Saturday, February 25, 2023

3/12/23 Through 3/18/23

 3/12/23 Through 3/18/23

Even sin, He turns for good
The way a sinful people would
If they but saw in clearer light
A way to make their wrongs a right.

But mercy touches deep within
Exposing there the depth of sin
Awakening a holy shame
So we might choose to love reclaim

Humility inspired there
A thirst to living water share
A freedom from the chains of sin
When Christ our King is welcomed in

So hard to see what's deep inside
The dark abyss of sinful pride
It clouds the mind, obscures the way
And leads to spiritual decay

Then why do I persist in pride
And set the higher way aside?
Concupiscence, this bane of mine
That draws my will away from Thine

Cleanse and purify me, Lord
Armor me with shield and sword
Make of me a soldier true
That puts my trust alone in You.

Have mercy Lord for all my sins
For mercy's where new life begins
Grant me a share of mercy then
That mercy I may show again

Make me a sacrifice of praise
Deliver me from evil ways
Let fire cleanse a selfish heart
And mercy, debtors, I impart

From slavery of mine, set free
That, "yes" my answer always be
To grace, you offer in the time
To always closer up to climb

In haste, so often there I fail
That blessed grace, to me avail
And only see when ere I fall
I failed to answer well the call.

So mercy is my constant cry
And never Lord will You deny
The humble heart that turns from sin
To welcome truth and love within.

What nation has so great a law?
Nay, who has seen what this one saw?
Through waters parted safe and sound
While there the soldiers all were drowned

While in the desert, richly fed
As daily came from heaven, bread
And water in the desert land
From barren rock on burning sand

Their God provided on their way
For all their need in every day
And gave that law from mountain high
So none would ere His love deny

How bold to think that I could stray
And not His word to sure obey
The way of right and truth He knows
And on the Cross, that way He shows

This nation set apart in love
So richly blest by God above
Was given gifts to show the way
But in their pride has gone astray

The way to save both me and you
Is how to save the nation too
If we but turn to God above
And face our cross, as Christ in love.

The root of love is sacrifice
And on the Cross, He paid the price
To show how humble love can win
And triumph over death and sin

Sin, that dreaded slavery
That traps the folks like you and me
Is nothing more than selfish lust
That plagues the weakly man of dust

Love of God and neighbor too
Is what was planned for me and you
A way of perfect bliss to know
But yet another way we go.

Repent and learn what God has known
And on the Cross was plainly shown
That perfect peace and joy will come
By loving God, and everyone.

Oh Lord is there yet hope for me,
Who blinded by my guilt can't see
Until I've strayed and lost the track
And humbly must come crawling back?

Each time I think I'm doing well
You show me just how far I fell
But if I turn away from sin
Your grace again is found within.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

3/5/23 Through 3/11/23

 3/5/23 Through 3/11/23

Walking to the mount of Tabor
Three alone with Him that day
Christ invites them there to savor
Just a taste of Heaven's way.

Hear the voice then fall and tremble
Fearing for so many sins
Yet a hope we soon resemble
Who for us redemption wins.

Lord help me measure well today
Just what to keep or give away
Let my measure's bounty be
In your time returned to me

Don't give up on me I pray
Show me grace again today
Grace to turn from sin to you
Grace to love in all I do.

Lord make my motives good and pure
That love in me would long endure
Bestill the pride that tempts my soul
To make the earthly gain my goal

Too often good is done for pride
Acknowledgment and envy plied
To place the "me" above the rest
And all the blessings so divest.

Lord, let me see the body whole
And so accept my little role
Rejoicing in another's good
As how each humble member should.

For parts more elegant than mine
Are all attached to one true Vine
And loved beyond what they deserve
So help me simply humbly serve.

Somehow let my service be
A pleasing offering to Thee
A sweet aroma rising high
The outcast poor, to dignify.

A place of honor here below
Not likely that I'll ever know
But let the Cross my anchor be
And light beyond then clearly see

Each path, unto the Cross shall lead
For there the sacrificial seed
Of love is sown to mend the heart
And all the grace of God impart.

Lazarus, a myth they say
Then go about their merry way
And pay no heed to those in pain
And only seek the more to gain

The "more" they seek is none but straw
And this, the pittied rich man saw
Too late to turn and make amends
And so is how his story ends

But none alive are yet that far
And mercy meets them where they are
To welcome back a wayward stray
And give them life in endless day.

Though Mercy will not force a hand
We choose the life or choose the damned
The poor are those the latter choose
And all they thought they had they lose.

A vineyard granted for our good 
But we must act the way we should
Returning all the Master's due
And proving us a grateful crew

For he that hoards what lands produce
Will never taste the greater juice
The wine poured out as blood for all
Who answer well the Master's call

A wayward son, a faithful one
Yet both their Father grieve
For love desired but not acquired
When "things" are those we cleave

The love He seeks, in stillness speaks
With folly clear beheld
Repentant one the truer son
Than one who love witheld

Sunday, February 12, 2023

2/26/23 Through 3/4/23

 2/26/23 Through 3/4/23

Temptation comes in many ways
Be watchful through these forty days
For garden trickery remains
Though emptiness alone contains

In nakedness, a fullness known
With hearts for God and God alone
But sin brought selfishness and lust
Destroying love and Godly trust

But Christ now shows what man can be
As naked there upon the tree
In stark submission to God's will
He offers man salvation still.

No shame at all in One so pure
Whose love is steadfast, strong, and sure.
As the Father once intended,
Now the Son in love has mended.

Commands are many in the law
But in the Teacher, two I saw
To love the Lord with all I have
And be to poor, a healing salve.

The rest contained within these two
And judgment comes from what we do.
Do we the needy ones restore,
Or simply poor and sick ignore?

Within the faces ready seen
The Master dwells if we but glean
And understand it's Him we serve
Then give the poor what they deserve.

Lord, send the rain and send the snow
That deep within, Your word would grow
So I would learn to be like you
And learn to love the things You do.

That giving all, Your all might gain
And join the angels' loud refrain
Of Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord!
Your precious blood has been out-poured.

And such as I have been redeemed
When far away from God I seemed
Then let your snow and rain return
And make me always closer turn.

Something far greater than Solomon here
Preaching like Jonah's resounds in the ear
Calling for change and repentance in love
Calling for turning of hearts to above.

Turning away from the greed and the lust
Turning to gentle and generous trust
Turning from envy and all that defiles
Then turning to One whose giving beguiles.

Heartfelt repentance is warranted now
Trusting forgiveness be granted somehow
Not as the Pharisee, proud and unchanged
But sinner whose sins, for mercy exchanged.

So, ask and receive, seek and find
Enter into the Master's mind
See that His way is best for you
Humbly then trust in all you do.

Turn from wickedness and sin
Let the life of love begin
Waste not all the good you do
By acting as the pagans do.

No thing as just a little sin
For all are turning back from Him
And evil in its many forms
A life of peace and love deforms.

Make of me a docile soul
To Thee I give complete control
My sinful ways I wish to lose
And always now Your pathway choose.

No enemies be known to me
That I, with loving eyes don't see
And offer prayers for their concern
To loving ways of God to learn.

Forgiving readily each day
Completely, in a loving way
Forbearing in a humble form
To make the grace of love the norm.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

2/19/23 Through 2/25/23

 2/19/23 Through 2/25/23

Like Him, our destiny is love
To thus enjoy the land above
For in that land, no sin exists
And only love up there persists

So learn to sacrifice each day
And take the chains of sin away
That giving as the Father gives
We might be welcomed where He lives.

Wisdom comes from One who reigns
And goes to where the Wise One deigns
For all is known to Him alone
Foundation of His glorious throne

So, who can understand her ways
Or penetrate her knowing gaze?
A fool, she shows the wise of earth
While humble given second birth

Her generosity extends
To poor and humble she befriends
For when they call she showers down
The humble, knowing, wisdom crown

She gives to those who freely call
The strong and brave, or weak and small
The gift is given those who ask
To guide them in their every task.

If you come to serve the Lord
Prepare for great ordeal
For often here your sole reward
Is far from the ideal

Anger is the first response
When ways are shown as wrong
For wickedness, secure ensconced
Will status quo prolong

Not everyone will share your joy
Nor view your change a good
Exposing sin will much annoy
Who act not as they should

So stand your ground, be firm and true
Give not the way to sin
Be loving when they challenge you
In hope their heart to win

In ashes end our evil ways
Bring lasting change these forty days
To humble soul and contrite heart
Your everlasting grace impart

Grace to sacrifice our way
Grace to hear You and obey
Grace to turn our wills toward You
Grace to love in all we do

Bless our land with holy leaders
Straight and strong as giant cedars
Give this people love for Jesus
One alone who truly frees us.

Much in profit, little gained
When all of earth has been obtained
For all on earth shall pass away
And all is naught that final day

Pursue the light that never ends
For flesh, to only evil tends
But crucify that way instead
And find within, the spirit fed

For life and death we choose each day
A prosperous, or cursing way
So choose the former and you'll see
Eternal life was meant for thee.

Is the fasting I do very pleasing to you?
Am I growing in love every day?
Have I learned how to pray an acceptable way?
Is there love in the alms that I pay?

Growing closer to You in the things that I do
Is the goal of this daily endeavor
A stripping away, to my selfishness slay
And learn how to love in forever.

How do we treat the day of the Lord,
As one to be rested and fully restored,
Or as one to be following whims of our own
And never the love of our God to make known?

The day of the Sabbath was made for the man
To peer into heaven as far as he can
To see how important that knowing Him is
And joy of the turning of ours into His

In the giving of all, the all we obtain
The things of the earth we now see as vain
But only this vision will come with the cost
Of counting our gains as paradise lost

So set the Sabbath day aside
To rest, and there with Him abide
That so, you'll find yourself renewed
And closer to the Spirit wooed.