Saturday, April 27, 2019

5/12/19 Through 5/18/19

5/12/19 Through 5/18/19

The sheep who recognize My voice
Have come to me and made their choice,
Have come to follow in the way
That leads to that eternal day.

No more distracted by the din
Of selfishness and sordid sin
But focused on the heav’nly light
That draws to ever higher height.

To love beyond what mortals know,
To love where saints and angels go,
To love as from the Spotless Lamb,
To love but from the great I AM.

One gate through which the sheep will pass
One way to find our peace at last
To follow well the Shepherd’s voice
And make His way our loving choice.

So many traitors in the ranks
So few who offer praise and thanks
It falls to few to change the many
Gifted by His graces plenty.

Be Matthias for the masses
See much clearer through the glasses
Faith provides to see what’s needed
Thus, you see, the ground is seeded.

Set apart to work for Him
Who came into the world.
Light in darkness, strengthened limb
Peace and love unfurled.

Spirit led, proclaimed to all
The chosen and the Jew
So listen well and hear the call
He places now to you.

Unworthy though I be
To loosen sandal’s thong
The One who washes me
Is He who does no wrong.

His ever-present grace
Will strengthen weakened knees
In every time and place
He answers faithful pleas.

The good He wishes He must do
In works across this land
Through docile hearts in me and you
The way His Father planned.

So make of me each single day
A soul to listen and to pray
A soul to hear your every call
And one to give my very all.

Begotten through the pain of death
New life can thus begin
The Spirit from Your holy breath
No more a life of sin.

The Truth revealed for all to see
Love conquers over sin
The Way is but for us to be
The ones with life within.

Have I been here for all this time,
And yet not understood?
The Father in this simple rhyme
To recognize, you should.

For He and I are two, but one
Distinct and not the same.
Yet bound as Father and as Son
By Love’s most holy flame.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

5/5/19 Through 5/11/19

5/5/19 Through 5/11/19

As Peter must have wondered what
Was next in line for him.
Which door would open, which would shut,
Would life be bright or grim?

For three long years surprised each time
The Master taught of how
The stairs to heaven we must climb,
And lowly we must bow.

But now He died and rose again
To conquer over sin.
Still offering forgiveness when 
We turned our backs on Him.

Now calling us to love Him more
Than ere we've understood.
To follow Him like ne'er before,
As with His grace we should.

The face of an angel shines with a glow
Illumined by truth like few of us know.
Not because it is hidden or so hard to find,
But because of our weakness and failure to mind.

The Lord grants His grace to all who believe.
The lowly and humble are ones who receive.
Our hubris and pride are the shields that we use
To block out the light and the truth to refuse.

If we would but love as the Father has asked
The folly of sin would be quickly unmasked.
And then, like the saints, in our faces would show
The wonders of God with a heavenly glow.

What sign is sufficient to satisfy,
What work can convince the critic's eye?
Such blindness of heart is far worse you see,
Than any such physical malady.

The One who has cured both the blind and the lame,
Has come in His loving Father's name.
But they want a king who with iron shall rule,
Not One who is humble, or played for a fool.

But who is the fool when you look at the scene,
Of thieves on the hill and the Man in between?
The healer and giver of sight to the blind
Has offered Himself, so the strays He could find.

Yet many refuse to believe in our Lord
In spite of His grace, or the love He out poured.
The fool is the one who refuses this love
And chooses the dark o'er the light from above.

The signs and wonders went with those
Whom Christ, the Lord, Messiah, chose
To spread Good News to all the earth
And bring the dying souls new birth.

If signs and wonders aren't for me,
Perhaps I need humility
To see the way He calls each day
And answer well instead of say...

Insert whatever song you sing,
Or lame excuse to God, you bring
For not obeying what you know,
The just, and proper way to go.

Convenience often what we use
To disobedience excuse.
Refusing then to share the cross
And holding on to sinful dross.

It's not the perfect that He uses
But the humble that He chooses
One who trusts what he has heard
And acts upon the Master's word.

The bread that from the heavens came
Is known by none but Jesus' name
A bread that truly satisfies
And faithful souls it sanctifies.

If in the bread that we receive
His blood and body we perceive
No condemnation shall it bring,
But harmony in everything.

Such peace before was never known
A harvest from the seed once sown.
True nourishment from heaven's food
A soul with now, His grace imbued.

Eat His flesh and drink His blood
To live and never die.
Allow His precious gift to flood
The barren and the dry.

Grant this day that I should find
Some way to make You known.
To open eyes of those so blind
And skills of love to hone.

For only in Your presence Lord
Can words of life be found.
Your word a sharpened two-edged sword,
And cord that has me bound.

Though far Your words beyond my ken
I trust they all are true.
And follow in them even when
The crowd will but eschew.

For Yours are words of lasting life
That everyone should know
To lead us throughout any strife
And not to others go.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

4/28/19 Through 5/4/19

4/28/19 Through 5/4/19

Mercy, mercy, mercy, Lord
Oh sacred wounds of Thee adored.
All doubt be gone for death is done
We've seen the vict'ry of the Son.

His wounded hands and feet and side
The proof that on the cross He died.
But now alive in majesty
The life of love he offers me.

Forgiveness of our every sin
His cross and resurrection win,
But we must do as He commands
And spread the word to all the lands.

With water from the Savior's side
Baptized and cleansed of sinful pride
Reborn in love and purity
To see what God had meant to be.

Enabled by His flaming love
To set our hearts on things above,
To let the Spirit guide the will
And learn to love Him greater still.

If in the worldly realm you say
These words of His will hold no sway
How can you learn of heaven's way
If earthly rules will not obey?

For all is gift from God above
Who wills that all partakers of
His benefits would recognize
A need to share their precious prize.

Abundantly He gives to all
Who hearken to His loving call
And He expects that they will share
The blessings of the Father's care.

The gift of work was made for me
A gift of His divine decree.
By sin the garden's treasure lost,
And daily labor now the cost.

But oh, how generous is He
His will was not that man should be
Forever lost with no way back,
He gives us work that none should lack.

A way to find our daily bread
And keep a growing family fed.
A way to play an active role
In mending of our broken soul.

Obedience is owed to He
You hung upon that awful tree
He suffered, died, and rose again
To change the hearts of sinful men.

Now death we know cannot destroy
Our faithfulness and heartfelt joy
And you could also feel this way
If you would heed the words we say.

That all should know His love is willed
And those who do are Spirit-filled.
The word must spread across the land
That Christ is risen as He planned.

I ask for understanding Lord
To find the road the saints explored
To trust enough to peace attain
In spite of great or little gain.

To grasp not for the things of earth
But strive for that of lasting worth.
To give and not begrudge the cost
To love enough to save the lost.

I ask for what Your will desires
A humble heart and cleansing fires
To sanctify my every deed
And make of me a fruitful seed.

Even many priests have come 
And followers of Christ become.
This verse shows well how love has changed
And hardened hearts are rearranged
When Christ is brought in loving ways
To stony hearts of any days.

Now'days we see an armor chink
If pro-aborts just stop and think
Of that forever lost because
Of what their action really does.
But love can start a tidal wave
And precious souls begin to save.

Our zeal like that from days of old
Must warm those hearts both lost and cold
And ever vigilant in love 
Turn hardened hearts to thoughts of love.
Where Christ can enter deep within
And turn away the lost from sin.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

4/21/19 Through 4/27/19

4/21/19 Through 4/27/19

This day the day of fetters broken,
Joyous Alleluias spoken.
Dead arisen!  Night as day.
Alleluia songs we pray.

Sin has dealt its deadly blow
Now the people all should know
Christ who conquered death and sin
Beckons all to follow Him.

Rise above the dark of  night. 
Enter realms of clearer light.
See the troubled waters stilled,
Now the Father's plan fulfilled.

In His stripes the seed was sown
Of a love before unknown.
Dreaded cross now sacred sign
Of His saving love divine.

Why in meekness come to me,
Oh God of power and majesty?
Why allow this sin to be
That hangs its God upon a tree?

Your ways to mine are far above
But You know well the ways of love.
Power persuades a tiny few
But love persuades a multitude.

Power lasts a little while
But love is never out of style.
When death arrives the power's gone,
But after death the love lives on.

No power here or high above
Is strong as that of selfless love
But love must be our chosen way
Or it, like power, wilts and fades.

Power tempts with golden chains
But in the end gives worthless gains
In freedom love demands a choice,
And those who choose it will rejoice.

Let the little trickle flow
Give the tree its time to grow
Waters from the sanctuary
Bring new life to those who tarry.

Loving waters flow from Thee
Freshening the salty sea
Watering the trees around
So healing leaves and fruit are found.

In simple bread they recognized
Who till that time had been disguised,
And taught them well along the road
As all the while His graces flowed.

A fire kindled in their hearts
As scripture knowledge He imparts
Within a bright and burning flame
As Christ expounds upon His name.

Oh what must I do to be saved?
What mountain or trial must be braved?
For true to the ear is the word that I hear,
No longer by sin am enslaved.

By faith in the one Holy Name
No life will be ever the same
Like the crippled who walk, or the mute who can talk,
This faith really changes the game.

For the truth is He suffered and died,
Scourged, beaten and mocked, crucified,
But now risen is He, who will set captives free,
And the shamed are those who have lied.

My Jesus the King of all kings
What joy in Your presence it brings
All fear is cast out, and I just want to shout,
Out the love of which my heart sings.

When I've failed and my spirits are down,
And my face has a gloomy old frown,
None can raise it above, like the look of His love,
From my King under His thorny crown.

How much we've seen but don't believe.
We must proclaim what we receive.
He gives in great abundance so
His fame around the world will go.

Do not be silenced by the crowd
But let His word, in you, be loud
Go heal the sick, the blind, the lame.
But do it all in Jesus' name.

Let the Spirit work in you
Let Him be praised in all you do.
Each gift He grants as need arises,
Some may be complete surprises.

Willingness is all He needs
He uses us for planting seeds
Others water, but we know,
It's God Himself who makes things grow.