Sunday, July 5, 2015

6/28/15 through 7/4/15

6/28/15 Through 7/4/15

Attempts to fill our emptiness
Are made in vain and more distress
We work to fill the hole inside
But find we're never satisfied.

For even if the Lord we try
To touch his garments passing by
It' not enough to meet with him
Our souls were meant to BE in him.

This day I set before the Lord
My sacrifice of praise
That I may feed upon his word
And love him all my days.

It's time to tame that awful beast
Who makes the flesh cry out
To rid myself of greedy yeast
And cast the glutton out.

I must rely on higher power
To cleanse me of this guile
Unfailing in my weakest hour
With strength to bear the trial

What should I say when I haven't a clue
Of what You are saying or what I should do?
Be patient and listen, take time to relax
The words you are given are much more than scraps

First taste, and then chew, consuming the whole.
Let them give you courage and nourish your soul
My body true bread and my blood is true drink.
You're given the grace to proclaim, and not shrink.

Baptized in God's family
I'm called to be all I can be.
To follow him through anything
To share God's love in everything

My Lord and God did Thomas speak
No longer strong, he joined the weak
The weak who trust their sovereign Lord
The weak who drink his love out poured.

This day of independence
From tyranny and strife
Our fathers sought transcendence 
From ordinary life

In freedom for the masses
To worship and believe
This liberty surpasses
What all hoped to achieve.

For freedom places on each soul
A duty to be true
To choose the best thing for the whole
Not just what's best for you.

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