Monday, January 28, 2019

2/10/19 Through 2/16/19

2/10/19 Through 2/16/19

When I see Him face to face
I'll understand my sin.
How far away I strayed from grace,
And sin's effect within.

The weight of these can crush the bone
And lead one to despair.
Forgiveness comes from Christ alone
Who answers every prayer.

Each day is better than before,
Our God is giving evermore.
New graces everyday received,
Through one immaculate conceived.

The light of day and stars of night
Portend a future ever bright
For those, by grace, who's hearts are stirred,
Who learn to trust His every word!

Is my heart near or far away?
Did I just hear and not obey?
Is my heart where my lips proclaim,
Or mired in a land of shame?

That from within defiles the man
As nothing touched, or eaten can.
When pride controls what we would do
Our hearts grow far away from You.

Those fallen as the Devil's prey
Would doubt the things the Lord will say
And follow their misguided will
To wallow in the Devil's swill.

But love desires only good
And wisdom sees what all men should.
That God made man to live in love,
And dwell in heaven's light above.

Flesh of flesh and bone of bone
Made so man was not alone.
Given to the man as wife.
Given for the gift of life.

Though naked with no shame or lust,
The two in purity and trust.
Become one flesh as meant to be,
And thus a child comes to be.

This beauty God has made for man
Within His Trinitary plan.
Reflecting wonders of the love
Among the Godhead, up above.

With that first sin we chose our shame.
A lying serpent, now we blame.
But what, in truth, has caused the fall
Are pride and hubris, most of all.

The gates were closed and man shut out,
Then sin was raging all about,
But One was promised from above
To show again the ways of love.

He came as one akin to man
According to the Father's plan.
In poverty he grew to be
Our model of humility.

He opened ears, and loosed the tongue
Of deaf and mute He walked among.
Then on the cross He opened wide
The gates once shut by sinful pride.

How sad, for all, the Garden lost.
For every sin a frightful cost!
What looks attractive to the eye,
May not be something we should try.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

March for Life 2019

March for Life 2019

A crisis at the border looms.
Society at large presumes
Invaders never count for much
Those inconvenient, weak, and such.

So they dispose this human trash
In hope to fix things in a flash.
But when at last they clearly see,
A precious life has ceased to be.

The womb is now the border wall
For all those feared, yet oh so small.
This wall should mean it's safe within,
But that is far from how it's been.

This wall, they say belongs to me
And strips the child of dignity.
No one can govern what is mine,
So put away your protest sign.

For happiness they make a choice
Denying little ones a voice.
Indulgence, never brings such mirth
As when a child comes to birth.

And so we walk again this year,
In hope that those in power hear,
That love is needed in this time
To end, at last, this heinous crime.

A million LEGAL immigrants
This year alone will die.
Much more we need, than signs and chants,
Or just to wonder why.

An active plan that's far beyond
What ere we've done before.
A love to show that morn has dawned,
That hate cannot ignore.

A demonstration everyday
That all are due respect.
Sincerity in all we say,
Not soon, they will forget.

Lord grant this grace that we may see
One day Your will be done.
Then here on earth the cry will be,
Lord let Your kingdom come!

2/3/19 Through 2/8/19

2/3/19 Through 2/8/19

Lord of love our task today
Is love according to your way,
To love the evildoer here
And cast away our useless fear.

The end we know, You conquered sin
So we should not let evil win,
But love until the bitter end,
And truth and justice, here defend.

Proclaim what God has done for you
What mighty works this faith can do,
For those enduring to the end
Our blessed Lord will more than mend.

What glory waits is yet unseen
Where every soul is pure and clean.
Where sin is banished far away,
And evermore is light of day.

If I but touch upon His cloak,
His love will break this heavy yoke.
If I but near myself to Him
He'll clear the eyes and strengthen limb.

Not satisfied to leave it there
He bids us come and know Him where
In ordinary bread and wine
He offers flesh and blood divine.

Though some may scoff and wonder why
We place on this, such value high,
But once you recognize this bread
It's where your very soul is fed.

In love the martyrs shed their blood
Amidst the overwhelming flood
Of suffering and gruesome pain
To win the prize of heaven's gain

He grants the grace to meet the need.
And through the pain He plants a seed
To soften hearts of hardened stone
And let the love of God be known.

You too can win a martyr's crown,
Be clothed in white with flowing gown,
By meeting well temptation's threat
And using every grace you get.

Rejection causes bitterness
And sinfulness I must confess.
So shake it off as useless dust,
And look to Him with total trust.

He who was rejected first,
Hung on the cross, and said, "I Thirst",
His love drove out all bitterness,
So hardened hearts might acquiesce.

We too, must love without reserve,
And faithfully, our brothers serve.
So when rejected, let it fall,
That love might be our all in all.

For sure the oil's running low
That which keeps our lamps aglow
We mustn't wait to fill the flask,
As that should be a daily task.

The Bridegroom comes here unannounced.
Those in dark will be denounced.
Sorrow for the unprepared
That sloth and lethargy ensnared.

The sheep must have a shepherd,
A teacher, loving, kind.
Protector from the leopard, 
And teeth of roaring lion.

Overwhelmed by needy ones
Without the time to pray.
That's the way the story runs
For parents everyday.

Yet sometime in the busy day
There'll be a moment's rest
When one can look to heav'n and say
Lord come and be my guest.

The work they do shall be a prayer
An offering of praise
The best that they can offer where
Their loving fills the days.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

1/27/19 Through 2/2/19

1/27/19 Through 2/2/19

For old enough to understand
We study well what God has planned.
Attractive as the faith might be,
It calls for dread humility.

The order and stability
Of those with faith appeals to me,
But not the thought of the unknown,
Or moving from my comfort zone.

With fear and longing intertwined,
Faith is not for weak, I find.
No room for those who store and save,
The realm of faith is meant for brave.

So if you will, then take the plunge,
And useless fear, from life, expunge.
Then find the grand stability,
That flows from true humility.

Entering the sanctuary,
Sheep or goat He did not carry.
But His precious blood divine,
He offers as the sacred wine.

Pleading mercy and forgiveness,
Freeing man from all his illness,
Perfect sacrifice was made,
Debt of all our sins was paid.

Stronger than the ties of blood,
Love abounds in lavish flood,
For those who do the Father's will,
And thus, the great command fulfill.

To do His will is such delight,
To watch His hand of love rewrite
The story in a better way,
That leads to light of endless day.

Break the path and clear the thorn.
Rocks be gone, this blessed morn.
Hoe and fertilize the ground,
So that which welcomes can be found.

A deep, and soft, and welcome earth,
Prepared to bring the seed to birth
That it may grow and richly bear
A harvest well beyond compare.

The lamp stand is a fitting place
To put the light of truth and grace.
Not hidden, or just kept for one,
But giving light to everyone.

Don't say your gifts don't count for much.
The Beast would have you think as much.
But give, and then be given more,
And then, to greater depths explore.

His love is there to light the path,
And save us from the sinful wrath.
So all must use the gifts He gives
To prove to darkness that He lives!

To persevere, the word today,
Enduring troubles on the way,
But weakness causes me to sin,
Relying on just strength within.

His grace is key to understand
The wonders that our God has planned.
For grace will simply multiply
When troubles start to amplify.

The tiny seed of grace will grow,
And shelter little birds that know,
In weakness God is glorified,
And saves us from our sin of pride.

Light of lights, light up my way,
Dispel the darkness of the day.
Salvation now my eyes have seen,
By prophets, long ago foreseen.

The day is here, the hour is now.
Our God has kept His holy vow.
Though many sorrows yet to come,
All darkness, He will overcome.

1/20/19 Through 1/26/19

1/20/19 Through 1/26/19

May this empty jar be filled,
Let me act as God has willed.
Spirit fill my emptiness,
Bring me to Your place of rest.

No longer called "Forgotten One",
But one for whom gold robes are spun,
For King has come to call His bride,
And break the chains of sin from pride.

A gem within the word today
That teaches how to fast and pray
With perseverance to the end
To thus obtain our dividend.

To draw our strength from God as man
And act within the Father's plan
Accepting troubles day by day
To learn obedience on the way.

The gift of life, the breath of God,
A gift that's high and deep and broad.
So little man does comprehend,
Whenever choosing life to end.

His work of art and masterpiece,
Imbued with soul to never cease.
Now treated just as common trash
By those audacious, bold, and brash.

How can the human heart be changed,
And this vast folly rearranged,
To cherish life at every stage,
And such a tragedy assuage?

The only way, is follow Truth,
And teach it well to old and youth,
That as the next duration dawns,
No more will serve as Evil's pawns.

What's withered in my soul today,
Where I have left sin have its way?
What part of me must be restored
By Mercy's gracious love out poured?

Desiring some recognition
Feeding pride in this position.
Show me how to listen well
To Wisdom, that my heart will swell.

Around Him pressed an anxious crowd
To hear the words of Him endowed
With pow'r to heal the blind and lame,
And even raise the dead of Nain.

Unlike the haughty Pharisee,
This one would speak with love, you see.
Rejecting honors of the day
To with His Father, kneel and pray.

No man e're spoke as He would speak
So bold, yet always, mild and meek.
Authority His words possess
And every one will heal or bless.

Let me hang upon that word,
And act in haste on what I've heard.
For that will heal and mend my sin,
Inviting love to dwell within.

If many more would see the light,
And join us in the ardent fight,
The world would change and be renewed,
And wickedness, be much subdued.

For love has conquered over sin,
And only love can change within,
To bring about the peace we seek,
And give the flesh to words we speak.

How has darkness grown this deep?
Why is faith considered cheap?
How can I become a light,
To rend the veils of sin and night?

By answering Your every plea
And thus by growing close to Thee.
By sacrificing foolish pride,
And taking You to be my guide.

Be not afraid to speak the truth,
To educate both old and youth,
For I will save the pure of heart,
If you but do your given part.