Saturday, August 3, 2024

8/18/24 Through 8/24/24

 8/18/24 Through 8/24/24

True flesh is given for this meal
True blood we drink to live and heal.
No sign or symbol in this act
But flesh and blood in truth and fact.

What's seen is but a thin disguise
Beyond the bread and wine there lies
The blood and body of our Lord
In every time and age outpoured.

A gift of presence, always there
Substantial to the ones aware, 
But often felt by those who seek
And enter in for just a peek.

No words express the way I feel
When basking in His presence real.
It's not some manufactured bliss
But Christ Himself, and true is this!

We all have that to which we cling
And that's the "all" that we must bring
To place upon the altar for
An offering that offers more.

For freedom sheds the heavy chains
That keep us from eternal gains.
When all is focused on our Lord
He gives what none could e'er afford.

What have we gotten that's all of our own,
And what have we learned that wasn't made known?
All our accomplishments, all that we've done,
Was given as gift from Father and Son.

The Spirit that animates all that we do,
Not even this was created by you.
Every fiber of flesh, every hair on your head,
Without His anointing, is lifeless and dead.

The sights that we see and the sounds that we hear
Are a gift from the One who is always so near.
Understanding and reason, our thoughts from within,
Are gifts we receive to choose good and not sin.

The all that we have and can claim as our own
Are the choices we make and the seeds we have sown.
This freedom too, is a gift from above
The choice to be selfish, or others to love.

Whatever our choices, the end rushes near
We meet it with gratitude, praises, or fear.
The haughty will find at the end of their days
An emptiness clouded in darkness and haze.

But those who acknowledge the King of all kings
Will witness the bounteous harvest He brings.
The humble will see every blessing increase
And love overflowing that never will cease.

When shepherds work to fleece their sheep
Along the road to Hell, they creep.
They're set within their leading place
To be a source of love and grace.

But leaders bent on self-enriching
From that trusted role are switching
To a path of self-destruction
From their role of love instruction.

Oh. sprinkle me with water clean
That so my sins be never seen.
My soul be made afresh and new
One totally absorbed in You.

No more a selfish stony heart
But one of flesh which You impart.
A spirit willing to obey
The every word to me You say.

Not to spurn Your invitation,
But to join Your celebration.
Dressed in garments You provide
Your every word to be my guide.

The simpleness of giving all
In answer to His loving call
Is quite profound for those who do
And something good for me and you.

Amid the din of daily strife
The driest bones can come to life
With flesh and joints, and heart renewed
If with the Spirit so imbued.
And such will be an army strong
A holy everlasting throng
To praise and glorify the name
Of Him from whom all blessings came.

Come and I will show you truth
The things I learned as just a youth.
Apostles told me of the Lamb
The awesome, fearful, Great I AM.

Three persons clear, yet only One,
The Father, Spirit, and the Son.
A God of love for sinful men
Forgiving time and time again.

The cross, His greatest sign of love
He chose to offer proof thereof.
And bread and wine He turns to be
His flesh and blood for life of thee.

He's present here and now today
In this most sacred, holy way.
So, come and see, be quiet... still
And He, your heart, with love shall fill.

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