Sunday, September 25, 2022

10/9/22 Through 10/15/22

 10/9/22 Through 10/15/22

In every moment every day
You guide and gently show the way.
You give what's needed for the time
Just like a little word to rhyme.

You ask I simply trust and say
"I'll listen Lord, and do Your way"
Somehow, some way there's all I need,
If I just well receive the seed.

If much or little, this be known
There's naught I've earned that now I own
For all is gift from God alone,
For He's the One the seed has sown

And grateful I must always be
For all the blessings given me.
And eyes must open wide to see
That I am nothing, ALL is He.

The Ninevites could see their crime
As Jonah prophesied in time,
And Sheba's queen arose to see
A wisdom of such great degree.

Far greater still the words of love
From He who came from up above.
And if ignored, accursed will be
The foolish who refuse to see.

No ordinary man was He
They hung upon the rugged tree.
It's here we see our sin revealed,
And here is where the sinner's healed.

But if we fail to hear One sent
And of our sinfulness repent,
Accursed the obstinate will be
Then ever bound in chain they'll be.

What lies inside the outer shell
The free or slave within will tell
The fruit will grow from that within
And show itself as good or sin

Regardless of the fame observed
Each received what they deserved
A clean and humble heart within,
Or clean facade, but filth within.

I cannot say with confidence
I've given all, and all is whence
I find the crown of vict'ry won
And face to face I meet the Son.

His will I want to clearly see
Without such ambiguity
But that would not require me
To use discernment, or be free.

The Lord has made salvation known
Redeeming all with blood His own.
His grace in showers poured on man
So man could learn His holy plan.

His plan for love to rule the day,
Unselfish giving be the way.
Forgiveness ready offered where
Revenge and rancor find despair.

For happiness is in His law
As saints and martyrs clearly saw.
My goal to do as they have done
And find therein the vict'ry won.

The beauty of the sparrow,
A hummingbird or crow,
While looking very narrow,
At length begin to grow.

So too, with every beauty
We come across today
Each marvel of creation
Amazes in such way.

Smallest of the living things
No man could ere create.
All creation loudly rings,
"It's God who holds our fate."

So, give praise where praise is due
The Maker of us all
For all beauty that is you,
Is valued most of all.

Here before the Eyes that see
A blinded beggar waits for Thee
To show the way and steer the ship
To weakly servants, well-equip.

The body be not well today
With factions pulling each their way.
A unity is needed here
Without suspicion, doubt, or fear.

Alone, the Spirit needs to be
The guiding light to help us see
The daily way to do Your will
And so our call to serve, fulfill.

10/2/22 Through 10/8/22

 10/2/22 Through 10/8/22

Grant faith among the world today
That we might rise above the fray
And seek Your will above the rest
To of our sinfulness divest

For when my will aligns with You
Great power comes to all I do
No tree or mountain could confine
The power of Your will Divine.

How easy we forget His love
And all His gifts sent from above
We come to think it's what we've earned
When truth be known, we have not learned.

The very breath that life sustains
Is here because our God remains
A patient, loving, God of peace,
But coming soon each life shall cease.

Then judgment comes and terror reigns
If we neglect to shed the chains
That bind us to the earth below
Amidst the dark and dreadful foe.

For that we cannot sacrifice
Becomes a wicked clamping vice
That keeps us from the mighty King
Who grants us all for everything.

Lord, help me choose the better part
In every choice today
To change my hard and stony heart
And learn to love and pray

Show me the time to sip the wine
And rest within Your word
Please calm the raging thoughts of mine
Till what You've said, I've heard.

I place before You everything,
My time throughout the day
Please show me when to praises sing
And how that I should pray.

More than my toil can complete
The worries of each day
But when I pray I come to meet
The One who makes the way

Not one was lost because of sin,
But lost for what they trusted in.
To trust the world, the flesh, or sin
Will not a place in heaven win.

But trusting in the mercy shown
When on the cross true love was known
Will cover sin with mercy's shade
Restoring what our God has made.

For He forgives the humble heart
While pride but drives itself apart.
So cast aside self-righteous thought
And be the humble one you ought.

Why end in the flesh what the Spirit began,
Does grace come from law, or the works of a man?
How stupid to seek after things that are vain
Allowing the love of the Spirit to wane.

Has law been the source of this mercy and love,
Or Christ on the cross who came down from above?
His blessing He showers on those who believe
Great deeds of the Spirit the humble receive.

So turn from the law and receive in the light
The Spirit of power, the source of great might.
The law but a guide, and the Spirit the Way
Don't settle for less than the brightness of day.

When demons gone are welcomed in
The way is clear to sordid sin.
The void must fill with holy things
Or demons worse, one empty brings.

Be Holy Spirit filled each day
To keep the demons far away.
Be fully armed and guard your home
Or lest you welcome those who roam.

The law was meant to guide the soul
Until the Christ had come.
But now that faith does man console,
More free we have become.

We simply listen when He speaks
Then do His holy will.
No more the empty, void, techniques
To just the law fulfill.

A freedom here, but challenge too
When leaving law behind.
Attentive we must be to You
To freedom truly find.

For freedom comes within Your will
Not in concerns of flesh
When trusting You we have our fill
And love is always fresh.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

9/25/22 Through 10/1/22

 9/25/22 Through 10/1/22

The all of earth here points to more
Yet all on earth engages war
To cling unto the good that's here
Or share with those who live in fear.

For sin includes the good not done
And I am too, a lazy one.
When need appears that we can fill
We must obey His holy will.

Our eyes must see the suff'ring one
And not pass by with good un-done
Or one day roles will be reversed
And we be counted with the cursed.

Give me a seeing, loving eye
To not the poor and sick pass-by,
But offer aid when ere I can
To comfort there my fellow man.

The child again is exalted on high
As one who is trusting to fully rely
On God's loving care every hour of the day
No matter what's trampled and lost in the fray.

A one who has offered what little he owns
In spite of the trials, in spite of unknowns.
A one who can see all he has is a gift,
Despite many troubles, will not go adrift.

Patient Job was a child in God's perfect eyes
Though losses were many, he stood with the wise.
He trusted, and trust the unlikeliest thing
Is that which the greatest of blessings did bring.

Resolute determination
Be the way we leave our nation.
Willing here to suffer well
To of the Gospel story tell.

Not fire from the heavens called
But love and mercy here installed
As monikers for who we are
And by such standards, lift the bar.

He came not to the soul condemn
But came to rescue wayward men
To show them mercy, love, and peace,
And all the chains of sin release.

Not any meager thing we hold
Not even heaps of purest gold,
Compare to what He offers men
In ages past, and now again.

Each day the offer comes anew
To follow me, or follow You.
Lord, let me see how good You are
And how this gold, below You far.

So let me never look away
But follow only on Your way
Regardless of the trials here,
If You alone, I could be near.

And give me patience lord as You 
Have patient been with all I do.
Allow Your word to work in those
Of whom I love, and whom You chose.

Angels of the heavenly host
Gloried, yet devoid of boast
Attend around the throne of He
Who reigns for all eternity.

Their glory lies in whom they serve
Whose pow'r they constantly observe,
Whose splendor none could ere explore,
Whose love but offers more and more.

In full, and not in partial ways
I've set to live for all my days.
I want no part that darkness plays
But seek for light to clear the haze.

The man with pride but plays the fool,
A blind and stupid, stubborn mule.
For what he knows of things to be
Is like a drop amid the sea.

The humble see the cross their way
To be like Him in every way.
To open vistas far and wide
And break the bonds of foolish pride.

What's hidden from the learned wise
Is plain before the simple eyes
That little ways of love can be 
My ticket to eternity.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Mostly Sawdust

 Mostly Sawdust 

So much is waste, so little good
What have I done with all this wood?
The kindling barrel overflows
And mostly here the sawdust grows.

But once awhile a gem appears
From all the labor of these years
A bit akin to life I see
For "Mostly Sawdust", that is me.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

A Simple Piece of Bread

 A simple piece of bread some say
Reminds us of that holy day
When sin was conquered on the cross
And earthly gain was seen as loss.

But more than simple bread I see
It's flesh and blood, in truth, to me.
No sign or symbol holds such sway
As Christ before me in this way.

His presence true and rich, profound
Within the Host is truly found
It's He who on the cross was hung
That's placed upon my waiting tongue

Saturday, September 3, 2022

9/18/22 Through 9/24/22

 9/18/22 Through 9/24/22

Lift holy hands for those who rule
Regardless if they play the fool.
No argument or anger shown
But care for souls and souls alone.

The riches here will pass away
And those that cheat and steal will pay.
The poor they bought and sold for coin
Eternal peace shall one day join.

No master shares a subject bound,
Nor in eternal peace is found
A one with selfish claims of pride
With poor and humble side by side

The chasm deep and oh so wide
To separate the poor and pride.
Those faithful in the little things
To peaceful life with Him He brings.

Even what we think we own
Will one day fade away,
For something that is yet unknown
But then will rule the day.

Don't hold onto the paltry things
You think will make secure,
But cling unto the wood that brings
A life that will endure.

Freely share when ere you can
And so the light will grow.
Have love like Him for every man
That all the world may know

There's something far beyond the sea
Beyond this tiny globe,
Far more than eye could ever see
Or mortal mind could probe.

So turn unto the One that sees
And offer all you own
Put all your trust in Him who frees
Then ALL is what you'll own.

One chasing for bubbles among deadly snares
The foolish that for the truth never cares.
The soul of the wicked desires for ill
No thought do they give for the one that they kill

The ear that turns deaf at the cry of the poor
Is caught in the trapping of deadly allure,
But simple will see when the reaper has come
How foolish the ways of the arrogant one.

The gift of the truthful, the blessing of wise
Is be seen as a brother in Jesus's eyes.
For He that will listen and act on His word
Will always by Him in distresses be heard.

Apostle or prophet, pastor or teacher
Gifts are quite varied that someone might reach her.
Prostitute or profligate
He welcomes in by Mercy's gate.

The Body of Christ is a band of the cleaned
The gems from the mud and the mire He gleaned,
All sinners of the common kind
That mercy in their weakness find.

Stones from the dead He restores to new life
The souls that were lost, but then rescued from strife.
The living stones of love that build
The Temple that His Spirit filled.

To search authentically to see
A one must poor and humble be,
Who recognizes all is Thine
And nothing here is truly mine.

The source of all in time and space
Of every single holy grace
Is God alone, the Holy Vine
Who beckons me to come and dine.

But if one comes to sup with Thee
They must display humility
For truth alone, Your presence stands
And all we have, Your love demands.

What time is it for me today?
A time to listen what You say,
A time to act and thus obey,
Or just a time to kneel and pray?

The time we're here on earth below
Is time that we must daily grow
It's time to learn the ways of love
That we might find our home above

So, fallen man He came to serve
Though none such treatment did deserve
For love before was barely known
But on the cross was fully shown.

We try, but one cannot ignore
That sacrifice is at love's core.
The emptying of selfish pride
To be like Him who freely died.

But time He spent within the grave
Was time He spent to heal and save
To call man to the time of love
In time eternal high above.

All on earth is vanity
For dust becomes all that we see
The flesh must die for life to live
To find the life we all must give.

His Sacred Heart aflame in me
Must be the light that others see
For when my pride is in control
A darkness clouds my inner soul.

Lord, drive that darkness far away
O're all I have please hold Your sway
Till looking through the glass that's me
That all one sees is light from Thee.