Saturday, March 27, 2021

4/11/21 Through 4/17/21

 4/11/21 Through 4/17/21

Why, oh Lord, so good to me,
Such mercy, grace, and love?
Let sin be ever gone from me
To taste the sweetness of

A Mercy standing ready when
The heart inclines to Thee.
A grace to lead the simple men
Who flounder just like me.

A love without a boundary known
That floods the penitent.
A seed that's always gently sown
to yield a fragrant scent.

Signs and wonders still befall 
When Christians answer well the call.
In boldness speak the word He gives
Proclaiming Christ our Savior lives.

The Spirit comes in varied ways
To open eyes and clear the haze,
To blow  a wind afresh and new,
And strengthen all the work you do.

Be docile to His prompings then
And when the Spirit speaks again,
Delay not in your answering
And see the wonders God will bring.

As serpent in the desert,
So Lord be lifted high.
That all may see at present
The Lord is drawing nigh.

So plain and yet so complicated
There for all to see
Savior that was long-awaited
Hung upon a tree.

So far above our way is He
The teacher doesn't know,
But even though that case may be,
The simple He will show.

So loved by God, he gave His Son
That man could be as one.
That wicked creatures, frail and small
Could learn to love, and give their all.

In silence where His voice is heard
He speaks His ever-present word,
And gives to those who listen well
The grace to there, within Him dwell.

Obey and see the world right,
Obey and lift the dark of night.
Obey and see the Spirit move,
Let Him, all guile, and sin remove.

The waves of love will ever flow
When we, His will, have come to know,
And follow it as best we can
As harmony within His plan.

The bread received, consumed today
Will be our strength some future day.
Each Eucharist will build the store
Of grace to help us handle more.

The discipline of exercise
May seem a waste to lazy eyes,
But muscle fiber grows each time
We buckle down and make the climb.

Good food affords the needed fuel,
His superfood the crowning jewel,
And exercise the daily drone
To focus eyes on Him alone.

The food and work will build the strength
To follow Him to any length,
And we may find in darkest days
The strength we need from daily ways.

So come, receive, and place Him first.
Drink deep of love and never thirst.
The bread consumed each day shall be
The strength you need to glory see.

The waves that rock the boat may be
The things that help us clearly see
That God is in control, not me,
And only He can calm the sea.

We hear His voice to have no fear.
For Him, the shore is always near,
And if we trust, the Lord will lead
Through all the waves and fill our need.

Friday, March 19, 2021

4/4/21 Through 4/10/21

 4/4/21 Through 4/10/21

To rise from dead, what does it mean?
No thing as this was ever seen.
The dead are gone to rise no more,
For that's the way it's been before.

But not that blessed Easter morn,
When women rose 'fore dawn to mourn,
And bless with spices on the head
Of One they crucified that's dead.

They found the angels there to tell,
And winding sheet, an empty shell.
A glory filled the empty tomb
Where Love had conquered doom and gloom.

One day we all shall rise like He,
So death where is your victory?
The Easter people clearly see
That Jesus sets the captives free.

Exalted at the Father's hand
The Spirit comes at His command.
The promised power from above
To live within the laws of love.

The courage for the small to speak. 
Wealth for poor, and strength for weak.
Help for all to understand,
And wisdom for the simple man.

Undeniably, it's true
These gifts he offers now to you.
Be like His Mother on this day,
And say, "Let it be done Your way."

It's true!  It's true!  Our Savior lives!
What joy His risen presence gives.
No more the pow'r of death shall reign.
The Lord has brought eternal gain.

Repent.  Repent, and be baptized.
Receive the Lord as bread disguised.
Confess your sins and be assured,
You're saved by what our Lord endured.

In breaking bread the veil was drawn,
Quite clear we saw Who rose at dawn.
The reason why our hearts did burn,
The One to whom we all must turn.

His words a fire sparked within
That kindled as we walked with Him.
Then every step would feed the blaze
As He explained and cleared the haze.

Our risen Savior, Christ the Lord,
Who on the Cross His life outpoured,
That men would see the pow'r of love,
And turn their hearts to God above.

His life and death a model be
For all of Christianity
To mold us in the image of
His glorious, self-giving love.

Open our minds to understand.
Make clear to us what You have planned.
Give us the courage to answer, yes.
Send us Your Spirit to heal and bless.

Why do these questions in you arise?
Open your mind, and open your eyes.
All of the prophets have been fulfilled.
In Jesus the whole of the law distilled.

Children of Abraham, healed and blessed,
Repent and believe to pass the test.
Make of all men disciples of Christ
Pass on to them the Pearl highly priced.

On the stone, a fire burning
In a boat, the men returning
Long the night without a yield
Until a one from shore appealed,

Cast the net to starboard side
And see if God does not provide.
A breakfast meal for you awaiting
Joy their hearts anticipating 

Jesus risen once again
Makes us fishers now of men
Bidding us to turn away
And start upon His chosen way. 

How true the pattern holds today,
We meet the risen Lord some way,
But fail to ever rearrange
Priorities and make a change.

We fall back to convenient ways
And back into the cloudy haze. 
But Jesus calls us out from there
To in His work of love to share. 

We too are called to work His field
To speak the truth and bear a yield   
To gather ripened crops within
And turn our nation back from sin. 

Friday Evening

The final three, a gift to me

How different life would be.

Without this love from God above

That plainly now I see.


So many thought, I trouble bought

Too old, they all were taught

But now they see this set me free

When truly they were not.

Empty tomb there's no denying,
Cripple walking, rules defying.
Warned to keep His name taboo.
Ordered spread it on to you.

Who to follow and obey?
Who's the true uplifting way?
One who died and rose again,
Or wicked, jealous, sinful men?

The same dilema's here today.
They mock and hate the narrow way,
And try to cancel all that's true
By silencing the clearest view.

Boy or girl no longer mean
Objectively, what's plainly seen,
But pick a lie you'd like to live,
And then to all, your gender give.

The choice is ours, today as then,
To follow God or sinful men,
To walk the narrow way with Him,
Or follow every foolish whim

Saturday, March 13, 2021

3/28/21 Through 4/3/21

 3/28/21 Through 4/3/21

The Lord arrives to shouts of praise, 
With joyful hearts the people raise
An anthem for the King of kings.
Hosanna every child sings.

But oh what changes Jesus knew,
A traitor in his trusted few.
The scattered sheep denying him
In time of need, and fate so grim. 

The cries of praise and honor fade
As plans to kill the Christ are made.
Thirty silver coins the fare,
Of treason to a One so rare. 

The leaders stir the crowd toward blood
Shouts of, ”Crucify Him” flood
The court of Pilate coward lord,
Who right and justice left ignored.

He beat and scourged the innocent,
Attempting to their anger vent
Yet they demanded blood be shed
Their nemesis, at last, be dead.

And so He went to all dismay
The Via Dolorosa way,
To die upon that awful tree
For every sinner just like me.

In agony upon the wood
He spoke not as the others would,
But offered to forgive the wrong 
That all might to the good belong. 

And when He took His final breath
Accepting such a horrid death
The veil was torn so all could see
It’s true, the Son of God was He.  

A broken jar, a love outpoured. 
The cost of such an act ignored. 
To know and love the King of kings
More wealth and honor, service brings.

The house be filled with fine perfume,
A sweetness found in every room. 
For love’s aroma fills the air
If mercy and goodwill are there. 

One betrays, one denies
Nine others run away.
A Paltry sum of silver buys
The Son of God this day.

I see too often how I've been
Just like His chosen few.
A good game talked, but not one walked,
A coward on the crew.

Repent.  Man up, and do the right
When doing wrong is ease.
Be not afraid to face the fight,
When God alone you please.

Wednesday A
Betrayed in oh so many ways
Blinded by the murky haze
Help me to not a traitor be
When plans don’t line themselves with Thee.

Wednesday B
Dipped in the dish and given me,
How could this man through covers see?
I’ll force His hand to take control,
The time is ripe to reach the goal.

He doesn’t use His power well.
So easy, He could just compel
The  crowd’s to raise Him as their King, 
And power to our people bring.

He wastes His time on poor and lame,
There’s far more He was meant to gain.  
Such power could a victory win
And usher times of freedom in. 

He has no drive to get ahead
He cures the sick and raises dead. 
If He won’t change, My time is done. 
I’ll get my coins and then I’ll run. 

Oh my Jesus there before me
washing feet of sinful men
Sinners all have gone before Thee
Sacrificing once again.

Theirs imperfect insufficient
Offered every year again
You the true and spotless victim
You the final Great Amen
First betrayed within a Garden,
Once again betrayed the King.
Here begins the path to pardon
Wickedness and evil's sting.

Struck the Shepherd, scattered sheep,
Denied the King of kings.
The band of evil-doers seek
Corrupt and heinous things.

Recall the former days without Him.
Hope a far-off dream and dim.
Then He came, Divine enfleshing,
Every hope and dream refreshing.

Showing selfish greedy leaders
as the worthless bottom feeders.
Steeped in pride with wide phylacteries,
Nothing more than evil factories.

None before ere spoke as He, 
Such power and authority.
A welcoming to sinners all,
A loving and life-changing call.

But evil leaders had their way,
And snuffed this dawning light of day.
The Lamb of God, they scourged and crowned,
 And mocked Him as they gathered round

The Cross of Love, where lifted high
Our Jesus, Son of God would die.
Then placed a guard around the tomb
To guarantee His fateful doom.

And so this day we mourn about
The Light of Love that hate put out.
And wonder, will there ever be, 
Another brave and kind as He?

Friday, March 5, 2021

3/21/21 Through 3/27/21

 3/21/21 Through 3/27/21

Perfection comes through suffering
A cleansing through our offering.
A washing from the guilt of sin
When steadfast Spirit dwells within.

The heart of stone be softened well
Become a place for God to dwell.
The grain implanted there within
Must die to let new life begin.

Preserve this life and lose it all,
Or answer to the Master's call.
Join in His suffering and pain
To share His everlasting gain.

Unrecognized, the sin I own.
To even me, at times unknown.
Ingrained so deep within my soul, 
No longer does the conscience toll.

Until I see upon the sand
The writing from His sacred hand.
Which pulls aside the hiding veil
Revealing just how much I fail.

Let me be one that Mercy finds
Repentant of the many kinds
Of selfishness and greed I know
Then says, "Get up. Forgiven, go."

I wish to sin no more towards He
Who's rescued and forgiven me.
Oh Grace supply my every need,
That to His voice, alone I heed.

When I look upon the cross
And see what price my sin has cost,
I wonder why He cares for me,
And ask more clear, my sin to see.

The poison from the serpent's bite
A cloak of darkness in the night.
No mercy shown the Sinless One,
Who, on the cross, our mercy won.

Once lifted high, the veil was torn,
And three days hence, on Easter morn
The Victor rose in glory then
The King of kings, and Great Amen!

Let me daily turn and see
That love will bring the victory,
And turning from the ways of sin, 
The best way to new life begin.

One God alone to be adored
Those manufactured, be abhorred.
For One can save and set us free,
But others bring iniquity.

The furnace may the faithful face,
But dead and true a better place,
Than living in a lie each day
Where to an evil one we pray.

The sons of Abraham should know
The One above from one below,
But in the lie, they choose to dwell,
And manufacture more of Hell.

Oh let me see with clarity
The Truth, and Way, and Life for me.
Grant courage when the view is bleak,
And give the word that's right to speak.

Announced a long, long time ago,
The way the birth of Christ would go.
A Virgin pure and full of grace
Would bring our God to time and space.

The Savior of the world would take
Our form in flesh and journey make
To show how love can conquer death
When practiced to the final breath.

A yes to God we first must show
If we, His sacred Way would know.
Just like the Virgin Full of Grace,
His will for us we must embrace.

So speak to me, both here and now.
Your will be known, to me somehow.
Then with the grace that You supply
Your humble servant will comply.

For this time, and for this place,
Each one of us was born.
Despite the whisperings that trace
The path of those who mourn.

In my distress, I called the Lord,
He heard and answered me.
The flooded way I cannot ford,
He came and carried me.

Behold,the end is drawing near.
The Pharisees in mortal fear
Of losing to the Roman band
Their nation and their sacred land.

They'd rather live subjected to 
Their pagan master than to You.
And so, they plot to kill their own
The One who spoke of love alone.