Saturday, September 7, 2024

9/22/24 Through 9/28/24

 9/22/24 Through 9/28/24

The passion is coming, but after, I rise
He says it quite plain, but I think it not wise.
Without understanding, afraid to learn more
We walk and we wonder, but fail to explore.

The first will be last.  It's so easy to say,
But doing as such is a much harder way.
The war we regret has its start from within
As in pride, we all clutch to our personal sin.

We argue as if we're the greatest of all
When clearly the problem's our love is so small.
The child much better who hears and obeys
And trusts in the Father whenever he prays.

A passion is coming for each of us here
Some die by the sword, some die by the spear
A passion precedes any glory for all
No matter the great and no matter the small.

The passion of patience, my way of the cross
My way to the bounty through each little loss.
It's one by one that the grapes become wine
Each crushed in the press as they're picked from the vine.

The light is given that it shine
And shine it be the work of thine
Conceal it not, but raise it high
To light the way for passersby.

All hidden here below shall be
Exposed one day for all to see
No secret that will not be known
And wealth on Earth, be useless shown.

The ones that have, shall more receive
But those whom Earthly wealth deceive
Will lose the all that they possessed
And see the poor as richly blest.

Don't be a fool of Earthly fame
But one who shares His Holy Name
And lights the way for all to see
What's true in all reality.

Mother and brother and sister to Me
Are those who will act on My every plea.
The docile, obedient, generous kind
Whose will with the Father is always aligned.

A stream He directs anywhere that He wills
A container for grace that He constantly fills
For obedient slaves that are honored to serve
The highest of places the King will reserve.

Your word has been so good to me
A guiding light, a lamp to see.
It shows me where my heart is wrong
And why, with You, I should belong.

It shows my search for wealth and fame
An ignorant and foolish game
For gold and silver never sate
But on Your word I sit and wait.

One word from You will all surpass
The gold and silver...  withered grass.
The world's honor, wealth, and fame
A passing flow'r in Heaven's game.

Through You alone is wisdom gained
To Earthly pleasures, fools are chained.
So, help me see You're all I need
And nourish in my heart Your seed.

Our refuge Lord in every age
The source of wisdom for the sage
We come from clay and turn to dust
Your word alone is one to trust.

Much like the flow'r or grass afield
To Thee alone, we all must yield.
Our breath of life is like a breeze,
Why should You care for such as these?

It's in your image men were made
And so, to love their Maker bade
But freedom means a will to choose
And so, the way to life we lose.

But Jesus Christ was sent to save
With power o'er the cross and grave.
If we but trust in Him for grace,
He'll lead us to our heav'nly place.

For every purpose, there's a time.
For every word, there comes a rhyme.
A time for birth, a time for death
A time to breathe our final breath.

A time to laugh, with men rejoice
A time to speak in somber voice.
A time for love and time for hate
A time that men, in fear, await.

That time when time itself shall cease
Eternal suffering, or peace
Then time no more can change our way
And light becomes eternal day

A precious thing this time on Earth
No way to know how much it's worth
Until it's gone, no more to be
And then we face eternity

It's dark or light, no more the gray
But here on Earth we choose which way.
All joy and happiness are found
Where truth and love for all abound.

Like every man afraid of death
That time we draw our final breath
We see as futile all we own
When passing to the great unknown.

So many grasp before they go
For worthless pleasures here below
Yet some with courage suffer well
They draw on faith to save from Hell

When Jesus spoke of suffering
Disciples feared to further bring
The conversation with Him then
For they were Earthly-minded men

Christ wanted them to hear and know
The greatest love He came to show
Involved much suffering and pain
But led to everlasting gain

I pray for grace and courage now
To see beyond this life somehow
Accepting all that comes to me
As stepping stones to set me free.

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