grow in selfless love
And knowledge of the Lord above

To only speak of Christ the Lord
And crucified He be
The very blood of God outpoured
To rescue you and me

No time to waste with idle talk
Of politics or sport
It's time to take the faithful walk
Because our life is short

Fear not the trials that come your way
Heed not the words the evil say
Endure with patience every blow
Put trust in Him you've come to know

For you will weep, while they rejoice
But yours will prove the better choice
Then all will see that fateful day
That love has proved the better way

Ask in My name and you shall receive
But know at the start that you must believe
I came from the Father and soon shall return
Great signs I have shown, so that you may learn

Love is the answer to all of your ill
So ask and receive, when you follow His will
See my example, how I fully give
And know it's the way, that He calls you to live.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

4/29/18 Through 5/5/18

4/29/18 Through 5/5/18

A branch without the vine will die
And fire awaits the parched and dry
For that which bears no fruit is pruned
And that which does is further tuned

The Advocate will guide our way
Throughout the course of everyday
Revealing when it's time to speak
And comforting the poor and weak

Despite distractions everywhere 
He guides us with His loving care
To see in all the Father's hand
And follow well, His each command

So listen to the still small voice
When e're you need to make a choice
And know the meek and humble way
Will lead you to eternal day

St.  Joseph did as he was told
In every time and place
He cared not for the love of gold
But for one filled with grace

Obedience and trust he showed
When challenged, he believed
By grace, on Mary, was bestowed
The child she conceived

Protector of the family
He worked in quiet peace
That men of every age could see
This manhood masterpiece.

Where are the grapes from work of mine
When not connected to the Vine?
With many leaves, but lacking fruit
From all my selfish, ill pursuit

How plain it is for you to see
That I'm in He, and He in Me
Two separate, but in essence one
Both God the Father and the Son

The way, the truth, and life for you
The guide for everything you do
If you believe and ask of Me
These works, and greater things you'll see.

Love by far, the greatest portion
Jesus taught without distortion
Furthermore, our fine Exemplar
Showed to all what life was meant for

Loving all without reserve
Giving what they don't deserve
Putting all in front of Me
Responding in humility

A way that's hard to understand
And harder yet to do as planned
But weak, and feeble, docile souls
By grace, attain their lofty goals

Growing daily in the Lord
In hope to find that great reward
We hunger for the daily bread
His word, on which the babes are fed

But know for sure that trial awaits
And when it comes it demonstrates
My followers will be like Me
Though persecuted, always free.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

4/22/18 Through 4/28/18

4/22/18 Through 4/28/18

Good Shepherd lead Your sheep today
Make us to follow in Your way
Give us Your valley lands replete
With good and juicy things to eat

Make us see and understand
That happiness is in Your land
Give us a heart that then decides
No other way than Yours provides

Who is this man who calms the sea
And still has time to care for me?
Who leads me where lush grasses grow
And where the streams of water flow?

No one before has come like He
A Shepherd for the sheep like me
One whose voice we recognize
One on a cross, for us, who dies

How much plainer can I be, 
Than all the holy works you see
The lame can walk, the blind can see
But yet you don't believe in Me

The heart of proud and sinful men
Can see my works and turn again
To willful blindness dark as night
Refusing to acknowledge light

You know the truth and still you say
Give us some proof, You are the way
No proof can satisfy the man
Whose pride obstructs the Father's plan

Be sober and vigilant, loving the Lord
For strength and approval will be your reward
Your opponent, the devil, is prowling around
To see if one weak or infirmed can be found

Resist him in faith that is steadfast and strong
Refusing to do any deed that is wrong
Your brothers and sisters have all done as much
And found great reward in God's loving touch

The humble exalted, the haughty brought low
His favor upon all the meek He'll bestow
We suffer a little to win the reward
Of life everlasting, with graces outpoured

He told us plainly in advance
Of all that He would do
But we would hear, and look askance
For such we never knew

To suffer death and rise again
We could not understand
But after it had happened then
We saw what He had planned

If you wish to know the way
Listen well to what I say
Then act upon the word you hear
And let my Father draw you near

For in His house are many rooms
And that is where love fully blooms
Through me you find your dwelling place
Within the Father's warm embrace

Proclaim the word both loud and clear
No matter some refuse to hear
And shake the dust from whence you came
If they refuse to hear My name

For though you may get quite annoyed
My word shall not return as void
It waters still the hardened clod
When you proclaim the word of God

And if a heart is seeking truth
My word shall come as to the youth
The greatest story ever told
A priceless one worth more than gold