Sunday, November 29, 2015

11/22/15 Through 11/28/15

11/22/15 through 11/28/15

Oh Lord of Lords, and King of Kings,
To You this day our praises ring
The maker of the stars at night
The One who reigns in power and might.

They trusted God, the youthful wise
And let the Word become their guide.
When suffering their captor's pride
The angel kept the flames aside.

Changes happen everyday
In what we do, or what we say.
We fail to act, neglect to pray,
Then wonder how things got this way.

So plain the writing on the wall
It's there for one and there for all.
Expressing all the rules we've bent
And calling all now to repent.

There is but precious little time
To sit and play with silly rhyme.
The Master's coming to the feast
To shame the proud and raise the least.

We thank you for these blessings Lord
For life with You in one accord
We thank you for such love from You
A grateful heart is blessing too.

The triumph of the King at last
Will wipe away our sinful past
and we'll be changed by living for
A Love that reigns forevermore.

We ask the Holy Virgin pure
The grace to now, and death endure
Two crucial times in just one breath
Both now and at the hour of death.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

11/15/15 Through 11/21/15

11/15/15 Through 11/21/15

Can I last until the end,
Will truth and right I still defend?
Enticing beauty can I see,
With eyes of love and purity?

Will I look beyond the now
To see a life of love somehow,
Will bring about the holy state
That all the saints so long await?

Lord I ask for eyes to see
The poor and needy close to me
That they would see, in me, a light 
To make their day a bit more bright.

The joy of others stirred in me
A simple curiosity
What had they found that I had not?
This part of faith I never got.

The scripture was a foreign land
Not visited by modern man
But I found within that book,
A man of love with baited hook.

He set it deep within my soul,
Through love He made my quiver full.
A mate to help me on the way
To find the path to brighter days

A grateful heart looks back to find
Religion of a different kind
Remembering forevermore
The climbing of that sycamore.

Then coming down to sup with Him
To chase the dark and light the dim
I found the joy that I had sought.
Now others seek what I have got.

The ones who torture and defile
Refuse to love or reconcile
No demand that's ever met
Will give them what they want to get.

For evil, peace cannot be found.
Their enemies are all around.
Conversion is the only way
To fight the terror of this day.

For only when we forfeit pride
Can different ones live side by side.
When stinginess and egos cease
Is only when we live in peace.

When missed the opportunity,
Is gone with it, felicity.
If we but knew the joy we lost
Would it be worth so great a cost?

Drive away each evil thought
And cleanse this soul which You have bought.
Take my anger, lust, and greed
And make me pure in word and deed.

Mary's gift at Presentation
Brought so great a consolation
That forever she may be
United with the Trinity.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

11/8/15 Through 11/14/15

11/8/15 Through 11/14/15

The widow gave her final cent
But only One knew what it meant
We hear the others' money fall,
But this poor woman gave her all.

From the temple water flows
That all around the tree that grows
May bear its fruit the whole year round
And healing in its leaves be found.

Oh make of me a fruitful tree
That food for others I may be.
And let me give to those around
The healing love that I have found.

The humble heart that's supple
Will dart about through stubble
Though for a time they were chastised
They have become the gold that's tried.

To do as we're obliged to do
Deserves no great reward
For we are worthless servants who 
Deserve to be ignored.

The day will come when morning dawns
And Christ himself will right the wrongs
The blind shall see the shining Son
And all is well my faithful one.

But oh, the wicked, oh for those
Who face the frightful judgement woes
Great torment now in certainty
Awaits for all eternity.

Confusion reigns within my soul
For wisdom needs to make me whole
Firm, secure, and tranquil light
The aura of the the God of might.

Fairer beauty than the Sun
A spotless mirror of the One
Shining victor in the fight
Refulgent beauty conquers night.

Oh how foolish are the wise
Who see His works, but in disguise
Amidst the great complexity
In search of how it came to be.

Discern in Him the origin,
And let the doubting mind begin
To comprehend how small are we
How vast the strength and charm of He.

Persistent prayer the only hope
For one so weak as me
Who in the darkness only grope
And say, Lord let me see.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

11/1/15 through 11/7/15

11/1/15 Through 11/7/15

Who are these ones in robes of white
Please tell me Mighty One
Blood from the Lamb has made them bright
Disciples of the Son

Beloved dead have run the race
Their lot in life is cast
No chance to find another grace
Or mend a sinful past

They hope in us from here below
Through prayer and sacrifice
That God, on them, will soon bestow
The gift of endless light

If I've but just one gift to give
Let it be faith that you might live
For all is naught without the Lord
Accept the gift wealth can't afford

Dear children of my wedding vow
I wish to spend with you somehow
More than some time along the way
Eternity in endless day.

I didn't know when we first met
What blessings I, through love, would get
For love was then two souls embraced,
But grew to many trials faced.

The tiny seed was planted then
And watered with commitment when
Each difficulty we would face
Would bring with it sufficient grace.

To love, the challenge for each life
For celibate, or man and wife
And know, in spite of times we fall
The Lord, in time, will conquer all.

We foolishly stray from the Word
And leave the safety of the herd
Then in our lost and wandering way
The Shepherd comes to find the stray.

The crafty steward knows the way
Of dealing with his kind
But commendation brings dismay
Dishonesty enshrined.

Sadness over something lost
Should be for us a sign
A warning that attachments cost
Connection to the Vine.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

10/25/15 Through 10/31/15

10/25/15 Through 10/31/15

I recognize this prison now
Of sinful selfish ways
The weight of guilt upon my brow
Has darkened light of day.

Then finding that You travel near
With faith my guarantee
I call aloud in hopes You'll hear
"Dear Lord, I want to see"

Bent and crippled eighteen years
She passed the temple gate
Then by His touch dispelling fears
She started standing straight.

To suffer now cannot compare
To glories yet unseen
The time when mortal men can share
What those in heav'n have seen.

The heavens declare His glory
The stars proclaim His praise
We hear the ancient story
And holy hands we raise.

No power now can separate
The living soul God did create
No heinous crime or grave offence
From blazing love that's so intense.

Lord I offer You this day
The things I do and things I say
May I make for all around
A place where peace and love are found.

With the humble and the kind
The Spirit of the Lord we find
For at the banquet or the feast
We find Him sitting with the least.

10/18/15 Through 10/24/15

10/18/15 Through 10/24/15

To ask to be with Christ the king
Is asking Him for suffering
To share His cup and serve the least
To join in His eternal feast.

What good are barns stacked high with wheat
For those who have no chance to eat?
The pocket filled with currency
Cannot provide security.

True faith provides the guaranty
Of living life eternally
A life with Love, on whom we feed,
The God who meets our every need.

One sin condemned the world to die
And bound us all in chain.
By act of love, the crucified,
Repurchased Heaven's gain.

Quite much will be demanded 
From dwellers in this land
For we have been entrusted 
To follow His command.

But we who have this blessing
Must bring a fine return
If there's no yield at threshing
We all, like chaff, will burn.

Wednesday PM
The beauty of this world around
In many varied ways is found.
Each creature with its special place
Its separate measure of God's grace.

By wisdom now the Truth is seen
Discernment of the senses keen.
When nothing else will satisfy, 
The Truth is always standing by.

In patient love forgiving wrong
Then teaching how to suffer long.
This beauty that attracts the soul
Will satisfy, and make you whole.

In prison born, for slavery bound
The lot of every man around
In Christ the only Hope we see
To break the fetters and set free.

If there's no fruit, then cut it down.
He heard the Master say
I've looked for years and never found.
Why should I let it stay?

In patience, just another year
With special food and care
It may begin a new career
And then produce its share.

Teach me, oh Lord, just how to live,
Of me, a faithful servant make.
Accepting all you choose to give
And freely giving all You take.