Sunday, November 12, 2023

Random Stuff From My Phone

 Random Stuff From My Phone

These verses have typically been penned in my time of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament.  I don't know if there's a right way and a wrong way to spend your time in adoration, but I just enjoy the quiet and peace of being in His presence.  I rarely go to adoration with an objective in mind, but I just like to thank Him for my many blessings and lift up those sick and suffering in so many ways. 

My thoughts often wander, and sometimes when that happens I feel like the Lord is giving me the inspiration to put those wanderings to verse.  What follows are some of those wanderings.

It's you, my bride He chose for me
The perfect one who holds the key
To many blessings here below
That but for you, I would not know.

You've walked with me to meet the Lord
And found where many gifts are stored.
You daily sacrifices made
And well the word of God obeyed.

A brood of blessings granted me,
A widely spreading family tree.
All tutored with your tender care
That here again, your love declare.

My gratitude in tears will flow 
If you, by chance, before me go
My simple words I hope convey
The love I have for you each day.

Young beauty love, I wish you'd know
That how you dress affects men so.
When you expose what's meant for one
You find an evil chain begun.

The body so objectified
The demons on the man bestride
Bring thoughts of lust and base desire
When scanty is a girl's attire.

He sees her as a pleasure thing
Not one to cherish with a ring,
But one to use and throw away
Then go about his merry way.

The problem's not he sees too much,
But seeing then desires touch.
He fails to see what lies within,
The beauty that's below the skin.

The soul is where true love is found
Not casting all your pearls around
Among the swine that care for naught
Except their base desire sought.

So, guard what God has meant for one
Until your wedding bells have rung
In patient prayer your groom awaits
To seal your love in holy grace.

09.27.23 (Around the Feast of the Guardian Angels)
My Jesus, my Savior, my Lord, and my God
You guard every step on the pathways I trod.
An angel You task with directing my soul
To feed, and to prompt, and to gently cajole.

Looking back I can see many times he was there
To guard and protect from all danger with care
In holding my tongue, or in guiding away
From people or places that lead men astray.

The ways are so many, it boggles the mind
This blessing so fruitful, and thoughtful, and kind.
From earliest youth through the troubling teens
Always leading and guiding through treacherous scenes.

In dark isolation when distant God seemed,
The light of Your angel continually beamed.
He showed me quite clear where the emptiness led
And prompted to seek if my lover would wed.

He's guided me well as our children have grown
And helped to creatively make our God known.
In trial he's strengthened and steadied the knees
A power unseen with the guardian keys.

To protect and defend every hour of the day
To guide me and keep me from going astray.
Oh, help me to listen and quickly obey,
So one day you'll take me to Heaven away.

There's no dancing with delusion
All this rot about confusion.
God made male and female bodies,
They should use the proper potties.

Treat the problem, not the symptom
Look for healing, not for income.
Speak the truth with love and caring
Always with the Gospel sharing.

Hordes of children led in error
Now we reap this tragic terror
Evil runs amuck and cheery
Faithful ones all glum and weary.

One way alone to stem the tide
And end the reign of evil "pride".
Repent and humbly hold what's true
Not just for them, but also you.

Look deep within and see the log 
You may have missed amid the fog
So many splinters everywhere
But of the log we're unaware.

So, change whatever you control
And teach the truth to every soul
Delusion wanes when truth is known
And humble gains when love is shown.

Random thought in adoration
How to change a sinful nation,
Hope to mend the severed ties,
And speak the truth instead of lies?

One thing that I know is central
In this time so reverential
Change must first occur within
By turning from the lure of sin.

No Heaven is this, but I see it from here
With beauty so grand, I know that He's near
His glory is shown in the colorful leaves
A sign of His love for one who believes.

So sad for the pagan who sees nothing more
Than changing of seasons and none to adore.
But the finger of God paints the sky up above,
And each leaf on the tree with the colors of love.

Such beauty is pleasing, inspiring of awe,
Each sight ever more than the last that I saw.
My heart is uplifted, and glory I see
In the colorful leaves of each Autumn tree.

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