Saturday, July 28, 2018

8/12/18 Through 8/18/18

8/12/18 Through 8/18/18

How clearly spoken was the word
But malice made it never heard.
The Spirit grieved by such a thought
That we reject what we've been taught.

The brand of Him who loves us so
Concealed by sin to never show,
But it remains a lasting sign,
The choice of Hell is clearly thine.

It needn't be if you repent,
For to the sinner Christ was sent,
To break the chains of sin that bind,
And every searching sinner find.

Receive His Spirit once again
And be a living sign for men
That love can soften hardened hearts,
And grace to all our God imparts.

So much to learn so far to go
So hard for me, to great things know.
A simple mind of little brain
Much easier, a dog to train.
So far away or high above,
The way of God, the way of love.

The hidden message hard to see
For any simpleton like me,
But always patient, always kind,
The Master, who all things designed.
No matter how complex it be,
The Master helps the simple see.

Kolbe in the prison cell
Enduring more than words can tell
Sustained by love beyond belief
Though captors offered no releif.

He ate the scroll God wrote for him.
In misery he raised a hymn,
And conquered in humility,
The darkness of futility.

Perfected virgin ever-pure
Who carried Christ in womb secure,
Who nursed and nurtured infant Son,
Who pondered all that God had done.

How glorious your fiat heard
When angel spoke that noble word,
And God on earth within became
Your joy and everlasting fame.

The greatness of the Lord proclaimed.
Emmanuel the child named.
Forever blest this lowly one,
The mother of His only Son.

Lord I forgive as best I can
But in the end, I'm only man
I hold no grudge on other men
But may not deal with them again.

I pray what's lacking You supply,
And truly bless the other guy.
For only those who follow You 
Will come to know a love so true.

And even those that hurt me so
I pray, dear Lord, would come to know
Contentment of a different kind
When you, as Lord, they come to find.

The marriage bed where two are one
Is where new threads of life are spun
Their love as total, rich, and pure
Will, for ages, on endure

A covenant as God designed
The two become one heart and mind.
No shade of selfishness or lust.
A bond of pure self-giving trust.

Let the children come to me
For such as these have eyes to see.
Their simple love so fair and sweet
Their ready hugs a welcome treat.

No complicated ways of men
Who hear, but listen not, and then
Instead of answering the call
Give in to sin again, and fall.

The children see and understand
It's best to do as God had planned.
So, willingly they follow me,
For humble find, what proud can't see.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

8/5/18 Through 8/11/18

8/5/18 Through 8/11/18

In truth You are my daily food
Eternal bread with life imbued
No creature here can satisfy
Or lesser food this truth belie.

There's only one that fills the soul
That nourishes and makes us whole.
That falls each morning from on high,
A fresh, abundant, new supply.

With shades removed and blinding light
Amazed at glory shining bright
A trembling fear comes over me
As sinful eyes, such glory see.

A shadow hovers over me
From shining mist above the tree
And then the Father's voice is heard
"This is My Son. Obey His word"

Bruised the reed yet broken not
My love for you is not forgot.
Though sinking in the tempest waves,
Reach out to Me, the hand that saves.

Cast out in darkness by our sin
So far away, no light gets in.
Yet even there He calls by name, 
Forgotten faith, then sparks a flame.

A little faith can do so much
When aided by the Master's touch.
A mountain moved, a demon gone,
A soul returned, where it belongs.

Just let the ray of brightness in
Cast off that wicked chain of sin.
Renewed in love forever be.
And let the Shepherd, shepherd thee.

Peter first, his faith declaring
Then God's plan, his flesh desparing.
Blessed by God, to him revealing
Christ, Messiah, man of healing.

Given all the Kingdom keys
But then the flesh tries to appease.
For yet, did not, then understand,
The sacrifice, that God had planned.

The flesh rebuked for love to reign
All sins forgiven through His pain
Called to be the one who leads,
The shepherd, for the sheep, who bleeds.

Great blessing in the quiet time
To ponder things of love sublime.
Things that teach a lesson clear.
Things the soul has need to hear.

Soil is broken for the seed.
Broken seed to fill our need.
Rain supplied by broken sky.
All for life, they first must die.

Crop that gives a handsome yield.
Harvest from a giving field.
Broken to become the bread,
Of life, on which we all are fed.

The process is the same for all
Who hear and answer to the call.
Unless you fall to earth and die,
You cannot with, the word, comply.

No fruit will bear from seed preserved
No recompense for that deserved.
For only as a broken seed,
Is Christ revealed, our only need.

Grant to each a vision clear,
How they should reach the far and near.
Grant each the faith to mountains move,
Your majesty, to clearly prove.

A tiny seed is all it takes,
And then Your excellence awakes,
To squarely show in plainest view,
The splendor of Almighty You.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

7/29/18 Through 8/4/18

7/29/18 Through 8/4/18

A little in the hands of God
Will go a long long way.
Give all and then His works applaud,
When they are on display.

He wants but all we have to give
No matter just how small.
If we, on Him, depend to live
We have to give our all.

But then we see how every time
We give it all away,
It acts for Him as just a prime
To fill the jars of clay.

Within the tiny mustard seed
Is found the shelter that we need
If it be given room to grow
The Lord of Lords we'll come to know

In parables we come to see
Things hidden throughout history
And find a tiny glimpse above
Into the land of endless love.

In the fields are weeds and wheat
But only one gives food to eat
Each with a purpose there to spread
The one alive, the other dead.

One grabbing life to selfish ends,
One whose life, on God, depends,
One that follows ill pursuits,
One that bears abundant fruits.

Be not like weed, but follow wheat,
Give of yourself that all may eat.
Be not a barren worthless weed,
But be the loving fruitful seed.

One thing is worth all that I own,
One name above all names is known.
The one whose breath gives life to me.
The One whose love has set me free.

Behold the Potter at the wheel
And wonder how the clay must feel.
Beaten, pounded, pulled, and drawn
Till every lump of stiffness gone.

A painful process for the clay,
But oh, how wonderful that day,
When shaped by hands that love the clay
We learn to love the Savior's way!

A prophesy, God's word for now
That penetrates the heart somehow
And reaches to the depths within
Revealing just how much we sin.

How can He use such worthless tools
To reach the hearts and minds of fools?
Yet somehow with success He does,
Just see that every prophet was,

An ordinary man like me,
That God withdrew the shroud to see.
Who loved enough to sacrifice,
And speak against our world of vice.

The wicked seek to kill the good
Who follow God the way they should.
Enraged by righteousness proclaimed,
That shows their acts, perverted, shamed.

But still pursue His path for you
In all you say and all you do.
For not by power or by might
But by the Spirit win the fight.

And win the hardened stony hearts
For Him alone whose love imparts
A mercy and a welcome home
For all, to Him, returning home.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

7/22/18 Through 7/28/18

7/22/18 Through 7/28/18

The Shepherd raised for wand'ring sheep
Their safety and their guard to keep
To lead them to the valley green
Where their true love, at last, is seen.

Take pity on the scattered brood
And give them everlasting food
That in Your valley they may find
Enduring love, and peace of mind.

Once again we're called to love,
To listen and obey
To listen to the prophets of
What God Himself would say.

No sacrifice or offering
Can call His favor down
But doing right and humbling
Is where He may be found

No sign but Jonah shall they see
When Judgment Day arrives
The Ninevites will judges be,
That day when all arise.

For at the Word they changed their way,
Repenting one and all
Returning to the light of day
When e're they heard the call.

One meal each day is all I need
One meal of love, on which I feed
Your presence in the bread and wine,
This satisfying food of mine.

But, oh so many fail to see
The truth within this mystery
The love and mercy shown to man
When we but walk within His plan.

We hold within these earthen jars
The treasure of His many scars
That far surpassing those that hold,
All men may know the precious gold.

Too many decorate the pot
To look like treasure, when it's not
The treasure in this earthly thing
Is love in patient suffering.

The parable we understand
In many varied ways
Through story as the Savior planned
He clears the milky haze.

It finds in each a special key
Unlocking deep within
The need to love, and clearly see
How often that we sin.

The Chaff and Wheat, or Wasteful Son
Illumine to the eye
The awful things that we have done,
How we deserve to die.

But also how his mercy flows
And patience stays his hand
Till every sinner surely knows
They've heard His clear command.

Grant me the gift of speaking well
And offering to all
A message that the stories tell
By answering His call.

What kind of ground do I provide?
In me, how is the word applied?
Do I receive it as I should,
With all its power understood?

Or does it sprout at once in me,
But wither like some rootless tree?
And is it choked by thorns of greed
Exaggerating what I need?

Perhaps some day I'll till the ground
And then, a fertile place be found,
Within this poor and destitute
Where seeds of love can bear their fruit.

A fool, to be so cavalier
To think that day not drawing near.
When told, "Produce the Master's due"
And I have none to show to You.

So till my heart and break the clods
Of selfishness and other gods.
Create a soil rich and bold
That bears for You a hundredfold.

In every garden sown good seed
And given water that they need,
The tender shoots of grain will rise
To yield a fruitful harvest prize.

But there, as well, is sown the weed
To try and overtake good seed
So higher must the grain now rise
To find the light from sunny skies.

For weeds attempt to block the rays,
Concerned with none but selfish ways,
And bear no fruit like useful grain,
But full of only showy feign.

At harvest time the sickle wields
Them both within the full-grown fields.
Weeds are bundled there and burned,
But sweet rewards the wheat has earned.