Sunday, July 26, 2015

7/19/15 through 7/25/15

7/19/15 through 7/25/15

With pride we often entertain
The pleasures that we seek
Instead of trying to abstain
And learning to be meek

Ignoring what they cannot hide
Creating overwhelming tide 
Denying truth they know inside
The court has ruled along gay pride

The waters of the Red Sea part
To freedom now the slaves depart
The people that the Lord has named
Through water now the Lord has claimed

When like the sea, His heart was split
The blood and water flowed from it
An overwhelming, precious tide
Of grace and mercy from His side.

Baptismal waters cleanse and bless
As we our sinful past confess
Through water now His dove descends
And sinful hearts He heals and mends

Unfading mark upon the brow
To claim one as the Lord's somehow
To wash away the stain of sin
And pave the way to Heaven win.

How often Lord I stop to pray
But fail to practice what You say
Let Your word in  me be found
And make of me Your fertile ground

The peaceful morn a holy time
And I have learned to call it mine
A time to watch the dawn awake
And quietly reflection take

The varied birds that sing their song
The air that's cooled by darkness long
This calm before the busy day
I've found the perfect time to pray

In jars of clay we carry gold
That you should know what we've been told
Is from the power of God, not man
And all our works are in His plan.

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