Saturday, August 31, 2024

9/15/24 Through 9/21/24

 9/15/24 Through 9/21/24

How willingly He suffered much
And through our pain, we feel His touch
For each, a cross has been prepared
That through our pain, His Cross be shared.

What good is faith when all is well?
It's tested when we deal with Hell.
Adversity is where we show
Just what of Christ we truly know.

Though many fall amid the pain,
A few will on the cross remain
To suffer there with Christ our Lord
And find abundant grace out-poured.

Be not afraid to follow through
Just act upon each word to you.
He's right beside you on the way,
Your guiding light for come what may.

For where could one ere see such love
Save 'neath the Cross with Him above.
His all He gave for love of you
And all He asks is ALL of you.

Oh Lord I am not worthy
That Thou should come to me
And though it may be nervy
I ask this good of Thee

A healing for my household
A restoration bring.
For me a fortune of gold
For You a little thing.

In need of every holy gift
The Spirit gives for strength and lift
The building up of all within
And turning from the stains of sin.

The gifts abundant, well-disbursed
Can quench the sinner's inner thirst.
But each must use what's given them
To find within the hidden gem.

He nudges each to have belief
And not let fear become a thief.
The body thrives when parts are well
And uses gifts within that dwell.

So, use and share what's given thee
I pray we all on this agree.
Each has a vital role it's true,
Don't let the lacking piece be you.

Born for a world quite different from this
Born for a world that's not run amiss.
Born for a world of patience and love
Born to be trusting of Him from above.

Born to be giving of all that we own
Born to be nourishing seed that was sown
Born to be grace from the time of our birth
Born to spread love over all of the Earth.

Who but our Maker, knows what is best?
Who but our Maker, so richly has blest?
Who but our Maker, knows all that we need?
Who but our Maker, Himself gives to feed?

So, why do I falter and why do I fail?
Why is my nature so fallen and frail?
So, why is the way of this world so wrong?
Why can't we find where the pieces belong?

The will must be free for love to be true
And only the best He wanted for you.
So, freedom He gives us, to love or reject
And all that you have is from what you select.

It's not from our Maker this wrong that we see,
But sins of the people like you and like me.
But this too can change if we only repent
And start acting in ways that our Maker had meant.

He's loving and kind and forgiving of man
If we just turn around in the time of our span
But oh, what a fire of torments await
If pride we let rule 'till the time is too late.

By grace alone, I am what I am
A sinner forgiven by way of the Lamb
The tears that I shed are in sorrow of sin,
How I pray for a change to begin from within.

The way of my part is a faltering road
The weight of my sin is a tiresome load.
No more to be spiraling deeper in debt
I pray by Confession, forgiveness I'll get.

The haughty, self-righteous, in pride, never know
The gracious forgiveness the Father will show
To those who are humble, confessing their wrong
Who sing with the joy of repentance their song.

When much is forgiven, the greater the joy
With love overflowing to prideful annoy.
But just look and see  how with love all is done
And gaze on the Cross at the love of the Son.

Our Christ was raised, you can't dismiss
For everything is changed by this
This life is now the proving ground
Where life is lost or life is found.

Though some deny what Christ has proved
And many souls remain unmoved,
Come see the evidence so true
And know He died and rose for you.

Without this fact all life is nil
So we must search His holy will
Conforming all we do to love
To find our home with Him above.

For resurrection is the key
That changes life for you and me
Eternal life begins at death
Let Christ be praised with every breath.

(To the tune of "Take Up Your Cross")

Be worthy of the call received
By other loves be not deceived
But bear the cross that you may be
A one that brings to unity

So, grow in your maturity
Equipping ones to work for Me
And build the body that we need
To sow abundantly the seed,

He came to call the sinner home
And not to leave them all alone
But call them to the banquet feast
The greatest sinners and the least

In mercy found, not sacrifice
Is love more potent to suffice
For all have sinned and mercy need
So come and with the sinner feed.

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