Sunday, February 11, 2018

2/25/18 - 3/3/18

2/25/18 - 3/3/18

Transfigured there before their eyes
Apostles stood in rapt surprise
Such beauty they had never seen
And garments never near so clean

Why would He show His glory now
And with this grace, the three endow?
Except in hope that they might see
In sacrifice is victory.

You alone oh Lord are just
And You alone, oh Lord I trust
For none like You so freely give
And none so readily forgive

Ashamed of how I act toward You
Ashamed of wickedness I do
I disregard my sovereign King
Pursuing many worthless things

But You know well my weakness Lord
And my desires, have not ignored
Forgiveness now, You ready give
That once again, my soul may live

Lord cleanse me of my foolish pride
Let me at last, for You, decide
To serve my neighbors as I should
And shoulder now with them the wood

Let me accept them where they are
Not seeing them away so far, 
Rejoicing that they've found the road
And helping them to bear the load

The role of prophet, priest, and king
Does not, us salutations bring
But if we truly speak His word
They stop their ears so none is heard

The duty of the one who's sent
Is call the sinner to repent
And leave behind the easy way
To follow every word You say

No comforts offered here and now
But great rewards in heav'n somehow
By joining suff'rings to the cross
All earthly gain becomes but loss

The poor man waiting at the door
To gladly come and clean the floor
But even that might raise a brow
So still we turn away somehow

Dehumanizing those in need
We stop our ears to those who plead
And dig a chasm deep and wide
'Tween us, and those on other side

If only we could plainly see
They're not so different than we
We'd see the need to close the gap
And learn to love the other chap

Why haterd for the only son
Has none but jealousy begun?
His only crime a willing heart
to listen well and play his part

Be glad for all the varied gifts
And how the need for each one shifts
Some lead and clearly show the way
Some follow, and support display

But each one has a special skill
Intended for the Father's will
The way to bear abundant fruit
Is do your job without dispute

For every part must work, you see
If we're to live in harmony
And make the music He has planned
To fill the valleys of this land

Such mercy and forgiveness shown
By none, but He upon the throne
We see it and then jealousy
Creeps in against the one set free

We too must turn away from sin
And make our way, again to Him
To find His waiting warm embrace
And live again within His grace.

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