Saturday, March 26, 2022

4/10/22 Through 4/16/22

 4/10/22 Through 4/16/22

My God, my God, where have You gone?
In dark, I cry, "Reveal the dawn.
For sin has clouded what I see,
Oh God, be merciful to me."

If I but knew the cost of sin,
Repentance every time would win.
But blind I am when sin takes hold,
And all but self is dark and cold.

I see not whom I spit upon,
But only to the sin I'm drawn.
The lash and thorns mean naught to me,
My purpose only do I see.

Short-sighted, proud, and foolish me
Who fails to recognize it's Thee
Who suffers in humility,
Oh God, be merciful to me.

A broken jar cannot contain
And none that's given can remain.
For all is what He asks of you
And all is what the Master's due.

A life poured out with none reserved
The King of kings has well-deserved.
The poor are always there with you,
But here on earth His days are few.

So clothe the naked, feed the poor
And visit prison, then for sure
Fulfill His call to love the least
And join the Master's wedding feast.

Betrayal in the hearts of men
As seen that night and still again
When opposition comes our way
And out of fear, we flee the fray.

Let tears from such denial flow
His look of love then make us grow,
And when we see our risen Lord,
His grace abundant be out-poured.

Betrayal in so many ways
By closest friends in darkest days.
None willing to His burdens bear,
Or in His sufferings to share.

Like so many gone before me
Fail to see He suffers for me.
Bruised and beaten, mocked and scourged
Of every comfort stripped and purged.

But when I see what sin has done,
And yet how selfish I've become,
My eyes are filled with tears of shame
For I can see that I'm to blame.

The pain I cannot comprehend,
Nor love until the bitter end.
For far too often, self I choose
And likeness unto Him I lose.

Have mercy on my pitied state
For all have sinned and fouled the slate.
Receive what little I can give
And let this sorrowed sinner live.

To serve is but the greatest gift
That mortal man receives.
By service will the Master sift
To find one who believes.

Humility will bring to bear
The one who loves the least,
And lead them both to greater fare
At their communion feast.

Good Friday
Feast of mercy, Man's salvation
Savior on that rugged tree.
Crucified for every nation.
Bound and beaten to set free.

Serpent bronze to be exalted
High above for all to see.
Man or woman none un-faulted
For the suffering of Thee.

Cleanse my soul and make me savor
every wound You bore for me.
Grant to me this only favor,
That Your glory I may see.

Holy Saturday
Sad and empty, spent with grief
Evil crime beyond belief.
Hope of glory gone today,
Love was buried yesterday.

Wakened from a horrid dream
Walking dead, to men I seem.
Shock and stupor, disbelief
Bitter anguish, no relief.

What on earth could I have done?
Now I wish I had not run.
Better now that I be dead.
Master gone, the world I dread.

Sleep escapes these weary eyes,
Self-regret and sorrowed sighs.
No one knows what lies ahead,
Faith, and Hope, and Love are dead!

Saturday, March 19, 2022

4/3/22 Through 4/9/22

4/3/22 Through 4/9/22 

Go and sin no more He said
Akin to rising from the dead
A second chance and many more
The Lord, He keeps an open door.

At least for when we walk the earth,
But when arrives that second birth
Our choices then immutable
And each reward is suitable.

So "Sin no more," the wise refrain
And deep within the word remain.
The Shepherd's voice to recognize
And thus become the humble wise.

The leaders were both cowardly,
But she, the way of right could see
And chose to give her life than be
A party to iniquity.

Relying only on the Lord
She prayed her life would be restored
That somehow here the truth would reign
With righteous saved and sinner slain.

Though dark and ominous the clouds
And quick to judgement waiting crowds,
One young but wise could see what's true
And called for further-in review.

By their own words the lie was known
And light of truth was clearly shown.
The innocent was thus restored 
And evil got its just reward.

Complaining does not courage build,
But boldly doing all He's willed.
In spite of hardships that we face
Inspired by His ready grace.

The little ways of self-denial
Strengthen for a greater trial
Courage builds with every win
To turn to grace and turn from sin.

Just look upon the One they raised
And let the Lord of all be praised.
He shows men how to humbly lead
With grace providing every need.

So, train the body to conform
Make sacrifice your daily norm
Through sacrifice we come to know
The courage that we long to grow.

Peace, but not at truth's expense.
The body bound but will is free.
Truth the humble one's defense,
No matter what the outcome be.

So will to suffer for the truth
The consequence what may.
But set yourself not one aloof,
Or pride will win the day.

To know yourself, encounter Me
And in humility you'll see
The true and beautiful that speaks
Of all the longing servant seeks.

The greatest love that's known to man,
The Holy One, the Great I AM.
But trust you must and bow to see
The glory in the victory.

The battle now is here within
The tendency of flesh to sin.
I've seen and know His mighty works
Yet still within the flesh one lurks.

An evil one that tries to say,
"It's far too hard to live His way.
Enjoy the ready pleasures now
And all will be for good somehow."

Yet all these pleasures bring no joy
And only serve to me decoy
From love that's pure and undefiled,
God-centered too and other-styled.

Through sacrifice the heart grows pure
And giving self is love for sure.
Courageous men have come to know
In little ways will courage grow

So wager now for great reward.
The greatest gift is Christ the Lord.
And all you give shall be repaid
When earthly pleasure's all decayed.

Though four days dead, He raised the man.
This sealed His fate for sure.
Officially the plot began,
And soon would be mature

The One must die that all may live,
They reasoned in the day,
But knew not He would freely give
That all could find the Way.

The plan of God is not as man's,
Ephemeral them all.
Eternity the Master's plans,
Obedience His call.

So, what say you this April day
Two eons far removed?
Is His the true and righteous way
That history has proved?

A little faith is all it takes,
A trust in Him, not you.
To see the difference it makes
When hope is found anew.

Friday, March 11, 2022

3/27/22 Through 4/2/22

 3/27/22 Through 4/2/22

Not as God do mortals see,
How every soul has worth to Thee.
The one dismissed as trivial 
Is chosen to Your word fulfill.

The blind can see, the sighted blind
And those who listen well will find
The Lamb of God within our midst,
And willful blind will be dismissed.

Banish memories of old
When love and purity were sold
For paltry pleasure, fleeting thrill,
In lieu of joy within Your will.

It carries on until today
But in a slightly different way.
Each time I sin and listen still
To that which lures me from Your will.

Lord, is there hope for one like me
With open eyes that does not see,
A New Jerusalem awaits
If I can turn from evil baits.

But I am weak and Thou art strong,
I need Your help to get along.
This weak unworthy servant's plea
Is God, be merciful to me.

Ashamed of all the sin I've known
And all the fruitless blessings shown.
That day I stand in front of Thee,
Oh God be merciful to me.

I cannot change what I have done,
But beg to share what You have won.
A sinner, finally set free,
Oh God, be merciful to me.

A river from the Temple flows
And waters well where ere it goes.
The trees beside, much fruit will bear
And leaves for many sick will care.

But lying there for just a crumb
When greeted by the Holy One,
The source of that refreshing flow
Far more the paralyzed would know.

Unsuspecting until then
The man would beg and plead again,
Until the day when Love appeared,
And way to walk again was cleared.

The River's there for all to know
And find refreshment when they go
To feed upon abundant fruit,
And more to healing love recruit.

The Son reveals the Father's love.
No better fit, nor tighter glove.
The perfect form of Love Divine
That sacrificed His life for thine.

Though we forget His love for man,
The Father works His holy plan
To bring the stray back to the fold,
As mom, a babe in arms would hold.

Then feed with her abundant breast
To give her babe a peaceful rest
So babe would have the chance to grow,
And Father's love would come to know.

To worship is a basic need
And yet His word we fail to heed.
Instead we make our gods to be
The worthless drivel that we see.

A house, a car, or favored food,
Such petty things to be so rude.
A sporting team for hands we raise
And there enthrone our highest praise.

We say we know the God above,
But fail to revel in His Love.
Our days are marked in many ways,
But not by signs of holy praise.

Forgive!  Forgive!  Oh Lord forgive!
That we, eternally may live
And come to know Your boundless love
Forever in Your land above.

Revilement and torture bring
The Holy One and Savior King
To ever brighter, clearer light
Amid the darkness of night.

He boasts a Father high above
In endless light and boundless love,
But will His Father come to save
And give Him vict'ry o'er the grave?

We must determine where the bound
Of His supposed love is found.
For only then will we believe
And in our hearts, such love conceive.

So blows and spittle sent His way,
The lash and thorns, His love repay.
His silent patience mocked and scorned,
Disfigurement, His face adorned.

The cross, His final last disgrace.
Him naked, hung, and nailed in place.
He pleads forgiveness for the sake
Of all who in His death partake.

But none expected, three days hence
The glory of His recompense,
And how His word was proven true
When evil's worst, He overthrew.

Now you can see in clearest light
How Truth and beauty conquered night.
So come all sinners, be set free
And let His mercy comfort thee.

Are you as well from Galilee?
Have you been fooled by trickery?
The Christ will come from Bethlehem,
The scripture's clear, refer to them.

Their hasty judgement cast a haze
As they protected evil ways
Instead of listening to see
He spoke with such authority.

Protect me Lord from error well,
And let me of Your wonders tell.
Help me truth to plainly see,
And guard me from iniquity.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

3/20/22 Through 3/26/22

 3/20/22 Through 3/26/22

The message is but turn around
And face the other way.
In Christ there is redemption found
And blessed light of day.

Do not desire evil things,
But trust in God alone,
For evil just disaster brings,
But Christ will sin atone.

Don't grumble when the way is hard
Or time gets in the way.
In faithfulness, be on your guard,
In time, you'll see His way.

May I not be a barren fig
With nothing more than leaves
And never on my Lord renege,
But bring in many sheaves.

Though many widows in the day
To Zaraphath was sent to stay
The prophet who could hear the Lord,
And graces to the widow poured.

And many lepers in the day,
But only Naaman could say
In Israel, true God was found
By washing seven times around.

The humble ones that would obey
Received the blessings in their day.
While proud were left to languish there
Without the hope of fervent prayer.

We too, must always humble be
If we, His mercies, want to see.
For proud are blind, but humble see
Their only hope is trusting Thee.

Forgiving those who do us wrong
Includes myself and I.
For often I have gone along, 
And chosen not to die.

To self, I mean, in little ways
That humble and abase,
Enduring as to so abrase,
Accepting of His grace.

So, once again before me lies
A time to fast and pray.
I hope this time my hubris dies,
And I would but obey.

What nation here is truly wise,
What people have discerning eyes?
What god is like the Lord of Hosts,
Of which the wise, yet humble boasts?

Therefore, I caution you today,
Be sure to listen and obey.
Each word He gives and each command
To prosper well in Promised land.

Take care and always be on guard
Against the evil one's canard.
Forget not what the Lord has done,
But be a faithful, trusting son.

One handing down what you received
That younger ones be not deceived.
So generations down the line
Will hear and know this God of thine.

The demons must be overcome
If free, we're ever to become.
We cannot leave them hang around
And not expect to be pulled down.

Offensive must our tactic be
To rend our hearts and clearly see
Disguised amid familiar ways,
A darkness, and an evil haze.

But prayer and fasting both combined
Will every shade of darkness find.
And if the two we'd both employ
Will clear the way for Easter joy.

A call to greatness comes to man,
A call to join within His plan.
Give no resistance to His will,
Give all you have to that fulfill.

For only then will deep desire
Be kindled to a steady fire
And offer warmth to those nearby 
Who struggle as to love they try.

Mercy is what all men need
For perfect love they fail to heed.
If this we fail to recognize
We'll not be righteous in His eyes.