Saturday, December 30, 2023

1/14/24 Through 1/20/24

 1/14/24 Through 1/20/24

In ages past, the path unclear
Not often did His voice we hear,
But in this age, we're clearly told
The way salvation shall unfold.

The Son of God has come to Earth
The Noble One took humble birth
To show all men God's holy will
And how their thirst for love to fill.

If when He calls we answer well,
And of His love and glory tell
Though pain and sorrow come our way
His peace cannot be pulled away.

Through sacrifice, mankind was saved.
In sacrifice, our path is paved.
He calls us all to freely give
And learn through sacrifice to live.

So, listen and you'll hear today
His voice that says, "This is the way."
It's not for later, but for now
So listen and obey somehow.

You'll not be disappointed then
Like all the prideful, sinful men,
For dutiful shall find new birth
And humble shall inherit Earth.

Far better than sacrifice, follow His word
You may keep what you have but do as you've heard.
Reject Him and find that in life you have failed,
The flesh o'er the spirit, to death has prevailed.

For all He has banned, He finds worthless to all,
So why disobey and not answer His call?
The Giver of Good has our interest at heart,
So why from the plan of the cleansing depart?

What His justice demands we none can afford
But repentance can fix our mistakes with the Lord
So, turn from the sin to be healed and renewed
\Let obedience only from now be our food.

Not as man, God's glory sees
He has not chosen one of these
He puts His seal on humbly blest
For He can see within the breast.

The heart He knows that's good and pure
The one whose trust will long endure
Don't look at stature, brain, or brawn
Not these, His choice depended on.

Look deep inside for there reveals
What brain and brawn, in truth, conceals.
The heart and soul most blessed when
They're found within the humble men.

A withered hand no use to me,
I may as well be blind, you see
I need both hands to ply a trade
And honor Him in what I've made.

Death is evil's darkest deed
The only way it can succeed
It rages in the soul of man
To ply the devil's evil plan.

Our suffering's a call to join
And make our lives, to Christ adjoin
Uniting trials in the cross
To make the Devil's gain his loss.

In Christ we see an empty grave
A resurrected One to save
On Perfect Love we can depend
This world's grave is not the end.

So, join your suffering to Him
Let not your face be dark and grim,
But know your cross will lead to life
And suffer well your every strife.

The circumstances will arise
When we can choose who lives or dies
When enemies are in our hold
And we must act as one controlled.

A one controlled by higher ways
With love and patience ruling days
Without the vengence evil craves,
But rather humble love that saves.

The way we choose can set the course
Toward humble love, or great remorse
In retrospect I think I've shown
Both ways of wise and fools I've known.

When wisdom ruled, twas grace alone
That light amid the darkness shone,
And in the times of foolish pride
I set the light of grace aside,

May nevermore I foolish be
For Christ, my Lord has rescued me.
A wretched sinner, fool, depraved, 
But hopefully, a sinner saved.

Young David mourns for what is lost
His King and brother too.
The price of sin a higher cost,
But still, do fools pursue.

Someday we'll see that all we chased
Was worthless, vain pursuit.
So much of time that we did waste
Just like a senseless brute.

Awake and look around to see
What truly you have gained.
Can any face eternity
In all you have obtained?

They called Him crazy, mad, insane,
But look at what He won
It's on the cross is where we gain
A kinship to the Son.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

1/7/24 Through 1/13/24

 1/7/24 Through 1/13/24

Far in east, a star arises
Few discern its gloried guises.
Here but three discern its wonder
Born all time to set asunder.

Still today the wise will seek Him.
Faithful servants still bespeak Him.
All men can see His shining star,
But only wise come near or far.

Make of me one wise and humble,
Guide my feet to never stumble.
Let me offer worthy praises,
Spark a fire in me that blazes.

Let me be the wise to witness,
Make me one of perfect fitness.
Ready always here proclaiming,
Jesus Christ the Savior naming.

Flowing water cleansing tide
Wash the stains of sin aside.
Let me rise afresh and new,
Detached from sin and much like You.

The freedom that the Spirit gives
Enables righteousness that lives
Within a broken world to see
The goodness God intended thee.

Far more than just an outward sign
They truly cleanse in His design
And give the freedom all should know
To evermore in love to grow.

Anxieties we daily bring
With hopeful heart before the King.
The King that fashioned all that is,
Who chose us as a child of His.

The humble heart He hears with joy,
And messengers in His employ
He sends to bring Good News to they
Who walk along His narrow way.

In righteousness and constant hope
They walk in faith to help them cope
Both trusting that which can't be seen,
And shunning all that's found unclean.

Lord, help me be like those who win
Rejecting every thought of sin,
Accepting all You ask to bear,
To someday in Your glory share.

Have you heard His voice today,
Or have you taken time to pray?
Perhaps His word is close at hand
If we but followed His command.

We crowd the beach to build on sand
Not caring what the Lord had planned.
Our fancies chased at every whim,
Instead of listening to Him.

In silence of the early morn
Is where the Blessed Christ was born.
Most sleeping in their comfy bed
Not seeing in the cattle shed.

So too, it happens every day,
So few will make the time to pray,
And miss the wonder waiting near
If they would take the time to hear.

The storms are brewing all around
But few, on rock, are firmly found.
And what a fall awaits for they
Who make not daily time to pray.

Daily Word is always needed
Often though it is not heeded.
Teach me to listen and obey
By daily making time to pray.

The shout goes up, "Unclean! Unclean!"
The wretched state of sin is seen
Decaying flesh and stench of sin
Describes the state the soul is in.

All lepers in the sight of God,
The righteous man no less a fraud.
For all have sinned and turned away,
His touch alone can save the day.

An overflowing joy abounds
When sinners freed make joyful sounds.
But He that healed, our cross assumed 
To save the lost and free the doomed.

So, learn to love in Godly ways
And give Him all your thanks and praise.
For freedom comes so highly-priced,
Just look upon the Cross of Christ.

One King alone I wish to serve
None other loyalty deserve.
One King alone shall free the slave.
One King alone whose Son He gave.

No other love like His is known.
No other purest love has shown.
One King alone is true and wise
One King is God in man's disguise.

Doctors for the sick are needed,
Only well, the law have heeded.
Those who see their lives as moral
With the Man of Mercy quarrel.

Blinded by their own behavior
Think they needn't need a Savior.
But object in sinful measure
To the choice of Mercy's pleasure.

Might we too be quite like them
Who wish to other ones condemn?
We build ourselves by tearing down
Then in our ways offend the Crown.

In the eyes of One who made us
Have we done what He has bade us?
Far from such, we all have drifted
Only humble ones get lifted.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

12/31/23 Through 1/6/24

 12/31/23 Through 1/6/24

The family the basic cell
Where first the Gospel words we tell
The place where children learn to love
A sacrificial place thereof.

The spouses, permanent and true
Within the covenant renew
Their bonds of love and multiply
With little ones to edify.

Mary, far above all others
Mary, like no human others
Virgin filled with endless graces
In all times and in all places

Beauty far beyond all telling
Deep within the Godhead dwelling
Overshadowed by the Spirit
Teaching children not to fear it.

We His children, like our Mother
Must adore Him, not another
He will lift the lowly higher
Saving them from dreaded fire.

Help me to become so lowly
So, like Mary, I may know Thee
Help Your weakly servant grow
One overshadowed in Your glow.

If someone asks you, "Who are you?"
Would you know what to say or do?
Is your purpose clear and fruitful,
Is it something folks find useful?

Each with purpose in the planning
O'er the ages many spanning
Each with his own to carry out
Each with the need to be devout.

To find which what and who apply
We must commune with God most high.
The silence in the desert sand
Is where we learn what Master planned.

For in the silence there, He speaks
With little nudges, interest piques
And if our pride be set aside
You'll find the who, by Him supplied.

So, what is in that Holy Name
The One of everlasting fame
.What power spread when uttered well 
To all His praise and glory tell.

No other name in power bound
On Earth or Heaven ever found.
A name to make the demons flee
A name to set the captives free.

No other freely nailed to wood
No other speaks such truth and good
No other, sins can all forgive
No other died that all might live.

How foolish to profane this name
Of purest Love, from whence He came.
The only name to save the soul
And make the broken sinner whole.

Revere and cherish every sound
Where Jesus on the lips is found
So, praise His name and open wide
And welcome Purest Love inside.

The Lord supplies a change of name
When changing rules within the game
When love becomes the rule of rules
Christ shows He's using different tools.

As Simon changed to Peter then
The work was shown as different when
The King becomes the Servant One
The lowliest, His Mighty Son.

So, confirmation means a change
Priorities to rearrange
A name to choose to guide the way
To serve Him in our special way.

The name of Joseph held appeal
A man of strength both true and real.
A worker who accomplished much
But held at bay desired touch

He gave up good for better still
And followed well the Master's will.
A builder in his chosen trade
With pride in what his hands had made.

So, this is why that name I chose
As Joseph from the rest of those
For me, he's been a kindred soul
Inspiring and making whole.

When all we have is all we need
The wealth of earth can ne'er exceed
The joy of Jesus in the soul
Refreshing love and making whole.

If we have it all, but Him
Our happiness is weak and slim
For only Christ can satisfy
And promises of wealth belie.

No greater emptiness be known
Than wealth abundant and alone
While love abounds within their view
Among the ones with blessings few.

That you may know beyond a doubt
What loving God is all about
I write confirming what is true
That Jesus gave His life for you.

His love for you makes others pale
For on the Cross, He tore the veil
That separated God from man
Revealing God's salvation plan.

Friday, December 8, 2023

12/24/23 Through 12/30/23

 12/24/23 Through 12/30/23

What kingdom lasts forever here
Where men grow old and death is near?
Like grass, they wither, flower fade
They last a while, then pull the shade.

But promise made him long ago
Within the hearts remained aglow
Somehow they knew the promise made
Would somehow in some way be paid.

A Virgin chosen who obeys
Who ponders in her heart and prays
To bear the One both God and man
To somehow reign forever can.

For this is One death cannot hold
Not bound by sin as kings of old.
One Holy King forever crowned
To free what chains of sin had bound.

What can I say that's left unsaid?
The Babe that's born will soon be dead
In all the world of ages past
There's nary but one thing to last.

Such love that God became a man
To show how much the mortal can
Be like unto the God above
If man would simply learn to love.

In manger lies the Prince of Peace
Whose love for man shall never cease.
His poverties endured for man
To show His love since time began.

Today we celebrate this gift
And praise unto the Savior lift
But lest our joy misunderstood
Recall to mind the sacred wood.

Jesus grants His grace to martyrs
Not the sort of thing one barters
But a gift that's freely given
To repentant and forgiven.

Love's the key to man's heroics
Love inspired martyred stoics
If we learn to love when steady
Grace will come when time is ready.

Love the neighbor brash and vicious
Though he be one found pernicious
Love is that which softens stone
And that which changes hearts alone.

Willingness to suffer hearkens
All whom pride and envy darkens
When they see love has no ceiling
Then the love becomes their healing.

What I've seen, what I've heard
What I know without a doubt
Him the Light, Him the Word
Him the prophets spoke about.

Now is risen who was dead
Now ascended to the throne
By His body we are fed
So to never be alone.

Be a lover, a disciple
Come and meet the Lord of love
He the One, the archetypal
From the Father up above.

Of the Father's love begotten
Co-eternal is the Son
Precious souls are not forgotten
Shown the way to be as one.

In His presence peace of mind
One contented, satisfied.
In His holy place we find
He, The Risen, Who once died.

Come and see, come and hear
Come to know whom I have known
Come in faith, not in fear
Let Him make you now His own.

How well do I listen, how well do I hear?
Do I act out of wisdom, or act out of fear?
Am I tuned to the channel of Almighty God,
Or listening to that devilish fraud?

Is my self in the way of what's commonly good?
Do I act in the ways that I know that I should?
Do I care for the poor and the needy I see,
Or just pass them by thinking only of me?

Do I honor what's good and what's holy and pure?
Do I falter in trial, or do I endure?
Is commitment much deeper than surface that's seen,
Or all but a shell that disguises unclean?

You know me far better than even I know,
And that's why I ask, that You answer me so.
For blinded are many I see all around
And rarely those sighted with truth may be found.

So speak to me loudly, and speak to me clear
My hearing and seeing are faulty I fear
Sometimes I sure know as the Blessed Lord lives
That I need the persuasion a two-by-four gives.

Now let Your servant go in peace
Your word has been fulfilled
Your presence here shall now increase
Just as the Father willed.

The Light has come and darkness fades
Your glory now be known.
Let in the light, remove the shades
Soon Truth to man be shown.

Things pondered in the Virgin's heart
Are just a way for man to start
To see with eyes of Heaven's gaze
And clear away the earthly haze.

What Earth can offer cannot fill
It's only in the Father's will
That satisfaction comes to man
In ways no Earthly chattel can.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

12/17/23 Through 12/23/23

 12/17/23 Through 12/23/23

Food in hunger, drink in thirst
Light in darkness on us burst.
Parched and weary, watered well
Lost in prison, freed from cell.

Brokenhearted healed at last
Poverty of lowly past.
Tidings glad proclaimed to poor
Vindication day for sure.

Lowly looked upon as blessed
High exalted o'er the rest.
Well-remembered promise kept
Mercy on the ones who wept.

Crying voice in wilderness
Water used to cleanse and bless
Though not worthy to untie
Sandals of the One on high.

He is coming, now is here
John His prophet standing near.
Seek and you shall find Him soon
One from purest Love that's hewn.

Protector and provider named
Loyal Joseph, faithful famed
One who heard and thus obeyed
Whose faithful trust would never fade.

Dear Joseph, make my heart like yours
A one the Holy Child adores
A one to sacrifice my will,
And learn to love Him better still.

A man of patience, honor bound
Who perfect love and beauty found
Whose manhood brightly lights the way
Without a word to ever say.

Men of strength in sacrifice
Passing by what things entice
Gain their strength in self-control
To carry out their special role.

Demons lead to vain distraction,
Angels to decisive action.
Freeing those bound up in chains
To now pursue the higher gains.

Grace for sure the greatest measure
Of their strength and inner treasure,
The grace accepted and embraced
In every earthly trial faced.

Grace that's always freely given
From His open hand, not riven.
All must learn to see the good
Then freely choose it as they should.

Ask for a sign as deep as the sea
High as the mountains, or high as can be.
If God is the giver of all that is good
And made by His hand, both the meadow and wood.

The stars of the sky and the worlds far away
All speak of His glory and holding of sway.
The tiniest things like the atom or cell
The Lord has designed and knows them so well.

Every turning of time, every memory made
Every shining of sun, or cool of the shade
Every darkness and light, every heat and the chill
Exist by the Word of the almighty will.

There's naught in your mind can conceive what He's done
And yet not all minds of the mortals are won.
The sin of our pride is a baffling thing
for it uplifts the creature instead of the King.

Oh, give me a heart like the Mother of God,
One pure and one docile with no trace of fraud.
A gift of such value that none can afford
But that is the sign that I seek from You Lord.

What joy that day on earth was found
When Mary, with the Lord, came round.
To greet the barren one with child
Declaring, free the long-exiled.

When heard, the voice of Virgin sound
The babe within the womb did bound
And leap for joy as ne'er before
To King of kings within adore.

So too, if we could recognize
The King of kings before our eyes
Within the ones we see each day
And learn to love, and teach, and pray.

He wants to occupy each soul
To heal the sick and make them whole
But we, like Mary, must obey
And say, "Not mine, but Lord Your way."

One set apart for holiness
One sent to cure, and heal, and bless.
One answering the cries of poor
One sent to lowly ones assure.

What greatness in the soul proclaims
And how His love, the heart enflames
To offer all I have to He
Who shows such love for lowly me.

I do not know why I am saved
And many others left depraved
No earning of this love sublime
That pulls me from the filth and slime.

But only joy can fill my heart
When grace as such He does impart
And somehow opens eyes to see
How far away I've strayed from He.

Prepare the way in me oh Lord
And grant what I cannot afford
The grace to see and recognize
The treasure here before my eyes.

The grace You granted sinful men
To call them time and time again
And then, at last, to send Your Son
Who on the Cross our vict'ry won.

Refining fire and fuller's lye
Our sinful hearts to purify
Remove the dross and clear the stain,
By love is every evil slain.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

12/10/23 Through 12/16/23

 12/10/23 Through 12/16/23

How patient is our precious Lord
To bring as many souls on board.
Long He waits, but not forever
Calm amid His long endeavor.

For that day will come as stealthy
Woe be to the proud and wealthy
All will pass away in fire
Cleanse me of my base desire.

Roof removed to draw us higher
Blessings greater to acquire
Called again to greater love Thee
Called to join the ones above me.

Called to serve the poor and lowly
Comforting one dying slowly
Called to help a friend in need
Called, the Voice of Christ to heed.

Grace is needed for the journey
Trust but God and trust Him firmly
None equips for what you're finding,
But for that he's Christ reminding.

Oh Mother, let your graces flow
That all would see the poor and know
They look upon your Son in each
And so the ways of love they teach.

The life of each a precious gift
But passes by as water swift
And if we fail to sieze the day
Perhaps we fall and lose our way.

To one day be like Him the goal
With vigor strong to feed the soul
To run and not grow weary still
With strength to every task fulfill

The yoke is easy, burden light
For those who join the daily fight
And yoke themselves to Christ the King
To soar aloft on eagle's wing.

Though daunting seems the task at hand
When I obey the Lord's command
His strength is always there to be
The power that's supporting me.

The waste becomes the fertile ground
The desert where the water's found.
In poverty and want we see
Our thirst is slaked in only Thee.

The poor and humble ones shall be
The instruments to set men free
To carry out His holy will
And sense of common good instill.

Though maggot-like, the low shall be
Who toss the mountains to the sea
Who cut the wheat and winnow chaff
And at the stormy weather, laugh.

For God, their strength, shall lead them home
No more in desert lands to roam
But in a garden once again
Where truth, and love, and goodness reign.

Like a river, vindication
Like the waves, prosperity
How to prosper every nation
Is to have them follow Thee

Progeny, like sands on seashore
Names engraved forevermore
In Your light what ere we plea for
Draws us ever unto Thee more

Fools accustomed to their pleasures
Blind themselves to higher ways
Temporal their foolish measures
But eternal are their days.

Turn hearts of fathers to their sons
The waiting, watchful, little ones
For there the tender hearts will see 
Just what it means, a man to be.

By good example children learn
On bad example, there they turn
The crucial role that fathers play
Can lead to God, or lead astray.

Don't squander time with those you love
But point their hearts to God above
And teach them in humility
That all that's good has come from He.

The moments all, though small they seem
With opportunities though teem
For little hearts take note of these
And years from now may lessons sieze.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

12/3/23 Through 12/9/23

 12/3/23 Through 12/9/23

Every moment at the ready
Longing for the break of day
Be a watchman firm and steady
There to meet Him come what may.

Oh, what joy when ere we find Thee
Awesome deeds at Your command
Though we all have undermined Thee,
No repentant soul be damned.

How we long for what You offer
Though impatient, weak, and frail
Bounties from Your endless coffer
For the ones who do not fail.

Give me strength and make me steady
One in trial, standing firm.
Help me be awake and ready
When at last, You Lord, return.

Oh, would that day we ever see
When nations all would flock to Thee?
When all would seek to know the Lord
And none would seek to raise the sword.

The mountain there before to climb
To meet the Lord of Love sublime
And learn His ways of truth and light
To fear no more the dark of night.

The prophet said so long ago
That someday every man would know,
But still, it seems so far away
That still I must but hope and pray.

So, use me Lord in some small way
To bring about Your triumph day
May I be salt to thirst awake
And help to more disciples make.

How blest are we to see this day
For which our fathers longed
Where Truth and Love have come our way
With justice for the wronged.

The prophets spoke in times of old
Of Jesse's stump to grow
And here today, now we behold
The King of kings we know.

Longing every day for love
And healing from our Lord
We look to Him from up above
To be the One implored

The blind, the deaf, the mute, and lame
All come for healing there.
That evil spirits He would tame
And offer Godly fare.

A gift of finest wheat prepared
And offered every morn.
With hungry souls, the mystery shared
And once again reborn.

A nation firm in principal
You keep, oh Lord, in peace,
And make it one invincible
Whose strength will never cease.

That nation well-prepares for woe
By "acting" on Your word.
No matter how the storms will blow,
They follow what they've heard.

We look and see how Godly men
Began this nation strong
Those hoping freedom, won again
Would last, this time, for long.

But freedom's not for selfish ways
Of greed, or lust, and pride.
It's meant to bring on Godly days
When Christ will be our guide.

We must repent and turn to God
Or great the fall shall be
Our ways of making rules are flawed
Lord, help us turn to Thee.

Lord, change our many hearts of stone,
And give us eyes to see
The Truth is found in You alone
And not "a truth for me".

So we might exist for the praise of His glory
He gave us one pure to begin a new story.
A story of beauty, and patience, and love.
A story of God's only Son from above.

As so through a woman, the Devil came in,
It's so through a woman we're saved from our sin.
The pure and the holy, by giving Her all,
Reversed the effects of that terrible fall.

The falling from grace in the garden before
Would the humblest "Yes" from the Virgin restore.
Through the Son of all Love, who was placed in Her womb
Who showed us so well that love conquers the tomb.

So, we exist now to praise of his glory
And pass it along to continue the story.
That humble obedience fosters our good
And to model our way on the Mother we should.

Like sheep without a shepherd
Abandoned and alone
With cares and worries peppered
By angry winds now blown

Amidst the chaos coming
To rescue troubled souls
Disciples now becoming
The ones at the controls

To cure the sick, raise the dead,
And evil drive away.
"This you do." the Master said
And follow in My way.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Random Stuff From My Phone

 Random Stuff From My Phone

These verses have typically been penned in my time of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament.  I don't know if there's a right way and a wrong way to spend your time in adoration, but I just enjoy the quiet and peace of being in His presence.  I rarely go to adoration with an objective in mind, but I just like to thank Him for my many blessings and lift up those sick and suffering in so many ways. 

My thoughts often wander, and sometimes when that happens I feel like the Lord is giving me the inspiration to put those wanderings to verse.  What follows are some of those wanderings.

It's you, my bride He chose for me
The perfect one who holds the key
To many blessings here below
That but for you, I would not know.

You've walked with me to meet the Lord
And found where many gifts are stored.
You daily sacrifices made
And well the word of God obeyed.

A brood of blessings granted me,
A widely spreading family tree.
All tutored with your tender care
That here again, your love declare.

My gratitude in tears will flow 
If you, by chance, before me go
My simple words I hope convey
The love I have for you each day.

Young beauty love, I wish you'd know
That how you dress affects men so.
When you expose what's meant for one
You find an evil chain begun.

The body so objectified
The demons on the man bestride
Bring thoughts of lust and base desire
When scanty is a girl's attire.

He sees her as a pleasure thing
Not one to cherish with a ring,
But one to use and throw away
Then go about his merry way.

The problem's not he sees too much,
But seeing then desires touch.
He fails to see what lies within,
The beauty that's below the skin.

The soul is where true love is found
Not casting all your pearls around
Among the swine that care for naught
Except their base desire sought.

So, guard what God has meant for one
Until your wedding bells have rung
In patient prayer your groom awaits
To seal your love in holy grace.

09.27.23 (Around the Feast of the Guardian Angels)
My Jesus, my Savior, my Lord, and my God
You guard every step on the pathways I trod.
An angel You task with directing my soul
To feed, and to prompt, and to gently cajole.

Looking back I can see many times he was there
To guard and protect from all danger with care
In holding my tongue, or in guiding away
From people or places that lead men astray.

The ways are so many, it boggles the mind
This blessing so fruitful, and thoughtful, and kind.
From earliest youth through the troubling teens
Always leading and guiding through treacherous scenes.

In dark isolation when distant God seemed,
The light of Your angel continually beamed.
He showed me quite clear where the emptiness led
And prompted to seek if my lover would wed.

He's guided me well as our children have grown
And helped to creatively make our God known.
In trial he's strengthened and steadied the knees
A power unseen with the guardian keys.

To protect and defend every hour of the day
To guide me and keep me from going astray.
Oh, help me to listen and quickly obey,
So one day you'll take me to Heaven away.

There's no dancing with delusion
All this rot about confusion.
God made male and female bodies,
They should use the proper potties.

Treat the problem, not the symptom
Look for healing, not for income.
Speak the truth with love and caring
Always with the Gospel sharing.

Hordes of children led in error
Now we reap this tragic terror
Evil runs amuck and cheery
Faithful ones all glum and weary.

One way alone to stem the tide
And end the reign of evil "pride".
Repent and humbly hold what's true
Not just for them, but also you.

Look deep within and see the log 
You may have missed amid the fog
So many splinters everywhere
But of the log we're unaware.

So, change whatever you control
And teach the truth to every soul
Delusion wanes when truth is known
And humble gains when love is shown.

Random thought in adoration
How to change a sinful nation,
Hope to mend the severed ties,
And speak the truth instead of lies?

One thing that I know is central
In this time so reverential
Change must first occur within
By turning from the lure of sin.

No Heaven is this, but I see it from here
With beauty so grand, I know that He's near
His glory is shown in the colorful leaves
A sign of His love for one who believes.

So sad for the pagan who sees nothing more
Than changing of seasons and none to adore.
But the finger of God paints the sky up above,
And each leaf on the tree with the colors of love.

Such beauty is pleasing, inspiring of awe,
Each sight ever more than the last that I saw.
My heart is uplifted, and glory I see
In the colorful leaves of each Autumn tree.

11/26/23 Through 12/2/23

 11/26/23 Through 12/2/23

Lord, in Your kingdom, coming soon
No more the need to trim or prune.
for all are like unto Your ways
And love shall reign for endless days.

Your kingdom come on Earth we pray
As all around us every day
We see the horrors sin has brought
And suffering when love's forgot.

Lord, grace me now that I may see
What has to change inside of me.
That I would form unto Your will
And so, a life of love distill.

Your kingdom's not a land of dreams
But far more than, to most, it seems.
The broken beauty here we see
Is just a flash of what will be.

In God alone is man complete
None other can our longing meet.
And all we have, so little seems
For One who satisfies our dreams.

What little that we think we own
Will one day be so paltry shown
For love alone will carry sway
When e'er we reach that final day.

So, why hold back and wait for then?
Be not the same as sinful men.
Trust all you have to Providence,
And do so with all confidence.

All kingdoms here on Earth shall end
For they, on God, do not depend.
They try to make "their truth" the law
And fail to see what righteous saw.

When man departs from God alone
Then he must reap the seed that's sown.
When self-importance rules the day
The end, for sure, is on the way.

What makes a nation wise and strong
Is willingness to suffer long
To benefit the common good
And love their neighbor as they should.

When selfish passion dominates
A world of trouble it creates
Then kingdoms crash and burn as waste
And disappear as smoke that's chased.

But if we pray, Your Kingdom come,
Then prosperous, we could become.
Where sacrifice and love shall reign
Is where we find eternal gain.

You have been weighed and found wanting,
A terrible thought.
See the writing, so haunting
Your actions begot.

With shaking hips and knocking knees
Before Omnipotence
By then is left no time to please.
Or offer a defense.

Bring the soul to One who saves
Be one who every danger braves
To spread the news of mercy now
That saves the sinners all somehow.

We must believe, and then confess
One God of truth and holiness
Whose Son arrived in poverty
To spread Good News, and captives free.

We too, are called to spread that news
In hope that those we meet might choose
The Light and Life we know so well,
And then, in turn, some others tell.

Glory and eternal praise
The anthem that the soul should raise
Whatever season man is in
To so His fond approval win.

Not empty praise that changes nil
But fervent praise that warms the chill.
When right becomes the soul's desire
And saves us from eternal fire.

Now nearer than the day before
That final day we're looking for
When justice comes to evil men
And righteousness shall reign again.

Not one without a cause for fear
For yea, the day is drawing near
And though we think ourselves as good
We know we act not as we should.

When Perfect Truth and Goodness come
Compared to That our lives become
A thing of shame and great disgrace
Unfit for any holy place.

But mercy too, shall come with fire
To satisfy our heart's desire
And purify the hearts who dare
To forfeit all for Heaven's fare.