Sunday, August 7, 2016

7/31/16 Through 8/6/16

7/31/16 Through 8/6/16

Oh vanity of vanities
No creature here on earth can please
No wealth or riches, fortune, fame
To rival what the poor can claim

Though seeming here so destitute
Possessing joy one can't refute
For when love permeates the soul
We are complete, we are made whole.

With bread of life may I be fed
Attachment to the world be shed
And then within Your presence find
The treasure of my heart refined.

What little faith I have in Him 
Who walked across the sea
When stepping out to sink or swim
He reaches out to me.

I want to find that solid rock
But waves beneath my feet
Create in me a mental block
That leads me to defeat

Someday I may be strong enough
To do it on my own
But that's the day when sure enough
I find myself alone

My gaze must fix upon His eyes
That beckon, "Come to Me."
For what will steady one who tries
Is grace that comes from Thee.

The greatest strength in every man
Is weakness to the king,
But lean on Him, the faithful can
And He refreshment brings.

Our every care is His concern
There's none too large or small
By trusting Him the faithful learn
He cares for one and all.

Jesus help my will conform
According to your way
From sinfulness my life reform
To follow and obey

For now I think as mortal man
Not in Your loving way
Help me to work within Your plan
And guide the things I say.

Oh mother spark within your child
The grace to never be defiled
The grace to love my daily cross
The grace to count the world as loss.

Transfigured right before their eyes
On mountaintop, removed disguise
The Father's voice from in the cloud
This is my Son of whom I'm proud

Yet on the plain, down here below
The plot took shape we've come to know
A shameful death the elders say
Will rid our nation of this Way.

So marred beyond the face of man,
How could this be within the plan?
Yet what the elders saw as loss,
Became the Triumph of the Cross.

And now in glory shining bright
He reigns in victory o're the night
No longer must we walk in fright,
But be transfigured by His light.

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