3/18/18 Through 3/24/18
We too must follow in His way
To find with Him eternal day
A fool but thinks he can elude
The pain of many sins accrued
The sin itself becomes the pain
If we, our will, refuse to train
The fleeting pleasures we pursue
Will never make the man anew
But fasting from our will to sin
Will bring about a change within
If we, now but, His will employ
We'll catch a glimpse of Easter joy.
Saint Joseph model for each man
Things didn't follow in your plan
But yet, you sought to find God's will
And faithfully to follow still
Grant me a faithful, trusting heart
And willingness to do my part
To bring about God's holy plan
And prove myself a righteous man
Look upon this sign of sin
And find a sadness deep within
For this is what my soul has gained
A life of anguish bound and chained
Yet on the cross the sign of love
The One come down from God above
And nailed upon the rugged tree
For sins of those like you and me
How dreadful to be fooled by things
That people think a freedom brings
The truth is not that freedom's found
The fact is that, in truth, we're bound
No creature here on earth can bring
A freedom that can make hearts sing
The only time that slaves are free
Is when the slave is bound to Thee
Too good to be a story true
His love for those like me and you
The sinner and the reprobate
Whose crooked way He turns to straight
How could He know this Abraham?
How could He be the great I AM?
His age is not enough to be
The timeless one He claims to be
But yet it's true, If we but see
He spans through all eternity
And chose this special time and place
To bring to us His peace and grace
Around me now I have no friend
As I approach this bitter end
Scattered like the autumn leaves
Left for dead between two thieves
Here in anguish on the tree
Mocked and spat upon for thee
Love like this was never known
Love like this, for you, I've shown
Friday Evening Adoration (To the tune of the Stabat Mater)
There beneath the cross she stood
Jesus nailed upon the wood
With unfettered cruelty
Love from pierced hearts now flowing
Christ on her all grace bestowing
Perfect in humility
When her son had breathed His last
All His anguish finally past
Lifeless body she received
There within her arms she held
As the tears within her swelled
One as virgin she conceived
Gently laying Him to rest
In that tomb so richly blest
Parting with divinity
Now to home in sadness turning
For His touch again now yearning
Mother of all men to be
Near the barren waste He dwells
A simple life the story tell
To put distractions far away
And clearly hear the words You say
No things to cloud His perfect view
Or take the mind away from You
The time draws nigh to save the land
And thus fulfill what God had planned.
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