Sunday, January 30, 2022

2/13/22 Through 2/19/22

 2/13/22 Through 2/19/22

There's enemies without,
And enemies within.
The battle lines are drawn,
But where do we begin?

Without, the enemy is clear.
Within, not quite as much.
But more the hidden one to fear,
A sly and cunning touch.

Reliance on the strength of men,
The enemy within.
Without, the sins of other men
More obvious have been.

But trusting in the Lord is where
The strength is really found,
And trusting men, like desert bare,
A wasteland all around.

But planted near a stream the one
Who trusts in God alone.
The living water from the Son,
No greater power known.

Unfading in the year of drought,
The leaves remaining green.
With root that broadly stretches out
To that life-giving stream.

Rejoice in trials on the way
And ask for wisdom every day.
In tested faith we persevere
And so, to Christ, draw ever near.

Not tossed about by every wind
Like those denying how they've sinned
And doubting of the Father's love
To bring repentant souls above.

The man of faith can see the sign
And recognize the Son of Thine
By love unbounded every day
That points us on the righteous way.

Let my desire clearly be
To ever closer draw to Thee,
That no temptation may occur
That would my weakly will deter.

Grant me vision crisp and clear
May your voice draw ever near.
Signs and wonders all around
That lead to You are daily found.

No worries for the trusting soul
That listens to what's on the scroll,
For field and flower proudly wear
His love in robes beyond compare.

No lack in any situation
He controls all of creation.
Trust and see that He provides
When the one loaf He divides

A dim reflection, all I know
For quite a way I have to go
Sin has clouded what I see
Not as a person, but a tree.

Another touch from Thee I need
"I want to see, dear Lord," I plead.
Not walking trees or cloudy way,
But clear the path I walk today.

Give me polished silvered glass
Let my obedience surpass
The times when looking, I ignored
The need for change to come aboard.

My will I offer now to You
To mold and shape as You would do,
That when they look at me they see
A glass reflecting only Thee.

So, who do you say that I am?
The question He puts to each man.
Lord, You are the Christ, 
Who so highly priced
Every soul since when time began.

And who do YOU say that I be?
Any more than the crowd do you see?
On your answer depends
Where eternity spends
In flames, or in heaven with Me.

What profit be so many gains,
If all is lost and ends in pains,
Where rust corrodes and moth destroys
The chattel of so many toys?

For willing sacrifices now
Endure eternally somehow,
And earthly gain will seem as naught
When heaven's gain at last is bought.

But know my friend, that's just a term.
For entry there you cannot earn.
By grace alone you enter in
When God forgives of all your sin.

So work must prove the faith you own
And trust you have in God alone,
To save the sinner and to glean
The grain from chaff and make it clean.

In Christ transfigured there we see
Just what the man was meant to be.
Clothed in splendor, robed in white,
Shining in eternal light.

Yet one on earth alone is blest
The Virgin pure who passed the test,
Whose fiat bore for man the way
To once again see light of day.

Her tongue, it was changed history.
Her "Yes" to love is life for me.
How sweet and pure that tender voice.
Unselfish love her humble choice.

Steer me along the path with you
To find the love that's warm and true
To learn it's in the humble way
To meet our Lord, and light of day.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

2/6/22 Through 2/12/22

 2/6/22 Through 2/12/22

Each life receives a sacred call
To give not some, but give Him all.
In varied ways does each receive,
And find the graces to believe.

Some little nudges on the way,
Some met by angels in the day.
A burning bush that's not consumed,
Or flower in a wasteland bloomed.

But sure a call will come to each
To suffer long, or work, or teach.
What matters most, is you respond
And find His life in you has spawned.

We often cannot see the way
He works through boring everyday
Encounters with the ones you meet,
Or even in your worst defeat.

So raise your head and stay the course
With love of God, your driving force.
It shows in how you love the least
And find your love of God increased.

Touch the tassel and be well
Let me of Thy power tell.
Grant a needed healing where
Your servant lies in deep despair.

The edifice is just a key
To how the people worship Me.
If all is done to blow their horn,
To Me it comes as prideful scorn.

The worship that My people need
Will grow from tiny humble seed
That roots within a willing heart,
Not base desire set apart.

Both may build a place that's grand,
But one will fall, and one will stand.
Where lips and heart are both in tune,
A fitting dwelling place is hewn.

So pray with lips, but guard the heart
That two may never drift apart,
And let the edifice make clear,
What's seen outside is found in here.  "💖"

Wisdom says that what defiles
Comes not from out, but from within.
How we face our daily trials
Leads to light, or leads to sin.

Wealthy are the ones with wisdom,
Those who know what's good and true.
In their hearts a blessed rhythm
From the base, to holy drew.

Wisdom's key is faithful action.
Listen well, and then obey.
Turn from all the vain distraction.
Act within the Master's way.

Fools will let their pride beguile them,
Think their riches well-deserved.
Silver, gold, and gems defile them,
They that from the righteous swerved.

A disappointing tale it is 
For one with wisdom such as his.
From perfect love to turn away
And falter in that foolish way.

The castle crumbles when in pride
The One True God we set aside,
In favor of a worthless lie
That leads a foolish heart awry.

A tragic tale of gifts unused
Of sinful lust and grace refused,
But oft repeated to this day
Just in some slightly different way.

I pray for courage, strength, and might
To not be swayed by sin's delight,
But see in truth the void that's there
Of lies that lead one to despair.

Like Eleazar, may I be
When old, with eyes that clearly see
The folly in the evil way,
And choose to die instead of sway.

Virgin in the niche above me
Show me how your Son does love me.
Let me see the pain endured
That life eternal be secured.

If I knew that love so burning
With my will from evil turning,
All my days would point to He
Who suffered greatly on the Tree.

Ears attentive, listen closely.
Let the humble peasant host Me.
Follow as I point the way
And lead you to the light of day.

Come and bathe in waters flowing.
Faces all around are glowing.
Hearts made whole, candles lighted,
Lame now walk, and blind are sighted.

Here a mystery far surpassing
All the decades slowly passing.
Touch the mountain's polished stone,
And give your heart to God alone.

With great compassion for the crowd
And only seven loaves endowed
He satisfied the hungry hearts,
Then moved to preach in other parts.

Never ever disappointed,
Every day, by Him anointed.
Always something there to chew,
Always something fresh and new.

A day within Your temple there
More than a thousand anywhere.
The threshold of that holy place
Is overflowing peace and grace.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

1/30/22 Through 2/5/22

 1/30/22 Through 2/5/22

Patiently I wait to hear
The voice that always draws me near.
Encouraging to hold the line,
And not be swayed by "friends" of mine.

He calls the meek and humble kind
That in obedience will find
There's freedom in the way He shows,
And none the way the wicked goes.

Insanity is when we choose
A pleasure now, to later lose,
When Satan whispers in the ear
And we believe the lies we hear.
No need to bridle passions now,
The law is just to disallow
The pleasures that our hearts desire,
And shall not lead to endless fire.

A burning comes from either way.
Far better that, when we obey.
For passions in unending flame
Of self-importance blind and maim,
But flames of love will purify
And change the heart to multiply
What we receive in favor of
Our choice to seek the Father's love.

So much within Your word today,
So much to savor all the day.
How great Your love for every child,
The little ones and those defiled.

Hope You give to suffering souls.
A word or touch from You consoles.
Our burdens You will gladly bear,
That all might be of love aware.

So, what does "ready" really mean?
Could I, that day, be standing seen,
Or fallen prostrate there before
The Holy One whom we adore?

Well, "ready" means I've done my best,
Prepared His way, and passed the test,
Repented of my many sins
And found the place where love begins.

Where love has conquered base desire
And will to suffer, I acquire.
So far away I am today
Oh, change my heart, dear Lord I pray.

Show me the joy in all I do
When trying to get close to You,
And all my emptiness please fill,
Then mold me to Your holy will.

So on that day I'll stand and cheer
As you, my Lord, are drawing near,
Confident that You have won
And come for Your adopted son.

Shake the dust and move along
Don't dwell on those who think you wrong.
The seed you scatter may take root,
And someday also bear some fruit.

For God it is that makes things grow,
And how or when is His to know.
Ours is just to do God's will,
To be His hands, or be His quill.

Don't let pride be your inflation
Harbor not annoyed vexation.
Shake it off, be on your way,
Another waits for what you say.

1/14 Adoration
Jesus, in the silence bless me,
Eucharistic love caress me.
Still the spirit, calm the mind.
Lead me to contentment find.

Satisfied by only Thee
Come and dwell down deep in me.
Turn me from my base desire
Make my heart, to You aspire.

Take my meager offering,
My little bit of suffering,
The inconvenience in my day,
And turn it round to fit Your way.

Your way to share the cross with me.
A tiny splinter saved to be
The little bit that I can bear
And turn into an offering prayer.

Make of me a servant true,
One who offers all to You,
Holds not back from Love Divine.
When all is Yours, then ALL is mine.

How wicked now we've come to see,
Unbridled in brutality
Will stop at nothing everyday
To live their vicious, sinful way.

A life to them a lowly thing,
Worth no more than useless bling.
They rule by fear and savage might
Attempting to their wrong make right.

But truth and justice, we know win
The final battle over sin.
The cross has triumphed o'er the grave,
Repentant sinners, all to save.

For all the wisdom, wives, and gold
A foolish king do we behold,
Who let his heart be swayed by sin
And welcomed pagan worship in.

The shepherd having gone astray
Cannot discern the proper way
To lead the sheep to pasture green,
Or turn away from that unclean.

Be wiser than that king today
And choose the humble, simple way.
Be led by Him whose love is true,
And follow where He's calling you.

For wisdom's value falls away
If we don't follow on the way
And choose a road of selfish lust,
Instead of that, of love and trust.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

1/23/22 Through 1/29/22

 1/23/22 Through 1/29/22

In the pages of the scripture
Many words of wisdom there.
Here we find a painted picture,
That of which are few aware.

One of care and loving kindness,
One that's faithful, ever true.
One who never will abandon
Even when, are faithful few.

Here the light of light shines brightly
Right before your very eyes.
If you're open, even slightly,
Faith will lift the dim disguise.

Come and find life-giving water,
All of you who understand.
You the clay and He the potter,
Fashioned as the potter planned.

Soon will fall the house divided,
Evil with itself collided.
Truth cannot be manufactured,
Lies will lead to families fractured.

Although we all would like our way,
The truth alone should have its say.
And guide us firmly by the hand
To lead us to the Promised Land.

As the whisper in the Garden,
Tender hearts of love did harden,
Every lie another measure
Lessening the love we treasure.

There amidst the light I saw
That closer still, that I must draw.
How wrong I'd been to shun the way,
And now, the Lord, I must obey.

And more, I must prepare to show
The lost the way for them to go.
Such love is worth all that I own,
Such love to me, that day was shown.

So now it's up to me to share
And give of self to all I dare.
Though many shun the words I say
It's up to me to show the way.

I too, was blind and needed guides
To show me what the scripture hides.
Though plain in view, I could not see
How much that Jesus cares for me.

To you as well, His care extends,
But some, on you, as well depends.
He seeks a, "Yes Lord, I believe."
So life eternal, you receive.

His teachings are for none but good.
The hearer, to embrace them should.
And following that fruit may come
With joy to all, and not just some.

To all that listen and obey
Employing in their everyday
The spoken word they hear from You
In all they think, and say, and do.

But oft time still it passes by
Is plucked away by birds that fly
Or scorched because of lack of root,
Or choked by thorn, not bearing fruit.

So stir the fire and stoke the flame
Proclaim to all the Savior's name.
The gifts you have were meant to share,
So scatter seed now everywhere.

Blessings contemplated
So many now received
Boundless love flows unabated,
Through the fabric interweaved.

Promised line of blessing
For chosen peoples' race
Now in Jesus coalescing
Every drop of needed grace.

Lighted lamp not hidden
Let shine for all to see.
Foolish pride is here forbidden,
Welcome here, humility.

Jesus' place of resting
Here deep within the soul
Always more of me requesting
Till at last, you have the whole.

In giving we receive
As odd as it may seem
But only those who see believe,
Truth is more than just a dream.

In private may all be explained
Why strength and courage be now drained?
When strongest one would hope to be,
A weakling one is shown by Thee.

The weak ones can at last, be strong
If willing here to suffer long
In their weakness God makes grow
Branches swaying to and fro.

The emptiness, our God can fill,
But not the prideful bragging will.
One has room for God to dwell,
Others, all but self expel.

The wind and sea, they must obey
Yet man's allowed to choose his way.
Allowed to choose the right or wrong,
To be the weak, or be the strong.

The highest creature gets to choose,
Yet far more have they got to lose.
For love, the greatest gift to thee
Is only love, if love is free.

So many choices everyday
That we must make along the way
Some good to better, bad to worse,
That lead to blessing, or to curse.

His way the way that's always true,
The way that's always best for you.
Not that it's easy, fast, or clear,
But always drawing ever near.

The cross was too, a choice He made
As He, the Father, well obeyed.
Without this model from above,
No man would know the gift of love.

But resurrected from the strife
Man sees the way to this new life.
Far more than just a pleasant dream,
A life where love will reign supreme.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

1/16/22 Through1/22/22

 1/16/22 Through1/22/22

Espoused on earth is but a sign
Of something more, something divine.
Those gifted in so many ways
With two as one throughout their days.

Undoubtedly will wine run low
Then two as one must quickly go
To One who multiplies the wine
And blesses two with love divine.

Abundant is His vintage store,
And two must always search for more.
Released will be a flood for two
By doing what He says to do.

Just obey and all is well,
But how do average laymen tell
When much of truth obscured by sin
Can block the ears from hearing Him?

They fast and pray, for these are tools
For understanding Godly rules.
They open ears and clear the mind
That faithful souls, the truth will find.

The more you follow, more you see
And truth becomes more clear for thee.
When sin is mixed with righteous deeds, 
Sin conceals and then misleads.

Nourished well, the faith must be
By many meals that help us see
The vision of the land beyond
Instead of that for which we've pawned.

We've given up a life of grace,
And evening walks in garden space
To have our way of selfish greed
By looking past our brother's need.

But with the Spirit, life can change
Priorities be rearranged,
Disciples fed in every need
To nourish well their tiny seed.

So parents give your children love
That they may see the land above,
Be caught within the Spirit's hold,
And work to see the world is told.

For in the Spirit, life is new
And many gifts are offered you 
To show the world what life can be,
And how the Spirit helpeth thee.

Without a righteous check, behold
The evil forces brash and bold
Will brandish weapons all about
Inciting fear in those devout.

But just one soul that trusts in God
Exposes evil as a fraud,
And puts to flight the army there
If righteous souls engage in prayer.

A jealous heart cannot receive,
But only to the worthless cleave.
The humble on the other hand,
Can always have their love expand.

All credit goes to God alone
For every blessing that we own.
The willing heart can thus receive,
What jealousy cannot achieve.

For Saul and Pharisee alike,
The goal was to the rival strike.
Destroy the competition then
Reclaim the prominence again.

But humble in each case prevail
Where jealousy and hatred fail.
Those honored for eternity
Are clothed in pure humility.

Summoned by His Majesty
Is every creature meant tot be.
For each a purpose in His mind
That true fulfillment, each would find.

They recognize at early age
The wisdom of discerning sage,
And choose to follow on the road,
By answering the grace bestowed.

By motives pure and undefiled
The enemy is thus beguiled.
Filled with awe and devastated,
By a love so underrated.

Some will answer, some rebel,
But in the end, the wise will tell
Of how the good has conquered sin
And to the heavens entered in.

Why this Gospel short and sweet,
Or tale of Israel's defeat?
Where the wisdom in disguise,
Hidden from these simple eyes?

Perhaps a window here to see
How foolish those in pow'r can be,
Or just how those too close are blind
And fail, the simple truth, to find?

When far from God a man can be
For sure, his own worst enemy,
Consumed in many selfish ploys
His very flesh, he then destroys.

Is here the wisdom for this day,
We act like them a lot today;
We bring about a coming doom,
Destroying life within the womb.
