Sunday, October 22, 2017

11/5/17 Through 11/11/17

11/5/17 Through 11/11/17

The gospel comes with loving tone
Among the fields where it is sown
Like nursing mom with babe at breast
It brings the weary soul to rest

Beware of those who use the Word
Distorting what, from God, they've heard
To feed their greed and malintent
And comfort not, those in lament

The Word should bring humility
And work to set the captive free
The greatest one will serve the least
So both can then enjoy the feast

Who could ever know Your ways
Or guess what's held in store
Eternal life, more than repays
What we have waited for

A grace is given to every man
For working out God's holy plan
He calls each one to use their gift
And so. the body's, spirits lift

The harvest shines in ready state
The choicest wines and meat await
But many, earthly pleasures choose
And so, eternal joy, they lose

So use your gift to fill the house
Bring children, friends, and also spouse
Collect the lowly from the street
That all may there, the Master, greet

Renouncing all we gain the power
To fight the fight or build the tower
Possessing what we can't afford
Because our strength is from the Lord

How will I know I've given all
Requested by His loving call,
When I still have, I must confess
An awful lot that I possess?

Within this temple, find a home
Make this ground a fertile loam
With holy water nourish these
That they become Your fruitful trees.

All are stewards of His gifts
But far, the steward, often drifts
And squanders what is given him
By following some foolish whim

The call is simple, follow Him
Disordered bonds, now quickly trim
For holiness, now pray and fast
Give alms and make your kindness last

Two masters tug in different ways
One is followed, one betrayed
One will win and one will lose
Be careful of the way you choose.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your poetic piece. Well written with some good rhymes. I think your work is publishable!

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.
