11/15/15 Through 11/21/15
Can I last until the end,
Will truth and right I still defend?
Enticing beauty can I see,
With eyes of love and purity?
Will I look beyond the now
To see a life of love somehow,
Will bring about the holy state
That all the saints so long await?
Lord I ask for eyes to see
The poor and needy close to me
That they would see, in me, a light
To make their day a bit more bright.
The joy of others stirred in me
A simple curiosity
What had they found that I had not?
This part of faith I never got.
The scripture was a foreign land
Not visited by modern man
But I found within that book,
A man of love with baited hook.
He set it deep within my soul,
Through love He made my quiver full.
A mate to help me on the way
To find the path to brighter days
A grateful heart looks back to find
Religion of a different kind
Remembering forevermore
The climbing of that sycamore.
Then coming down to sup with Him
To chase the dark and light the dim
I found the joy that I had sought.
Now others seek what I have got.
The ones who torture and defile
Refuse to love or reconcile
No demand that's ever met
Will give them what they want to get.
For evil, peace cannot be found.
Their enemies are all around.
Conversion is the only way
To fight the terror of this day.
For only when we forfeit pride
Can different ones live side by side.
When stinginess and egos cease
Is only when we live in peace.
When missed the opportunity,
Is gone with it, felicity.
If we but knew the joy we lost
Would it be worth so great a cost?
Drive away each evil thought
And cleanse this soul which You have bought.
Take my anger, lust, and greed
And make me pure in word and deed.
Mary's gift at Presentation
Brought so great a consolation
That forever she may be
United with the Trinity.
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