Saturday, June 25, 2022

7/10/22 Through 7/16/22

 7/10/22 Through 7/16/22

Not if far-off lands away
Or far across the sea
Is His command and perfect way
Intended just for me.

Within the reach, before the eyes.
As close as you to me.
Not hidden in some cheap disguise,
But there for all to see.

To do, is that which still remains.
The hardest part you see,
for only if my will contains
The action am I free.

My neighbor surely I must know
Is anyone in need.
I come across the way I go
And love by word and deed.

The chance arrives in every day
To stop or just pass by
To follow in the Master's way
And help the other guy.

A neighbor sure I want to be,
But can I spare the time
To help another one to see
The way this hill to climb?

Let love my motivation be
And sacrifice at home in me
The widow's mite dropped in as love
And trust in providence above.

No more self-loving acts of greed
Or sacrifice to ego feed
But acts of love in every case
Will strengthened by accepted grace.

So weak am I but strong art Thee
Attend, I beg, my humble plea.
So make me like a saint of Thine,
Let love through all the darkness shine.

When the day of judgment comes
And truth for all is known
Pride to purest love succumbs
And all our sins we own.

His patient love has waited long
And signs from heaven sent
Inviting to His fold belong,
But ye would not repent.

Sodom and Gommorah met
A swift and just decree
But if repentance you forget,
There's more that waits for thee.

So turn this time, delay no more
And as was Lot, be saved
And then the King of kings adore,
Be nevermore enslaved.

One childlike in trust and hope
Will find the peace for which we grope.
The Father be revealed to those
Obedient, who goodness chose.

But they that choose another way
Will seek, but never thirst allay.
For He reveals to little ones
The way to be the Father's sons.

Lily of the Mohawks pray
That all would come to Christ this day.
That those so steeped in worldly cares
Would find the One their burden shares.

That they would find in Holy Bread
The source by which the soul is fed.
Abiding in His presence there
A joy and rest beyond compare.

Then learn to trust His every word
And turn their back on others heard.
For peace prevails when we obey
And follow in the Master's way.

Without wisdom, we falter
And fall into sin.
Then forsaking the altar, 
Our pride will creep in.

When entitlement minded
With gratitude lost
Then to wisdom, we're blinded
A terrible cost.

So remain with the humble
And trust in the One.
Watch the obstacles tumble
When faced by the Son.

Trust in God and God alone
One forever true
Recognize when clearly shown
Love of Him for you.

Oh Lord, how easily we're fooled,
By passion and by pride, we're ruled.
The flesh we feed and world obey
And rarely ever stop to pray.

When filled with noise we cannot hear
By silence only, we draw near.
Give pause to us throughout the din
To rest a while and enter in.

To enter in the world of love
And peek our head, the clouds above.
To find the beautiful and true
And draw us ever near to You.

7/3/22 Through 7/9/22

 /3/22 Through 7/9/22

The lambs among the wolves are sent
To bear a goodly news.
To call the masses to repent
And challenge common views.

Their bodies bear the marks of Christ
Some visible, some not.
The marks of love so highly priced,
Yet by the Master taught.

Their many trials lead to rest,
A comfort calm and sure.
A meal at love's abundant breast,
A joy to long endure.

As in youth the bride responds
And loving touch increases bonds
Our Lord desires unity
At every opportunity.

Bond of love so deeply rooted,
Selfish motives gone and muted.
Sacrifices freely given,
Earthly craving deeply riven.

True love requires good for all
And that, our nation, be it's call.
So each must live for common good
By acting as they know they should.

In many ways the flesh appeals
And thus before the idol kneels.
We look to creatures man has made
And thus Who made us all evade.

Humility, that special gift
That helps us through the rubble sift
To see with ever clearer eyes
The error in our pride's disguise.

For if we fail to look within
We overlook a life of sin
And in self-righteousness we lose
The truest peace the heart pursues.

In riches and in great success
To pride we tend to acquiesce.
We fail to see our blessings clear
And think that we made them appear.

Some part our actions surely played,
But all our talents He has made.
It's all a gift from God above,
Our job's to use it all in love.

When pride and selfishness creep in
The downward spiralings begin.
Destruction is the fruit of pride
And lust for wealth is wealth denied.

So plow a new and humble field
Remove the rocks and find it healed.
Let sacrifices harrow fine
And bend you will to His align.

For this will bear abundant fruit
The goal of every heart's pursuit.
For time and time again it's shown
That God is God, and God alone.

So many times we've turned away
From Him who fed us on our way.
Exchanging gold for grass and straw
Forgetting all his works we saw.

But overwhelming pity stirred
Does not destroy His wayward herd.
But cleanses in a healing bath
To save them from His righteous wrath.

Among the wolves the Lamb is slain
With brutal torture, horrid pain.
But persevering to the end
On Love alone did He depend.

So many things we think we need
But One alone is that indeed.
When all is gone and none remain
There's One alone to heal our pain.

With nothing hid, and all exposed
One day, at last, the book be closed.
With all revealed His day will come
And shine the light on everyone.

Then all will see what sin has done
And see we crucified the Son.
The horror of our sins concealed
And love of God for man revealed.

Fear not the wickedness of man
But fear the justice of His plan.
Where all is known in clearest light
And gone the darkness of the night.

So listen for the whisper sound
Proclaim the word of God you've found.
And when He asks, "Whom shall I send?"
Be not afraid your all to spend.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

6/26/22 Through 7/2/22

 6/26/22 Through 7/2/22

This morning here I plow again
The soil of my heart.
I turn my gaze from other men
And inwardly I start

To see the ways I've turned from Him
And to the mortal flesh.
The light I've covered, making dim,
And zeal I must refresh.

So easy to be satisfied
And take the wider road
Then in a downward spiral glide
And trample seed once sowed.

The days are full, and time is now
To resolutely turn
To Christ the King, and then avow
For Thee, I truly yearn.

The King, no place to lay His head
Yet has within what prophets said.
A peaceful, calm, and trusting way
That is His strength in every day.

Without the world, He still survives
And on the food of God He thrives.
Obedience the strength He shows
To conquer all the world's woes.

Listen well to prophecy
Let it penetrate and see
How much He loves and cares for thee,
And why, corrective, He will be.

Angry water, wind so high
Fear for all that we may die,
Rebuked for how we've turned away
Forgetful of our Master's way.

Trusting while in stormy seas,
Seeking daily on our knees
Amidst the storm will bring us calm
And be our helpful, healing balm.

It's pillars were gone, it should have collapsed,
But two thousand years and more have elapsed
And still on the earth, she proclaims with a zeal
The message of love and His sacrifice real.

Aided each day by the Mother and Son
Who both at the Cross, our victory won.
His all that He gave us, in bread and in wine
Is that which will save us, far more than a sign.

Each day awaits a trial new
Another test for folks like you
But faithful meet it all head-on
And so the Church will carry on.

Speak when ere you hear His voice
A simple yes, let be your choice.
Follow promptings given you
Be not surprised what He will do.

Those that bear the stretcher find
He answers them as well in kind.
Sin removed and joints made strong,
We once again, to Him belong.

A famine worse than any known,
No crop to yield from seed that's sown.
No lamp to light the traveller's way,
No whisper sound to point the way.

It scares me more than lack of food
To think the One my heart's pursued
Would speak not for my daily bread
And thus my spirit go unfed.

I long for every morsel sweet
My sustenance, my bread and meat.
Without Your word I can't survive,
Your loving voice keeps me alive.

Bring not this famine to our land,
But change the hearts that evil planned.
Renew the minds of those grown cold,
And gather strays within Your fold.

A vision of heaven think clearly we see
Yet best we imagine is happy with glee.
The day sure is coming, in fact, it is near
When life in the now, is life without fear.

The wine of this vineyard, a new skin requires
Or lost be they both, and smashed our desires.
A new way of thinking, of self as the least.
A way of forgiveness to conquer the beast.

So join with another and strengthen the two
Implore from the Lord all His graces for you.
Taste of the sweetness of love from the Vine.
See all He has promised and know it is thine.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

6/19/22 To 6/25/22

 6/19/22 To 6/25/22

The Solemnity of Corpus Christi
(Can be sung to the tune of Stabat Mater)

In the bread a special giving
Sacrifice for all the living
Humble greatness to behold.

Far beyond the senses take us
Into living bread now make us
With the martyrs all of old.

On the tongue, a wafer melting
With a cord of love all belting
Drawing all as one in Thee.

Sweetness in the mouth remaining
In that bit of bread containing
Christ Himself who feedeth me.

Many though that are receiving
Do so, but are not perceiving
Jesus here as humble bread.

Turn them to the truly living
Let them see His flesh He's giving,
Then in truth be richly fed.

Many times my soul delighted
By this Sacrament that righted
How I see His love for me.

Passion trial now reminds us
 In what sinful state He finds us,
Longing ever to be free.

Bursting forth in blood and water
Giving all, our blessed Potter
To the clay His hands have made.

Filling pots beyond their measure
With His love a priceless treasure
To His table sinners bade.

Take this treasure to the masses
Let them see how love surpasses
All the world has to give.

In humility then steep us
Let Your Sacrament now keep us
In Your house with You to live.

So many times the thought at first,
Is, what will others think?
Within the world our thought immersed,
A stupefying drink.

The thought should be for God alone
No gods that we have made.
Would He who made us all condone,
And find His laws obeyed?

So easy just to go along
And god for me to be.
Then with my wooden beam belong
To those who cannot see.

Keep me always close to Thee
And let me not astray.
\Remove the wooden beam for me
To clearly see the way.

Lay your cares before the Lord
And trust His love will you afford
A way to bear your every trial
And make your suffering worthwhile.

The saints of old have done this well
And of His many blessings tell.
The road be narrow, long, and rough
But He provides with just enough.

Rarely early, never late
He leads His sheep unto the gate.
The humble that on Him rely
The saints of old exemplify.

Trim and teach the trees to grow
Speak aloud so all will know
How best to follow in His way
And bring to all the light of day.

Well cared for trees will bear much fruit
And nourish others in pursuit
Of peace and joy that comes to those
In whom the law of love now glows.

A call to go prepare the way
Was given John back in his day.
The call was made within the womb
And he was faithful to his tomb.

Anointed for this special task
And he responded to the ask.
A simple life and meager food
But with the Spirit, one imbued.

The truth he would not water down
And those that listened to him found
Their hearts renewed and souls made clean
Then clear the will of God was seen.

But still, they must respond in kind
And way to follow Him best find
For many varied gifts, he gives
But simple yet the student lives.

Unfettered by the sins of greed,
But trusting God for every need.
His lamp be used to guide the way,
Although confused, they still obey.

A holocaust awaits if we
Continue down this road.
Refusing in the light to see
The gifts that he bestowed.

A Sacred Heart in love afire
He offers to us all.
A Heart to meet the soul's desire
By answering His call.

A heart ablaze with love like His
The flaming heart of Mary is.
Entwined so closely to the Lord
With overflowing love outpoured.

What heart was ere so close to Him
As when her womb contained within
Creator of the stars at night
And source of everlasting light?

A Mother pure and undefiled
Brought forth in flesh, the Holy Child.
Her tender breast His source of food,
And there her heart with love imbued.