Sunday, March 18, 2018

4/1/18 Through 4/7/18

4/1/18 Through 4/7/18

It's true the Lord has risen
And death no longer reigns
He's freed us from our prison
And all our sinful chains

Death, the power of sin, is gone
For on that early morn at dawn
The stone was rolled away and then
Our Christ, in glory, rose again

This Jesus whom you crucified
Has risen though indeed He died
And God has made Him Lord and Christ
This Lamb of God you sacrificed

Repent and all must be baptized
To find our God in flesh disguised
Who came in humble human form
To break the chill and hearts to warm

How very slow to understand
The cross was in the way
For Him to die, they had not planned
How could it be that way?

But as they heard it all explained
Their hearts would burn within
The crucified had thus attained
The vict'ry over sin

Then through the breaking of the bread
Their eyes were opened wide
They understood the words He said
And why their Savior died

But death could not restrain the King
Whose love was crucified
His death upon the cross would bring
Salvation undenied

The way to see His vict'ry won
And hear His gentle voice
Is take upon a ready tongue
The holy bread of choice

He showed them well beyond a doubt
It was no trick to figure out
But true it was, that through the cross
We'd count all other gain as loss

His hands and feet were glorified
Though once they had been crucified
He ate His food like normal men
But then He disappeared again

He wants you too to know for sure
And be disciples found mature
Who pass along the gift of grace
In every time and every place.

Walking and leaping we come to Thee
Cripples before, but now set free
The Name of Jesus christ makes whole
The wealth of life that sin once stole.

They were seen as His disciples
Thought as but, no more than trifles
Yet the leaders knew for sure
Somehow these men had worked a cure

But rather than rejoice with them
They tried to now, their teaching stem
In hopes no more would know the Lord
Lest power, they no longer hoard

3/14 Evening Jn 12:1 ff
Giving all without reserves
Is nothing more than God deserves
But still I find it oh so hard
To give away the costly nard

By holding back I try to save
The blessings that the Father gave
In selfishness I fail to see
That all are gifts You've given me

I want no more to keep from You
My everything that is Your due
I want to be as saintly are
A broken alabaster jar

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