Sunday, April 8, 2018

4/22/18 Through 4/28/18

4/22/18 Through 4/28/18

Good Shepherd lead Your sheep today
Make us to follow in Your way
Give us Your valley lands replete
With good and juicy things to eat

Make us see and understand
That happiness is in Your land
Give us a heart that then decides
No other way than Yours provides

Who is this man who calms the sea
And still has time to care for me?
Who leads me where lush grasses grow
And where the streams of water flow?

No one before has come like He
A Shepherd for the sheep like me
One whose voice we recognize
One on a cross, for us, who dies

How much plainer can I be, 
Than all the holy works you see
The lame can walk, the blind can see
But yet you don't believe in Me

The heart of proud and sinful men
Can see my works and turn again
To willful blindness dark as night
Refusing to acknowledge light

You know the truth and still you say
Give us some proof, You are the way
No proof can satisfy the man
Whose pride obstructs the Father's plan

Be sober and vigilant, loving the Lord
For strength and approval will be your reward
Your opponent, the devil, is prowling around
To see if one weak or infirmed can be found

Resist him in faith that is steadfast and strong
Refusing to do any deed that is wrong
Your brothers and sisters have all done as much
And found great reward in God's loving touch

The humble exalted, the haughty brought low
His favor upon all the meek He'll bestow
We suffer a little to win the reward
Of life everlasting, with graces outpoured

He told us plainly in advance
Of all that He would do
But we would hear, and look askance
For such we never knew

To suffer death and rise again
We could not understand
But after it had happened then
We saw what He had planned

If you wish to know the way
Listen well to what I say
Then act upon the word you hear
And let my Father draw you near

For in His house are many rooms
And that is where love fully blooms
Through me you find your dwelling place
Within the Father's warm embrace

Proclaim the word both loud and clear
No matter some refuse to hear
And shake the dust from whence you came
If they refuse to hear My name

For though you may get quite annoyed
My word shall not return as void
It waters still the hardened clod
When you proclaim the word of God

And if a heart is seeking truth
My word shall come as to the youth
The greatest story ever told
A priceless one worth more than gold

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