Saturday, October 28, 2017

11/12/17 through 11/18/17

11/12/17 through 11/18/17

The end of time is coming soon
Perhaps today at nine or noon
Have I prepared to meet the groom?
Have I let love within me bloom?

Did I take time to fill my flask?
For wisdom did I search or ask?
Have I besought her every morn?
Within my heart has love been born?

The oil to last throughout the night
And keep the flame still burning bright
Is found in many varied ways
We follow Him throughout our days

Each task of love that we perform
The time we take, a heart to warm
Provides the oil for our light
To meet the bridegroom in the night

Let not a scandal come from me
But let my faith be what they see
Strengthen me and fill my need
Nurture now, this mustard seed.

All I have is but a gift
No matter how I search or sift
No thing I've made or prize I've earned
But only nothingness I've learned

A worthless servant granted time
To serve this gracious King of mine
May I but hearken to His call
And freely give my all in all.

Of this leperous body cleanse me
From its selfishness defend me
Thou art King and Lord of all
You answer every humble call

Hear my plea to be made clean
Let not my sinfulness be seen
But wash away my awful guilt
In me Your temple be rebuilt

Grant wisdom to this heart of mine
That I may ever choose
My will to that of Yours align
And never life to lose

The way of love, the depths You see
Go far beyond my mind
I need Your grace to set me free
That wisdom I could find

How could we miss the elephant
That stands within the room
And be a fool so confident
Yet headed straight for doom?

The Artist's hand is evident
In all the works we see
In every tiny element
Or in the mighty sea.

Let me not be that foolish one
Who passes every day
And never sees the Father's Son
In those along the way

Give me a heart to love the poor
And know that they deserve
To know Your love and care is sure
And grace without reserve

Inspire me to holiness
In all I say and do
Let me give up my coziness
To be much more like You

Will faith be found upon this land
Will we obey the Lord's command,
And pray in this persistent way
To fill our needs for every day?

Sunday, October 22, 2017

11/5/17 Through 11/11/17

11/5/17 Through 11/11/17

The gospel comes with loving tone
Among the fields where it is sown
Like nursing mom with babe at breast
It brings the weary soul to rest

Beware of those who use the Word
Distorting what, from God, they've heard
To feed their greed and malintent
And comfort not, those in lament

The Word should bring humility
And work to set the captive free
The greatest one will serve the least
So both can then enjoy the feast

Who could ever know Your ways
Or guess what's held in store
Eternal life, more than repays
What we have waited for

A grace is given to every man
For working out God's holy plan
He calls each one to use their gift
And so. the body's, spirits lift

The harvest shines in ready state
The choicest wines and meat await
But many, earthly pleasures choose
And so, eternal joy, they lose

So use your gift to fill the house
Bring children, friends, and also spouse
Collect the lowly from the street
That all may there, the Master, greet

Renouncing all we gain the power
To fight the fight or build the tower
Possessing what we can't afford
Because our strength is from the Lord

How will I know I've given all
Requested by His loving call,
When I still have, I must confess
An awful lot that I possess?

Within this temple, find a home
Make this ground a fertile loam
With holy water nourish these
That they become Your fruitful trees.

All are stewards of His gifts
But far, the steward, often drifts
And squanders what is given him
By following some foolish whim

The call is simple, follow Him
Disordered bonds, now quickly trim
For holiness, now pray and fast
Give alms and make your kindness last

Two masters tug in different ways
One is followed, one betrayed
One will win and one will lose
Be careful of the way you choose.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

10/29/17 Through 11/4/17

10/29/17 Through 11/4/17

Now love of God and love of man
The perfect place within His plan
This test devised to trick the Son
Proved Him our God and Holy One

For love is more than words or rules
Love is what our passions fuels
To give oneself in total love
Reflects the love of God above

This heavy sin has bent my spine
Lord in my wretched state incline
And free me from this burden great
That once again I may stand straight

I offer You this mustard seed
In hopes that it will grow
Into the faith and trust I need
To never let You go

So tiny one can barely see
So easily destroyed
How can the faith survive in me
With selfishness employed?

So clear away the avarice
Give up the greed and more
No seed can grow in dirt like this
What am I waiting for?

Lord make me hunger but for You
Be present there in all I do
Make all desires pale when shown
In light of You, and You alone

Lord make me thirst for holiness
That all my sin would be confessed
So mercy I would daily find
And nevermore be seen so blind

Let me wear Your mighty seal
And join You where the thunders peal
Exclaiming there with holy men
Your glory, power, and might, Amen!

Lord cleanse this sinful heart of mine
And to Your way, my will incline
Let the cleansing now begin
That sooner, I should favor win

I must be clean and pure of heart
To stand within Your work of art
Attachments, none however small
No hint or remnant of the fall

No shadows in this world of light
Of always day and never night
So let Your fire burn away
My sins, and bring about Your day

How could I lose eternity
For those who mocked and hated me?
My love is not as great as this,
But I have felt His loving kiss

The kiss, the word, the gentle call
The challenge to surrender all
I wish that all would come to know
The Lord, and let His favors grow

It's quite a far-off place to get
That I, would so, myself forget
And love the others more than me
But that would truly set me free

He's writing straight with crooked lines
And so our Maker thus defines
His providence above all things
That peace, to those in trial brings

A Sabbath day, a story told
Of taking places by the bold
And then the haughty one is led
To where the lowly ones are fed

He works within the faults of men
To show His mercy once again
And those once lost who find their way
Make ever brighter endless day

Sunday, October 8, 2017

10/22/17 Through 10/28/17

10/22/17 Through 10/28/17

Every power on earth bestowed
Comes from above, from One who showed
His love in total sacrifice
To for our many sins suffice

So recognize what he has done
By sending us His only Son
And give the honor where it's due
To One who has great love for you

Presuming only in His love
We place our trust in God above
The barn we simply fill with things
But never happiness it brings

We seek the giver, not the gift
For He alone will spirits lift
No thing on earth can satisfy,
But more and more the fool will try

Here I am to do your will
And let my heart, Your graces fill
Too long I've tried this way of mine
And let my heart, the world entwine

With foolish goals my way is fraught
For by the flesh, my will's been taught
To choose the easy pleasure near
And not my Lord and God to fear

Oh help me cast that way aside
And bathe in precious cleansing tide
That I might stay awake and see
The Master's kind return to me

Slaves we are and slaves we will be
Both now and in eternity
We have the will to choose which kind,
The where with all to graces find

May we not be slaves of sin
And foster wickedness within
But show ourselves brought back alive
As ones, in righteousness, who strive

Those freed from sin will find their way
To listen well and then obey
And then upon surprise return
The Master's praises they will earn

This frightening passage comes to me
As wake-up call that I may see
That I must face the fiery blaze
To clear away the sinful haze

The fire of love to purify
That I might live and never die
Oh spark that flame of love in me
And all my cherished family

The good I will is not within
But rather I am filled with sin
My flesh so weak and cowardly
That holy, I may never be

What pow'r can save this flesh of mine
That towards the evil way inclines?
The pow'r to turn my heart above
Is Jesus Christ, the man of love

Lord help me answer to Your call
Please strengthen faith, don't let me fall
I want to much, a doer be
But oh, dear Lord, please strengthen me.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

10/15/17 Through 10/21/17

10/15/17 Through 10/21/17

Oh fearful gift of freedom
Received from God above
What loss if I indeed come
To reject Your gift of love

The wedding feast prepared
Of rich and juicy food
Our judgment be declared
If we ourselves exclude

So take my will and intellect
And make of me a slave
For fear I might somehow reject
The banquet that You gave

Something much greater than Solomon here
A humble, true voice to proclaim it quite clear
The people of Nineveh turned to repent
When hearing the Word that through Jonah was sent

The poor are the blessed who find on the way
That all that is needed, is hear and obey
His love is the treasure that satisfies hearts
And all other pleasure from love thus departs

To emptiness and darkness
Our foolishness has led
To find amid the starkness
A place where swine are fed

The Word we found ridiculous
To live for other's good
We'd rather be meticulous
Than be where Jesus stood

But He can change with blinking eye
The fate we've come to know
If we would but confessing try
And let our evil go

Luke, a man of mercy 
We honor on this day
For his insight and wisdom
Oh Lord we humbly pray

Samaritan and prodigal
Or beggar at the door,
Zacchaeus and forgiven thief
They all just wanted more

May we receive what they have found
Great mercy from the Lord
And then some day in white be gowned
Receiving love's reward.

Justice and mercy, one scary one great
Both come from the One whom all did create
Justice demands of us love for all men
How often we fail at it time and again

But grace He will give us by trusting His word
No more will our vision of right be so blurred
In mercy our eyes will be opened to see
His love is for all, not just you or just me

Soon every secret will be known
Soon all true colors will be shown
Things whispered in darkness be shouted aloud
Each dark little secret now known to the crowd

Confessing in humility
Protects one from hypocracy
Beware of the leaven so easily found
And make of yourself a son of the crowned

Here beneath the stars of night
I warm myself by firelight
And ponder what I've done for Thee
That You would have such love for me

The gift of life most precious thing
Bestowed by such a gracious King
To all mankind, that we should know
That our Creator loves us so

This fine mosaic You have made
With pieces all of different shade
Lead all to find their proper place
And fill each one with holy grace