Sunday, January 16, 2022

1/30/22 Through 2/5/22

 1/30/22 Through 2/5/22

Patiently I wait to hear
The voice that always draws me near.
Encouraging to hold the line,
And not be swayed by "friends" of mine.

He calls the meek and humble kind
That in obedience will find
There's freedom in the way He shows,
And none the way the wicked goes.

Insanity is when we choose
A pleasure now, to later lose,
When Satan whispers in the ear
And we believe the lies we hear.
No need to bridle passions now,
The law is just to disallow
The pleasures that our hearts desire,
And shall not lead to endless fire.

A burning comes from either way.
Far better that, when we obey.
For passions in unending flame
Of self-importance blind and maim,
But flames of love will purify
And change the heart to multiply
What we receive in favor of
Our choice to seek the Father's love.

So much within Your word today,
So much to savor all the day.
How great Your love for every child,
The little ones and those defiled.

Hope You give to suffering souls.
A word or touch from You consoles.
Our burdens You will gladly bear,
That all might be of love aware.

So, what does "ready" really mean?
Could I, that day, be standing seen,
Or fallen prostrate there before
The Holy One whom we adore?

Well, "ready" means I've done my best,
Prepared His way, and passed the test,
Repented of my many sins
And found the place where love begins.

Where love has conquered base desire
And will to suffer, I acquire.
So far away I am today
Oh, change my heart, dear Lord I pray.

Show me the joy in all I do
When trying to get close to You,
And all my emptiness please fill,
Then mold me to Your holy will.

So on that day I'll stand and cheer
As you, my Lord, are drawing near,
Confident that You have won
And come for Your adopted son.

Shake the dust and move along
Don't dwell on those who think you wrong.
The seed you scatter may take root,
And someday also bear some fruit.

For God it is that makes things grow,
And how or when is His to know.
Ours is just to do God's will,
To be His hands, or be His quill.

Don't let pride be your inflation
Harbor not annoyed vexation.
Shake it off, be on your way,
Another waits for what you say.

1/14 Adoration
Jesus, in the silence bless me,
Eucharistic love caress me.
Still the spirit, calm the mind.
Lead me to contentment find.

Satisfied by only Thee
Come and dwell down deep in me.
Turn me from my base desire
Make my heart, to You aspire.

Take my meager offering,
My little bit of suffering,
The inconvenience in my day,
And turn it round to fit Your way.

Your way to share the cross with me.
A tiny splinter saved to be
The little bit that I can bear
And turn into an offering prayer.

Make of me a servant true,
One who offers all to You,
Holds not back from Love Divine.
When all is Yours, then ALL is mine.

How wicked now we've come to see,
Unbridled in brutality
Will stop at nothing everyday
To live their vicious, sinful way.

A life to them a lowly thing,
Worth no more than useless bling.
They rule by fear and savage might
Attempting to their wrong make right.

But truth and justice, we know win
The final battle over sin.
The cross has triumphed o'er the grave,
Repentant sinners, all to save.

For all the wisdom, wives, and gold
A foolish king do we behold,
Who let his heart be swayed by sin
And welcomed pagan worship in.

The shepherd having gone astray
Cannot discern the proper way
To lead the sheep to pasture green,
Or turn away from that unclean.

Be wiser than that king today
And choose the humble, simple way.
Be led by Him whose love is true,
And follow where He's calling you.

For wisdom's value falls away
If we don't follow on the way
And choose a road of selfish lust,
Instead of that, of love and trust.

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