Saturday, September 28, 2024

10/13/24 Through 10/19/24

 10/13/24 Through 10/19/24

Yes, Wisdom far exceeds them all
Before her gold and silver fall.
As none but sand upon the ground,
Are riches when true Wisdom's found.

Good health and beauty seem as naught
When wisdom of the ages taught.
Her splendor lights the darkest room
With light the dark cannot consume.

Yet there with wisdom comes all good
The fact not often understood
That beauty, riches, wealth, and fame
We find when first, we wisdom claim.

How great the sin our age has known
The wickedness we fail to own
Though much we see we fail to turn
And so, you see, we choose to burn.

The sacrifice that love entails
Compared to joy it brings, it pales.
Yet still we sin to have our way
Unmindful of the price we pay.

To mend a broken bone there's pain,
But on the other side there's gain
Ignoring that which needs repair
Though easy now, it brings despair.

The Ninevites of Jonah's time
Were wise enough to see their crime
To fast and mend their evil ways
With focus on the final days.

And here we are, so smart today.
We try to mold the truth our way
We close our eyes to love's concern
And once again we choose to burn.

Today there's something more that's known,
The love that Jesus Christ has shown
And how the gift of self can be
The key to life eternally.

Don't be a fool and close your eyes
But be repentant, humble, wise
And follow Christ who shows the way
To peace and love in endless day.

So few that know just what's inside
So few can penetrate the pride
To see the filth and murky mire
Of all our evil, base, desire.

We'd rather follow worthless rules
And prove ourselves as stupid fools
For when the outside looks so clean,
The inside proves a different scene.

The inside's clean where love abides
And then you're clean whatever sides.
Not one that hides the other's ills,
But both that do what Father wills.

Flesh crucified brings joy to man
The way no selfish hatred can
For all we try to gain is lost
When love for one another's tossed.

Hatred, rivalry, and greed
To only war and factions lead.
Defilement and fury reign
Where all we want is selfish gain.

But love and peace shall rule the day
When things are turned the other way
For patient kindness never wanes
Wherever love for Jesus reigns

When prophets came and faith would bud
You plotted how to shed their blood.
It's not enough you turned away
But others too, you tried to sway.

When evil masquerades as good
And takes the place where righteous stood
So many souls are led astray
By promise of an "easy" way.

But woe to you who act this way
And lead My people far away
With blood of prophets on your head
You make a poor eternal bed.

The harvest is rich, but the laborers few
Are you listening well for His calling on you?
So, ask of the Master more labor to send
To heal all the sick, and the broken to mend.

To carry the word without money or sack
Always moving ahead, and never aback.
Say to the masses, "The Kingdom's at hand."
So, listen and follow His every command.

Lord, who am I, one soft and weak?
What right have I of all to speak?
So little suffering endured
But one who begs for life assured.

Much love I need for fellow man
To walk the road that faith began
To look at every soul in view
And see a work of art from You.

The martyrs show what saints must be
Ones totally in love with Thee.
To even love the evil throng.
Forgiving every sinful wrong.

So far away that seems from me
I shrink from every pain, You see
I search for comfort, peace, and rest
And pray somehow, I pass the test.

My hope in mercy only lies
For naught are worth my feeble tries
No value in the things I do
To earn my way to life with You.

But yes, a simple kindness counts
Each act of love, to heaven mounts.
No little one is left alone,
The Little Way can lead me home.

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