Saturday, May 28, 2022

6/12/22 Through 6/18/22

 6/12/22 Through 6/18/22

The Trinity, so far beyond
What mortal man can know.
On no man here, such light has dawned,
Or teacher dared to go.

Eternal Three, but only One,
I cannot comprehend.
But Jesus, as the Father's Son,
On Him, I can depend.

A truth beyond the mind for me,
But one that I accept.
For Jesus spoke of One in Three,
And He, His word, has kept.

So plumb those depths and only find
How far we have to go.
To get this in the simple mind,
And truly, God to know.

All men on earth both now and then,
The Body of our Lord.
A unity among all men
Is what we're working toward.

Our goal is to become as One,
As Trinity above.
As Father, Spirit, and the Son,
In unity of love.

Do more than what is asked of you,
And love  in spite of what they do.
For love it is, that grace imparts,
And love it is, that changes hearts.

Unlike the well-known, "eye for eye"
The gift of love has no reply.
It calms the angry, bitter soul,
And works to make the broken whole.

On the cross, He suffered long
So pray for those who do you wrong,
That they might turn and clearly see
How much their wrongs offended thee

And so in all humility
The sinner too would be set free.
Then reconciled, start anew
To work at being one with you.

Be good when good is not deserved
For this is when true love is served.
Speak truth in love to change a heart
And reconciliation start.

A chariot engulfed in flame
Forever marks Elijah's name,
But more deserving of such fame 
Is how, in all, to God he came.

With mountain wind and splitting rock
Through firestorm and earthquake shock,
He heard the tiny whisper sound
And knew, the Mighty Lord had found.

He heard and always went the way
God prompted him throughout the day
Not caring what the others say,
Great power comes when we obey.

A two-fold Spirit given those
Who saw the strife, yet freely chose
To follow Him where e're it leads
And thus a multitude He feeds.

Flaming chariot of fire
Take me to my heart's desire.
In the whirlwind be known,
Blind unto the light be shown.

Babble not to well be heard
To your Daddy, thoughts be spurred.
For He so loved, to send His Son
Who on the cross our vict'ry won.

Now put to death the sin within
And thereby freedom, you will win.
No more, for lies, the truth exchange
It's time, your life, to rearrange.

The fruit of all the little lies
No longer rottenness disguise.
For every sin when just ignored
A horrid end will lead us toward.

Immodest dress a tool that's used
That keeps a suitor much confused.
The giving-love for which they're longing
Leads to slavery belonging.

In slavery to lust confused,
Instead of love, one just abused.
The mystery lost and all exchanged
For one from whom, true love estranged.

New life conceived and just destroyed
Abuse of freedom thus employed.
When this we see as commonplace
Society is in disgrace.

So children murdered in their school,
How could a human be so cruel?
We stand in shock all asking why,
It started with a little lie.

Ungrateful, one returns to flesh
Refusing to his love refresh.
A love that gives as one receives
And grows the more as one believes.

This constant walking on the fence
With no commitment there and hence,
A heart that tries to serve the two
Will never be a heart that's true.

One source alone for all we need
The source of life that we must heed
Who feeds the birds that gather not,
The source of all the love we sought.

Monday, May 23, 2022

6/5/22 Through 6/11/22

 6/5/22 Through 6/11/22

Power in Your Spirit gaining
Breath of life in all sustaining
Dry bones rattle, reconnected
Giving life where unexpected.

Wind and fire, lightning flashing
Still and calm, or thunder crashing
All are ways the Spirit blesses
Calling for our sin's redresses.

Sickly one that needs a healing
To the Breath of Life appealing
Breathe anew Your life within me
Nevermore, a slave to sin be.

The fall of man, the Original Sin
The way, at first, that evil came in
Often repeated, throughout every day
We turn from the Lord to follow our way.

A self-styled god we choose to be king
But shame and disgrace is all that we bring.
Each time that we choose our will over His
Distorted we make this world that is.

Then living a lie that we often repeat
With troubles, our world is often replete.
For evil compounds, but there's always one worse
No end can be found to the evil we curse.

But much can be changed through the action of one
Like Virgin most pure who brought forth the Son.
Choose but His will, in all that you do,
Then changing the world, will your actions do too.

Little needed for survival
Drought and famine be our rival.
At His Word our needs provided
By His voice, our actions guided.

In His will, no need ungranted
When, in love, the seed is planted.
Take courage and a light you'll be
Shining bright for all to see.

Lord, so many teaching children
Not to love, but slaves to be.
In their lies the truth be hidden
Path to truly be set free.

How the masses plot against Thee
Serving gods of flesh and fame.
Gods that never would defend me,
Only grant me dreaded shame.

Send Your fire of love to show them
You alone are God above
God of mercy and forgiveness
You alone the God of love.

Every word You give to guide us
Every grace, important be.
Let us follow so to find us
Home at last as one with Thee

How paltry seems our base desire
When passing through the cleansing fire.
Yet in our time on earth we find
It hard to change our hungry mind.

We quarrel over stupid things.
Immortal soul, to mortal clings.
We build a wealth that slips away
In poverty that final day.

The time is now to reconcile
Before we walk that final mile.
For here a time of mercy waits,
But judgment lies beyond the gates.

In the quiet whisper sound
His clear and loving voice is found.
The voice to guide us on our way
And let us not be led astray.

The stormy skies flash bright and loud
But often in confusion cloud
The truth, that we not recognize
Our sin, as righteousness disguised.

His law is far above our own,
And when the truth, at last, is known,
We'll see our sin for what it is:
The Passiontide and cross of His.

Son of encouragement, faithful and true
Sent as Apostle to Gentile and Jew.

Sought out his companion, a man of some fame
Converted, who now would be preaching the name

Of Jesus who died and who rose for our sin
That sinners, repentant, would be welcomed in.

One humble enough to take a backseat,
courageous enough to the enemy meet.

One patient enough, on the Lord, to depend
And faithful enough to meet martyr's end.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

5/29/22 Through 6/4/22

 5/29/22 Through 6/4/22

Do not hold this sin against them
Is the way to unity.
We must love and not condemn them
If our oneness hopes to be.

Martyrs saw throughout the ages
What St. Stephen saw that day.
Truth in love will conquer rages,
Hearts will change if men will pray.

Lord I pray that many sinners
In our government today
Would receive the grace of winners,
Turn and listen and obey.

Now speaking plainly understood
Remember well all people should
The time the hands were laid on you
And how the Spirit made you new.

If not, renew that time of grace
With fervor seek his holy face.
The Spirit comes to those who seek
To nerve the timid, strengthen weak.

In the womb he recognized,
And in the womb, he was baptized.
Then grace was given to proclaim
The wonders of His Holy Name.

We too are given every day
The grace to listen and obey.
To ready keep our reasons why
We trust this nail-scarred Jewsh guy.

Recounting all He's done for me
Is how I light the dark to see,
And how I gently spread the word
To those who maybe haven't heard.

The farewell speech of Jesus shows
The world and all the wealth it knows
Is not what satisfies the soul,
And must not be our final goal.

St. Paul as well could see the same
When time to leave a city came.
He knew that wolves would come along
And try to show that right was wrong.

But then He counseled who remained
To guard the wealth that they had gained.
To mind the word that they received,
And not by lies to be deceived.

For truth alone did Jesus speak
Authoritative and unique
And truth alone will pass the test.
In truth is where we find our rest.

How shrewd the Spirit works in man
To bring about the Father's plan
The preacher quelled within one town
But sent to preach the world around.

Divided enemies we find
Are like the weak and groping blind,
But those in Christ, as one with You
Things most astonishing will do.

In prison, beaten, bound in chain,
Set free, but still in there remain
To save a soldier unaware
And tell him of God's loving care

But Satan too will try this tack
To drive a wedge and thus attack.
Yet if forgiveness freely flows
Our unity much stronger grows.

Under God our nation founded
Many formed as one astounded
All men with perplexity
What man can do when man is free.

Though freedom's not for self, but good
By all men must be understood.
For when the self becomes the goal,
We gain the flesh, but lose the soul.

In prison or upon a tree
What ere the place, I'm called to be
A witness in the daily fight
And bearer of His holy light.

Forgive me Lord for I am weak
I often fail, but still I seek.
Returning every morn to hear
Your voice to call me ever near.

Help me drop the nets that bind me.
In the end I pray You'll find me
There with You at Calvary
A sorry thief, in search of Thee.

No way with words in full detail
To talk of all His works entail.
The throngs that met Him all were healed
Not one unanswered that appealed.

And all that heard were touched some way.
Each word He spoke, another ray
Of light to pierce the darkened mind,
So truth a wan'dring soul could find.

Now every day we need this light
To strengthen us to win the fight.
Revealing evil with its lies,
Unmasking every sly disguise.

In silence, well, His light will shine
And help our will to His incline.
Then if we listen and obey
He'll be our guide throughout the day.

5/22/22 Through 5/28/22

 5/22/22 Through 5/28/22

Watch and pray, listen and obey.
By doing so you'll find
The guiding light amid the fight
To open eyes of blind.

The Spirit comes to patient ones
Who watch and pray as told.
When time is right, He shows His might,
And weak become the bold.

By what He gives, it proves He lives.
Such courage 'fore unknown.
No man would die to prove a lie,
But here the Truth is shown.

So come and see, what's here for thee,
A life of joy and peace.
Amid the storm, be safe and warm.\
His love will never cease.

We find in hospitality
A certain love that sets us free.
A joy in serving others well
And way to of, our Master tell.

By sharing what we have each day
We preach a loving Christ-like way.
And show our love is more than word,
It's action on the Voice we've heard.

Prompted by His whisper sound
Enough for all is always found.
No lacking when we give our all
In answer to the Spirit's call.

How many prisoners in chain
That search for none but earthly gain.
They seek what does not satisfy
While true contentment passes by.

New birth requires abandoning
The sugar high that sweets may bring
In favor of what satisfies,
And feeds the heart of truly wise.

How long will I be bound in chain
Afraid to make a move for gain,
Afraid to see the light of day, |
And follow in the Master's way?

True joy awaits for those who learn,
But heat awaits, and lazy burn.
Lord, change my heart and make it true
I know what's best for me is You.

They worshipped One they did not know
A God unknown, but shrined for show.
How foolish this appears today
But true we're oft the same old way.

We praise a God we barely know.
Our Sunday trip is just for show.
We take no time to hear His word,
Just listen to what others heard.

But truly Christ has come for all
To every heart, He has a call,
And each must listen well to hear
His voice that clearly calls them near.

Impatient in so many ways.
Must I wait for nine more days?
Lord, You have waited long for me, 
So I must patient be for Thee.

Eternally is how You see.
Your flesh and blood You gave for me,
And You await a just return,
But only punishment I earn.

Lord, in these days that I await
Your will, my will, must penetrate
And make my goals with Your accord
Then on my spirit, Yours be poured.

One day will gone be every pain
What all had thought was loss was gain.
We wept as world around rejoiced
Just as our Savior fore had voiced.

But true to every word He said,
The Lord arose, though cold and dead.
He ate and drank, and breathed our way
The Spirit sent to guide our day.

His voice we learn to recognize
It rings as truth, not empty lies.
And if we quickly would obey
We'll find it guides us on our way.

The road of life, an upward climb
For those who well invest their time.
Path for drawing ever nearer,
Way of seeing love much clearer.

Diligence and perseverance
Study and a strict coherence
To His law of love will show us
How the Spirit's help will grow us.

Those that coast along will find
Life's not a narrow upward climb,
But easy coasting road I choose
Away from rules and stuffy pews.

That path of pleasure, fun, and games,
In truth, is known by other names,
"Road to hell", or yes "perdition",
Costly is that road's tuition.

Enticing fools in every age
Who know not of the sinner's wage.
But wise will keep the end in sight
And constant, pride and flesh will fight.

For on the summit high above
There stands a brilliant cross of love,
And those in hope, that persevere
Will find that love is ever near.