Saturday, August 28, 2021

9/12/21 Through 9/18/21

 9/12/21 Through 9/18/21

The question still remains today. 
Who do You say I am?
Don't simply try to get away,
Or bypass this exam.

The answer sets the very tone
For how to live each day.
If He is God, and God alone,
His word we must obey.

Oh happy fault that Christ should come,
Redeeming all from sin.
To show the depth that Christ would plumb
That we might enter in.

But still today, the question plied,
Just who this man could be.
The saints alone on Him relied,
That's good enough for me.

What kind of faith do I possess,
A faith enough to heal and bless?
Or faith that only shows its face
When needy of some special grace?

A faith at every twist and turn
Will help the steadfast ones discern
He works all for the good He chose,
So pray you may be one of those.

Such love I cannot comprehend
One patient till the bitter end.
Not shrinking from the stripe or thorn
Our Savior did the cross adorn.

That we might lift Him high to see
The love He has for each of thee,
And join our burdens there to His
For sacrifice is what love is.

Heart of Jesus, Heart of Fire,
Listen to my heart's desire.
Come enflame my heart as Thine,
Make my love a love Divine.

Pierce me as Your Mother's heart
Many times Your grace impart
That my station never leave,
But my heart, to Your heart cleave.

Let me welcome with my hands
Every word of Your commands
Press Your Sacred Heart to mine
Making it a heart as Thine.

That beneath the cross I stay
Pondering the Truth, the Way.
Life Divine, love excelling,
Of Your sacrifice all telling.

How foolish when I turn away
And choose to follow my own way.
No satisfaction I would find,
But more of darkness for the mind.

And in repentance I have seen
Forgiveness and the gap between
My ways of selfish righteousness
And humble, gentle loveliness.

Let tears of love then flood my eyes
And strip away my false disguise.
Then there in true humility
Forgiveness for my sins I see.

A fragrant love is then outpoured.
The total gift of Christ our Lord.
With none held back, He showed how love
Would lead us to our home above.

A simple life of simple means,
A life of love with strict routines,
To turn the heart to Him each day
Will lead us safely on our way.

Avoid the rocks, avoid the thorns.
Explicitly the Sower warns
How these can hamper goodly seed
Depriving it of basic need.

The need of soil to embrace,
Receive it well, and foster grace.
To blanket and protect the seed
From bird, and rock, and thorny weed.

So, well prepare your place to grow,
That nourishment the seed would know,
And roots extend to firm and deep,
Quite far beyond the surface cheap.

Then firmly rooted, richly fed
Each seed would yield a loaf of bread,
And persevere through all ordeal
With patient love and holy zeal.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

9/5/21 Through 9/11/21

 9/5/21 Through 9/11/21

Our faith arrives by what we hear
Through faith, we find our Lord is near,
And that of which we've come to know
Our life will soon begin to show.

Without the ear attuned to hear
The speech is never very clear.
Impeded by our failings when
Instead of God, we follow men.

So listen well to know the way,
Then you will speak as clear as day,
And others find His word in you 
Through all you say, and all you do.

Each one a labor given thee,
A way of love to come to Me.
Let each complete the work assigned 
And in the Father's presence find
The withered heart and hand restored
With grace abundantly out-poured

A Sabbath rest is good for man,
But Sabbath in the Father's plan
Is not a time for evil deeds,
But understanding well our needs.
To follow as the Lord commands,
And let Him heal our withered hands.

Principalities and Powers
From our God in flesh now cower.
For in His holy body shone
The humble love of God alone.

Obedience has conquered sin,
Faults forgiven, cleansed within.
Nailed upon the awful tree, 
All the evil plaguing me.

Now in turn, I must obey,
Learn to sacrifice and pray,
Seek the love that conquered death,
Praising till my dying breath.

From ancient times this day foretold,
Barren wife at last consoled.
The purest virgin of our race,
Dawn of mercy, dawn of grace.

This day a gift from God above
My duty now to add the love.
To find the lowly, poor, and weak,
And give to them the love they seek.

To measure out without reserve,
To be a humble one, to serve,
To lend a hand to those in need,
And by example, sow a seed.

I see quite well the splinter there,
The speck of dirt, or misplaced hair.
Yet blinded I so often seem,
And fail to see the wooden beam.

You're at my side throughout the day,
Yet frequently I tend to stray
This beam that often blocks my view
Is pride unchecked that quickly grew.

Forgive my many failings Lord,
Be You alone, my great reward.
This beam I wish to quickly shed,
And be a humble man instead.

Lord help me act upon Your word,
Your every call that I have heard,
And so a strong foundation build
For house of love, with wisdom filled.

So much to me, You have to say,
But busyness can fill my day.
Distractions draw my eyes from You
Alacrity, I then eschew.

Lord help me see beyond the haze.
Your Spirit set my heart ablaze.
That every word, I act upon,
And light within, be like the dawn.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

8/29/21 Through 9/4/21

 8/29/21 Through 9/4/21

The world wants to know what's wrong,
But bothers not to think too long.
They act to change the broad array
Without reforming their own way.

To save the lives, the guns must change,
But then again, it seems quite strange.
The weakest and most needy one
Is cast aside fore life begun.

They look to see another's ill
Without a thought to their own will.
They say they have the right to choose
Without a thought to what they lose.

So, how to fix our world today,
Remains the same as every day.
Those blinded by their pride, you see
Are those that need to change, not me.

Just how would I have looked upon
This man I once knew well,
Would I have given time to spawn
The words that He would tell.

Or would I rush upon the man
Intending to do harm,
Would faith in Him that just began
Be cause for such alarm?

Today as well we still project
Upon the holy ones
The sins to which we all object,
But teach to all our sons.

Lord let me not a wound inflict,
But simply pass me by,
Then in my heart of hearts convict,
Contrition then supply.

In love, He came not to condemn,
But change the hearts of sinful men.
The Father's love to man reveal,
And sickness of our sin to heal.

I see, and so believe it's true,
But find myself so far from You.
Yet still, You knock and enter in
Each time I turn away from sin.

If I could just describe Your love,
The patience and the kindness of
The One so far, and One so near,
I'd find the end of doubt and fear.

A healing both complete and fast
A memory for years to last,
Of how God loves and cares for me
That often I would fail to see.

How fickled, I at times can be,
Impatient with impiety,
Forgetting all that He has done,
And acting as He's given none.

When none was spared by Him for me
The shroud proclaims His victory
The Gospel in each stripe and thorn
His sacred countenance adorn.

Put out into the deep, He said,
And let your ways, by Me be led.
I'll teach you how to fish again,
But this time for the souls of men.

He brings new wine to all who live,
And teaches them to freely give.
To let their hearts and souls expand
To see what from the start He planned.

But fresh must be the way we live,
And many times we must forgive,
For fresh expands and always grows,
But old will lose the wine it knows.

So make each day, a day anew,
And let His Spirit grow in you.
Abandon that which holds you back,
Let Him provide what ere you lack.

Lord of the Sabbath, determine for me,
Where is the right, and what is the key,
How to discern when to rest is to be,
Or when action would far more appropriate be.

Truest devotion, a heart full of love,
God in our flesh, come down from above,
To show to the feeble, the way of the Lord,
And see in all things, how His love is out-poured.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

8/22/21 Through 8/28/21

 8/22/21 Through 8/28/21

Submission to His holy will,
The way to find our honest fill
Of love and peace and joy sublime,
As to the throne of grace we climb.

So proud of having gone "my way"
The haughty find, at last, someday
That only in His will is found
A love that will the heart astound.

No way of man could ever find
such harmony to still the mind,
And rest in perfect love received
From One our very life conceived.

So cringe not at that word today.
Submission, be your chosen way.
For only when our choice is free
Will perfect love and joy we see.

Too often still we look for ways
To skirt around His will.
To look at things amid a haze
And not the truth distill.

He makes it clear to every man
The way in life to go.
Yet still, we search for how we can
Unto the Lord say no.

A hypocrite in every sense
Who follows law for show
Devoid of simple common sense,
Refusing Him to know.

Today again the choice remains
To follow good or ill
I pray to have the simple brains
To follow in His will.

How blest we are that know the Lord,
His favor on each one outpoured.
To learn to pray at tender age
And with the holy ones engage.

The poor are those without a guide,
That only know their selfish side.
Who never taste how sweet is love,
And all that comes from God above.

Reach out Oh Lord and touch the soul,
Let every sinner be made whole.
And show to those so far away
That Yours is but the only way.

One far above was then made low
So every soul on earth would know
The love of God for sinful men
And have the chance to start again.

Receive oh Lord, all things I own
My treasure is in You alone.
My privilege is to bear my cross
And count all earthly gain as loss.

So little here on earth, we know
But loving Him will make us grow
And open vistas far and wide
Of wonders on the other side.

Woe because the beauty's gone,
A thin veneer is all that's on
A core that's rotten as can be,
But through the veil, the wise will see.

In truth is where the beauty's found
It comes from in, and not around.
When that within the heart of thee
With God, finds perfect harmony.

So in the fight, both work and pray,
Then always take the humble way.
For pride is what corrupts within
And multiplies our every sin.

But truth reveals a beauty there
With which the pride cannot compare.
A radiance from deep within
That shines when we abandon sin.

I pray that I be ready then
Not acting as the sinful men,
But diligent in all I do,
And leading other souls to You.

So much I lack, but You can fill
The failings of my human will
To make me patient, good, and kind,
And help this feeble soul to find,

Your every word my pure delight
That keeps me ready through the night.
Awake to find on Your return
What only faithful servants earn.

A holiness is my desire
Closer still, and always higher.
The wise are well-prepared for when
The Bridegroom will return again.

With preparation every day
We face the trial, come what may,
Then wait with patience for the time,
And try to cleanse our sinful grime.

"Well done, My good and faithful one."
The words we long to hear
Your faith and trust in Me has won
The life that you revere.

It's not your work, and not your wit,
But trust in Me alone.
And willingness that you commit
The all of what you own.

Not burying the talents that
Were given just for you,
But give to see what love begat,
And give to Love His due

Sunday, August 1, 2021

8/15/21 Through 8/21/21

 8/15/21 Through 8/21/21

So, What does the Assumption mean,
Except that who was dimly seen
Has now been glorified as Queen,
Most perfect one to intervene?

The sinless all throughout her time
To highest height would Virgin climb.
Obedient in all her ways
A faithful one through all her days.

So many times I fall away
And fail to hear, much less obey.
The Lord above is Lord of all,
And wise men hearken to His call.

But foolish I so often be,
And fail to hear Him calling me.
A rich young man will just grow old
By saving that which should be sold.

But one that follows Jesus finds
A peace and joy of many kinds.
For with the Lord, all loss is gain,
And giving all, we all obtain.

Lord make of me a servant true,
A humble helper close to You.
Attune my ear to hear your voice,
And make Your will my every choice.

So far away I seem from You
The faithful ones seem far too few.
The enemy a frightful hoard,
There's need for peace to be restored.

The soldiers in Your army be
The lowly ones that trust in Thee,
The helpless poor and very weak
Who make Your will the will they seek.

Though far away, I yearn for You,
Yet still I often turn from You
Oh change this sickly heart of mine,
And make my will to Yours incline.

For there, despite the trials here,
My comfort is to know You're near,
And that Your power far outweighs
Whatever comes from sinful ways.

Refuse the call and then you'll see
How poor the leadership can be.
Be selfish in the way you live,
And wonder why no one will give.

The Buckthorn rules for in the day
We sought for one to lead the way,
The olive, fig, and vine we knew
Would not accept the crown from You.

You live within a barren waste
For none would of My cup, partake
They find excuses one and all
For why they cannot heed the call.

The gifts are given each to share,
And always with enough to spare,
But generosity will be
Our only hope or guarantee.

Rejected by His chosen ones
He searches for adoptive sons
The search goes out to all who hear
To come and feast with One so dear.

But clothe yourself in love before
You knock upon the banquet door.
For love alone must be our dress,
The Master's son would have no less.

To love, by far, the great command.
To love, is what the Lord demands.
For love has given all we own,
And love can never be outgrown.

A total gift of self is love
No greater gift than His above.
A perfect Lamb of sacrifice
Who leads us to His paradise.

The simple in a way profound,
The wise and learned ones astound
For they can see with clarity
The graces of austerity.

So hard the lures of earth to shed,
The false bravado of the dead,
Who look to only earthly gain,
And cower from a hint of pain.

They know not of what loving means,
And see not how the loving leans
To give of self when ere they can,
To help their needy fellow man.

So listen what they say to you,
But follow not the way they do.
The great among you all must serve,
And all will get what they deserve.