Sunday, January 17, 2016

1/10/16 Through 1/16/16

1/10/16 Through 1/16/16

Lord in each holy sacrament
You show us more what love has meant
And through each gift You shine Your light
And by Your love You show Your might.

Do in me Lord what You must
To do Lord, what You will
Instill in me a faithful trust
To quiet and be still.

To wait on You, and hear Your voice
To listen when I pray.
That I would make the finest choice,
To follow in Your way.


Guardian of Purity II

My Jesus if we only knew
How precious every soul to YouIf we were somehow made awareOf all the love that they could share.

How could we bear to see them slain?How could we let them die in vain?Those guilty of this heinous crimeAre all the men of present time.

We claim to never do such thingsBut look and see what weakness brings.The lustful stare the thoughts unchecked.Our loved one treated with neglect.

The simple things we often doThat make us fall away from YouCreate a climate rife with lustDestroying in the woman, trust.

Then simply used and thrown awayShe treats her child in this same wayMeanwhile we sit in blinded prideAnother woman cast aside.

To end this horror men must learnTo see within, how women yearnFor man to be their trusted guideProtector, always at their side.

The eyes, we must keep always free,From lust and all pornographyThen elevate in heart and mindThe dignity of womankind.

When simply we objectifyWhom God meant us to sanctifyWe, on the downward path beginThat leads us to this deadly sin.

So guard the thoughts, and mind the eyesAnd learn to sordid things despiseBecome what men were meant to beThe Guardians of Purity.

Repentant hearts will please the King
If we a humble spirit bring
And truly turn our heads away
From worthless gods that lead astray.

Grant me wisdom, Lord I pray
To be my guide throughout this day
Keep me far away from sin
And let me bear Your Son within.

Each one anointed specially
To do a certain work for me.
But for each to do their part
I need from them a willing heart.

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