Sunday, November 27, 2022

12/11/22 Through 12/17/22

 12/11/22 Through 12/17/22

Rejoice, Rejoice in all you do,
In all the ways He comes to you.
For though not in the way we think,
Before great evil will not shrink.

He conquers in humility
Unlike the ways of you or me
His strength revealed through sufferings
That patient perseverence brings.

We too are called to live this way
With love the rule for every day
To see the poor and lame relieved
And Christ as King of all believed

This may be sung to the tune of 
"All People that on Earth Do Dwell"

Great beauty in the Virgin's eyes
Both soft and sweet, yet very wise
Alone in grace, completely full
A soul as clean as whitest wool.

Oh Beauty of the human race
You gave to God a human face
That men on earth through you would find
A Savior of the rarest kind

A God who gave His all for man
Through unsurpassing love that can
Forgive the wrongs of sinful men
And give them hope for life again.

Your image on the Tilma there
Makes men of faith and pagans stare
Simplicity and beauty meet
Within those eyes so wise and sweet

I look to see if I've obeyed
And oft I see that I have strayed
So easy to myself exalt
Then find that I'm the one at fault

I wish to find the eyes that see
And turn from sin to be set free
To have a mind that's pure and clean
And only on my Savior lean

But all too often, weak I be
And thoughts of slavery capture me
Then shamed and naked I must go
Confessing what a debt I owe.

No longer is there question when
The dead are raised to life again
When lepers cleansed and lame can walk
No need for speculative talk

The time has come, the hour is near
That all the evil demons fear
The Way, The Truth, and Life has come
When lame shall leap and sing shall dumb.

With sins forgiven, captives freed
The One who meets our every need
Comes bringing news of love for man
From since the time when time began

So what did you go out to see?
A messenger, it's clear to me
But more than messenger was he
The greatest born of womb to be.

Repentance was the call he made
A turn from sin to all he bade
Prepare the way, for yet to come,
As humble King, God's only Son

Far greater than what John would give
The testimony He would give
His works proclaim the Father's will
That all should come to know Him still.

The way most clear to find your home
Is follow Him and Him alone
Observing Sabbath you will find
The father's home and peace of mind

The blessings of the Father
For many ages run
But many never bother
To see in them the Son

Through trial and tribulation
The plans of God unfold
In endless jubilation
The shepherds now behold

The many generations
That waited long now see
Their many deviations
Are used to make them free

The Word of God and Son of Man
Has come from far above
To show within a simple span
The power of His love.

Is follow Him anf Him alone

Sunday, November 20, 2022

12/4/22 Through 12/10/22

 12/4/22 Through 12/10/22

To bear good fruit or be cut down
To wear the shame or wear the crown.
Two choices only one can make,
The one will build and other break.

Produce good fruit to show you've learned
That righteousness cannot be earned
By following the strictest law
Then turning from the poor you saw.

Far more than rules it takes to know
That love alone's the way to go.
If need is known, we're called to give
That all men in the truth can live.

My life confined within this bed
To Jesus now my friends are led
To carry me to meet the Lord
To find His grace and love outpoured.

No challenge they would not endure
To make my presence known for sure
Before the Healer that would say
Your sin is gone, be on your way.

The words of absolution heard
My sins forgiven seems absurd.
But rising now on knees made firm
My Lord and God I now affirm.

I challenge you as I have done
Seek out such friends this vict'ry won.
Such men whose faith is resolute
And aid you in this good pursuit.

The quest for goodness, truth, and love
The quest to reach that land above
The quest to find the Healer there
With truth and love beyond compare.

That none should perish, be His will
Yet turn to evil, men do still
The love and good he meant for man
He's offered them since time began.

But oh, how easily they stray
And follow not His freedom way.
The way of selfishness they choose
And way of righteousness they lose.

He searches when they wander far
And calls them out from where they are
To turn from sin and be made new
For all on earth, including you.

Not one that's found was not a stray
For all have sinned and gone their way
But those within the flock have learned
It's He for whom their hearts have yearned.

None could do what He has done,
Made the planets and the sun,
Made the stars that light the night,
Kept them burning ever bright.

He tires not through endless days
His alone are perfect ways.
He gives strength when needed most
He the Guest we long to host.

He, our hope and strength renewed
He, our holy drink and food
He, the yoke that's easy, light
He, our strength throughout the night.

How beautiful to be so pure
No other with such great allure.
Would that women be like You
And such a purity imbue.

And men as well, with different eyes
Could look upon their maiden prize
And see a holiness within
Far deeper than unblemished skin.

With purity of heart and mind
Two such as these a gemstone find
And lay a cornerstone of love
The world around is jealous of.

Such purity is not for weak
But those a higher calling seek
Who wish the garden walks restored
And more of truth and love explored.

Let me hear Lord, let me see
All the ways I turn from Thee
Guide this sinful heart to newness,
Help me find Your liberty.

Music, many melodies
But to You are none of these
One alone that leads to trueness
One alone the heart can please.

Spirit-filled from in the womb
From here did new Elijah bloom
To win the hearts of men for God
And spread his message far abroad.

We too, as Spirit-filled must be
Persistent in our search for Thee
Attentive to the words You say
And walk along the narrow way.

Ascetic in our ways to prove
That trials here cannot remove
The love of God for sinful man,
But serve to further on His plan.

Let every soul be Spirit-filled
For this is what the Father willed
Restoring walks at evening time
And talking with our Love sublime.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

11/27/22 Through 12/3/22

 11/27/22 Through 12/3/22

Just how might I prepare the way?
How might I more His will obey?
How might I ready for the hour
When Christ shall come in might and Pow'r?

The humble way he comes today
And at the Mass of every day
Is in the form of bread and wine
To be consumed and be made mine.

These humble accidents received
Must be, in truth, our God perceived.
For though the form is humble bread
The substance is my God instead.

If I but simply turn from sin
And recognize whom I take in
By this, I well-prepare the way
For Christ to come that final day.

A man of pagan deities
Can see far more than most of these
Who studied faith from tender youth
But fail to recognize the Truth.

For first the ground must fertile be
For seed to sprout and root for thee
Then clear of thicket, stone, and weed
That all attack the sprouting seed.

The powerful must humble be
In order to Messiah see,
And Christ will answer to the need
Of humble, tender, sprouting seed.

Many longed to see this day
Longed to hear the words I say
Longed for peace in time of war
Longed to know God more and more.

In this day made known to you
My flesh in simple bread, it's true.
Blood poured out as sacred wine
Daily, precious gift of mine.

Come and feast on daily bread
Listen to the words I said
Let them foster change within
Turn from every deadly sin.

Empty here your base desire
Come with Me through cleansing fire.
Fear not loss, for what you gain
Dwarfs the loss and temporal pain.

To love enjoy the flesh must die
And thus destroy the evil lie
That carnal pleasures satisfy
If just a little more we try.

There's no amount of pleasure here
No hoard that will not disappear,
And what is left is what will last
When chattel owning time is past.

But oh, how hard to see that day
When pleasure here gets in the way.
The blinders cloud the vision far
Deceiving many who we are.

As children of the greatest King
We're offered here the finest thing
If lesser things we will forego
To One of every blessing know.

The sacrifice of Love's demand
Will build on rock and not on sand.
And when at last, the flood recedes
What's left are only loving deeds.

To those who answer not the call
Are words that scare me most of all.
The flood will come and none will save
Except for those, their all who gave.

I try to listen well and hear
A word that takes me very near
The way myself would like to go
And all the trials just forego.

But words that say to humble be
Still are daily haunting me
The more I give, the more He asks
With evermore the humble tasks.

Someday, I pray, before I die
I'd learn His way to always try
Instead of mine which goes astray
And always on the narrow stay.

Here below the clouds are gray
And gloom can often rule the day.
Just are punished, guilty freed,
The poor and blind for alms will plead.

But coming soon a day anew
For all the poor and blind, and you.
For all, a day when truth shall reign
The poor and blind will have their gain.

Fear not the ones the body kill
But fear the One Almighty Will.
His patient love has stayed His hand
But soon the Truth shall rule the land.

Eternity seems far away
But here and now, this very day
Could change the way the future goes
If we just follow One who rose,

Send workers to the harvest
And let me be as one.
Not one to go the farthest,
But one his neighbor won.

One of action here below
Relying on His word
One to recognize and know
The Voice that he has heard,

Saturday, November 5, 2022

 Modesty a gift of love
The virtue that I’m fondest of
Protection of the sacred gift
Whose veil alone the spouse should lift
Beauty through the eyes is seen
The beauty of the soul I mean
Where purity and love abide
And make of thee a blessed bride
Sly would have the young believe
The web of lies the wicked weave
That sex will bring abounding joy
When all it does is love destroy
Love you’re craving deep within
In chastity will there begin
Preserving there your special gift
For one alone the veil to lift

11/20/22 Through 11/26/22

 11/20/22 Through 11/26/22

Who is King of all the earth?
Who arrived by Virgin birth?
Who in quiet home was raised?
Who for death on Cross is praised?

Who as king, would humble bring
Healing for the suffering,
Freedom for the ones enslaved
Newness for the ones depraved?

One alone, no other stands
One alone, with just commands.
One with Cross as bully throne,
One as God, and God alone.

Jesus Christ the King of kings.
Jesus Christ, salvation brings.
Jesus Christ, my worthy Lord.
Jesus Christ, to be adored.

None before such height have scaled
All since then, in light have paled.
Only One of perfect love
Christ our King and Lord of Love.

I wish I knew with motives pure
What's asked of me in life for sure
But nothing's ever quite so clear
And few so clear a voice will hear.

As most will simply move along
In hope to find where they belong
By happenstance or simple fate
And not the voice of God await.

An active plea I make to know
With certainty, the way to go
To see the way illumined bright
Instead of just by candlelight.

But not the way He often works
And very few receive these perks.
For most a step ahead is shown
And what's beyond is yet unknown.

Our Mother too would walk this way
By greeting Him in every day
With "I am Yours, my Lord Divine,
So on Your path let brightness shine."

The way be narrow, hard, and steep
But safe my steps upon it keep.
Although that road, by many crossed,
Your will be done, and mine be lost.

Cecelia, vintage fully ripe
A beauty not of earthly type
In prayer and love, she turned away
The trappings of the temporal way.

She gladly took her place among
The martyrs as His praises sung
When led to death a beauty shone
That comes from loving God alone.

So too, we're called to shine the light
Let beauty bring about delight
Amidst a world of dark and sin
Let beauty there a change begin.

When touched by that, that's pure and clean
Through darkest night the truth is seen
And broken hearts in tears of joy
Forgiveness and great love employ.

Be one to make the beauty seen
Be one of heart that's pure and clean
Find love that prompts to give Him all
And answer well of Beauty's call.

The end is coming soon for me
I pray that clear the way I see
And cower not from earthly loss
But cling unto the Blessed Cross.

For only there is freedom found
Where Christ Himself, with thorns was crowned.
The gift of all we have to give
Is that which lets us truly live.

Forgive me Lord for when I've failed
When greed instead of love prevailed.
Grant mercy to this sinner when
I stand before the Great Amen.

A dreadful day when judgment comes
When all our graft, well-known becomes
When sins of all are clearly seen
And we must face the judgment scene.

Because of blessings unaware
So many gifts were squandered there
By pride, and avarice, and greed
Instead of tending other's need.

Nowhere to turn, nowhere to hide,
No advocate to plead our side.
No call but "Mercy, Mercy, Lord"
I can't afford a just reward.

Judged by deeds done here below
On scrolls believed that none would know
Reality could none deny,
Forever in the fire fry.

That way is easy, broad, and smooth
But in that lake, no balm will soothe.
The torments there forever burn,
From there the wicked, never turn.

That final death, the choice be made
Eternal flame to never fade.
Locked below forevermore
With none but self to there adore.

But those who saw the signs below
Forever in the heights will know
The rest and comfort He provides
To those His Holy Spirit guides.

These days we ponder what's ahead
We pay respects to all our dead
We pray for souls in cleansing fire
That Heaven's fullness they acquire.

So too, we look to times ahead
And ponder days when we are dead...
Will we be sober and alert
In order to His wrath avert?

So often dreamy tales are told
Of what it's like to God behold
But there before Almighty God
What man could there, his life applaud?

The sins of youth and sins of the age
All worthy of a deadly wage.
The sins of heart and sins of mind
Are brutal wickedness I find.

The comforts of my selfish greed
Be viewed that day as foolish need
When seen the poor I could have saved
Had I not been the one depraved.

The lust for pleasure, wealth, and fame
That day will offer none but shame
Each little lie or god we made
Against the Truth shall be arrayed.

So many sins now widely known
Desreving that I be disowned.
I fear that fateful day I die,
But "Jesus, Mercy." be my cry