Sunday, October 29, 2023

11/12/23 Through 11/18/23

 11/12/23 Through 11/18/23

A fool it is that wisdom spurns,
Who sees her well, but never learns.
She comes at once to those who seek,
Be they strong or be they weak.

In discipline, she makes her home
And not where the unruly roam.
For those who seek her every morn
She'll daily with a crown adorn.

But such a crown cannot be shared
With those who come as unprepared.
So, waste not all the time you own,
But work to wisdom make your own.

She comes at once to those who call,
Even when, from grace, we fall.
For all, to grace, can be restored
Except when final grace ignored.

Scandal and shame will undoubtedly come,
And into the depths of depravity plumb.
But woe to the ones who lead others astray,
Rather stone round their neck, in the sea be their way.

Doing as creation ordered 
Well within the lands He bordered
Is no more than our daily due
To He who made both me and you.

All that is by love created
Daily is by evil, baited
To believe His love is greedy
When in truth, He cares for needy.

All is gift of self-effacing
All for creature, Love's embracing
Service in His great designing
To His holy will aligning.

Service brings the life's fulfillment
Gift of self, the life's instillment
Making slave akin to Master
Bringing happiness much faster.

Oh, what happy slav'ry offers
From the Master's endless coffers
Here the lowly one's oblation
Blesses him and so the nation

Nothing more than what's our duty
Brings the lowly peace and beauty
So, embrace your lowly calling
Down before your Master falling.

Desire Wisdom's sound instruction
Make with it a sound deduction
Every turn, in prudence, guide thee
Never in the darkness hide thee.

But you who let the greed take hold
And plunder poor for wealth of gold
How swift and terrible that day
When you are called to all repay.

The poor in mercy, find reprieve
But punishment the rich receive
If they refuse to follow still
The wisdom of His holy will.

All wisdom is the mind of God
Although, to man, at times, seems odd
In every way it proves the best
Preparing man to pass his test.

If man would seek her every day
What light would shine along his way!
What peace attend his troubled times,
And height to which the wise one climbs.

No barrier she cannot break
No stronghold, not she overtake
Unhampered by all evil claims,
Her light exposes Satan's games.

She dwells beyond the stars of night
Within the unsurpassing light,
But comes at once to those who plea,
The humble ones who wish to see.

Believe this gift was meant for you
Twas meant for every man, it's true.
But where man's pride is ready seen,
But foolishness is all they glean.

By nature foolish, ignorant
Not recognizing heaven-sent.
The wise are fools who cannot see
His Majesty in front of me.

Created things cannot supply
What's needed, man to edify
The heart's content, lies far beyond
The earthly things of which we're fond.

But fools continue on their way
Of gathering what's here today
And gone as swift as it arrived
So never found are satisfied.

Who dwells beyond is He who slakes
And in the heart, true love awakes.
The Maker, Giver, Lord of all
Has placed on each a special call.

And those who hear and answer well
Of peace and joy and wonders tell
For when we see beyond the veil
All else we see is oh, so pale.

In darkest times you've always come
To those who pray persistently
Not just to give a meager crumb
But helping them consistently.

The sea You part for captives freed
The mind enlightened on the road
You germinate the ancient seed
And shoulder burden's heavy load

Your wisdom guides the simple one
Let not be said, a prayer not heard
In subtle ways is change begun
By daily keeping in your word.

Monday, October 23, 2023

11/5/23 Through 11/11/23

 11/5/23 Through 11/11/23

Far easier to criticize
Than offer help without the whys.
Don't be like Pharisees in pride
Who never lift, but always chide.

True, man is none but simple dust,
But simple dust that's called to trust
In all the goodness of our king
And others to this Goodness bring.

It's love that touches deep within
And helps us recognize our sin,
That changes hearts and prods the will
To always more the soil till.

We need a soft and supple earth
So seed can have a second birth
To bear a harvest many-fold
And then, at last, true love behold.

Oh Lord, unsearchable Your ways
Throughout all time, and in our days
Allowing man to be depraved
That in the process some be saved.

Give eyes to see what fools are men
Who turn to war for vict'ry when
In truth, the battle lies within
As each man struggles hard with sin.

In You alone is vict'ry won
The vict'ry of Your Precious Son
Who chose to be with poor and lame
To win the vict'ry for Your name.

So too, should each be found like them
A humble, docile, shining, gem
Who puts away the base desire
To find Your Holy Spirit's fire.

( Can be sung to the tune of "Love Divine All Loves Excelling)

Why would one refuse the banquet?
Why ignore the Master's call?
Here the ones with hunger pangs get
Far more than they can recall.
Food for life and for the journey
Daily there our share of Bread
Nothing meager offered sternly,
Rich abundance we are fed.

Come receive this daily blessing
Come partake of Love Divine.
Here the Healer all addressing
In the sacred Bread and Wine
Nevermore let fear assail thee
Courage be your daily guide
Evermore may peace avail thee
Evermore may love abide.

Our all is all we have to give
Our all we give that all might live.
By giving all we look the same
As One who from the Father came.

As One in humble stable born
As One to on the Cross adorn
Our earth with Precious Blood outpoured
As one forevermore adored.

This all is daunting here below
But if we want true peace to know
We place our trust in God alone
And follow well the path He's shown.

From the Temple flows the water
Jesus Christ, the Church has bought her
Now His spirit dwells within
To free the man from death and sin

Keep the temple clean and holy
Make a place for all the lowly
Drive the greedy liars away
Then worship God the proper way.

A strong initiative we need,
But not a one that's based on greed.
Initiative is needed where,
Of Christ, the mass is unaware.

The world is full of clever ways
To cheat another, and betrays
The confidence of fellow man
Enriching those who scheme and plan.

Such spunk the good must also show
To let the pagan people know
How fleeting earthly wealth shall be
And how to find true Heaven's key.

All received the Great Commission.
All in some way share the mission.
Make disciples of all men
Repeat the story o'er again.

The Gospel never stale will grow,
And more that people come to know,
So more shall people clearly see
How worthless earthly wealth shall be.

One faithful in the little ways
Is faithful then throughout their days.
The little things prepare the soul
For greater things that bless the whole.

The little crosses that we bear,
To that of Christ, cannot compare.
But those who love in smaller ways,
The Lord prepares for greater days.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

10/29/23 Through 11/4/23

 10/29/23 Through 11/4/23

Two simple laws that say it all 
They work for great and work for small
They work at night and work in day
In what you do and what you say.

Because God loves, we must love too
We must reflect what He would do
For Heaven holds no base desire
The place for that's eternal fire.

Unable to erectly stand
We need His strong and healing hand
To touch our bent and weary frame
To heal the sick, the blind, and lame.

Hope is why we plant the seed
The hope to grow and spread and feed
Though not in hand we still press on
For hope is what we're counting on.

The hope that one day all might see
The banquet there prepared by Thee
The hope repentance rules the day
And not continued sin's decay.

A hope for better times ahead
A hope for time beyond the dead
Where truth and peace and joy shall reign
And man, his former splendor gain.

Somewhere far beyond the mind
The saints in all their glory find
The land where milk and honey flows
Whereto the poor in spirit goes
Where those who mourn shall be consoled
And saints receive far more than gold.

For great the love on man bestowed
To see the land where glory glowed
From all eternity before
And on into forevermore.
Glory, wisdom, thanks, and blessing
Loving God, each soul caressing.

I wish I had such love to give
As Jesus did for man to live
A care for others more than me
To far beyond the temporal see.

Paul understood and recognized
The greatest gift most highly prized
Is when we give the self away
To rescue lost and save the stray.

Today we've turned it upside down
The self-indulgent life we crown
As that to model and obey
But where it leads, I dare not say.

Oh, when they see, I pray they turn
For every man will one day learn
That God is God and they are not
And God is ALL, not what they've got.

Far easier to criticize
Than offer help without the whys.
Don't be like Pharisees in pride
Who never help, but always chide.

True, man is none but simple dust.
But simple dust that's called to trust
In all the goodness of our King
And others to this goodness bring.

It's love that touches deep within
And helps us recognize our sin
That changes hearts and prods the will
To always more the soil till.

We need a soft and supple earth
So seed can have a second birth
To bear a harvest many-fold
And then at last, True Love behold.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

10/22/23 Through 10/28/23

 10/22/23 Through 10/28/23

First, we must see just how wretched we are
Whether lowliest servant or powerful czar.
Every talent was given by One who made all
So now the receivers must answer the call.

There is nothing of ours we could boast or acclaim
None worthy of boasting but His Holy Name.
So blest by our talents, the gifts we must share
And show to the masses there's none who compare.

Return what is due for all you've received
And share with the ones who have not yet believed.
He tasks us to be as His hands and His feet
Bringing lost to the Lord till our job is complete.

Now trust in God and not in things
For faith is what salvation brings.
What's cherished here on earth will fade
Where God is One in light arrayed.

No use those riches here below
For there above they bring us woe. 
The currency in land above
Is that of faith and hope and love.

And even here below we find
Great riches bring no peace of mind
There's always more we must obtain
Or greater store we wish to gain.

But faith in One who made it all
Will gratitude in man recall.
And trust in Providence will gain
A place where God alone shall reign.

Grace overflows where sin abounds
Among the faithful, trumpet sounds
A call to listen and obey,
To follow well the Master's way.

To be prepared what ere the time
To fight the foe, or mountain climb.
In steadfast love to ready be
what ere the time He comes for thee.

Blest are those who well-prepare
And grow not weary in despair
For if He tarries, know that He
Prepares a waiting feast for thee.

I want to be a slave that's true
A slave devoted unto You
A slave that works while You're away
A slave to listen and obey.

So strong the voice of self within
That draws me to the path of sin, 
But slow me down to hear and pray,
Give grace to act on what You say.

Make sacrifice my daily bread
That so my soul be richly fed,
And make me listen unto You
In all I say and all I do.

A great divide is what I need
To fan the flame and blaze to feed
To reach a level closer still
Wherein His way becomes my will.

A slave to sin I still remain
And cause myself unneeded pain
When if my will, to His would bend
Then all my brokenness would mend.

So simple as is stated here.
Just act upon the word you hear
So build your house on rock to stand,
Or else you'll be on sinking sand.

But courage you must learn to know
Or else the sin will stronger grow.
Let love be that which drives the will
Then sacrifice, to have your fill.

What joy will then be yours to know
If where He leads you always go!
Then turn your back on selfish sin
To on the path of love begin.

A prison found within the soul
A self that blocks from being whole
Our tendency to do the sin
Than rather let His graces in.

A wretched sinner, every man
But still our God provides a plan
For man to live in endless day
If he repent, and then obey.

His grace is there, but needs you too.
A will to change the things you do.
Your every need He will supply
If you but to the self would die.

Apostles all except for one
Were crucial to what had begun.
They preached the Word in fair or foul
Where faith was strong, or evil prowl.

Foundation stones securely laid
With blood, the blest apostles paid.
No threat could shake the love they knew
They suffered much for me and you.

To spread the word both far and wide
And one day stand with Him beside.
The task for you and me the same
If we desire the saintly fame.