Saturday, July 27, 2024

8/11/24 Through 8/17/24

 8/11/24 Through 8/17/24

Still beyond my comprehension
Living bread from heaven sent.
Like a new and strange dimension
Endless treasure yet unspent.

Bound within the realm of reason
Such a thing as yet unknown.
Like a new and diff'rent season
Living flesh for hearts of stone.

Bread of Heaven, pure and simple.
See not what the eye perceives
Come explore the suspect rimple
Find the grace that faith receives.

Not belying but exceeding
All that man has ever known.
Starving souls on truth now feeding.
Life within the desert grown.

To suffer, die, and rise again
He spoke to followers and then,
Those saddened could not comprehend
How pain could bring a gloried end.

So short our line of vision here
And things are not as they appear.
But One so high and far above
Can see with eyes of purest love.

With earthly eyes, I fail to see
When Christ is there in front of me,
And so I treat the Precious Son
Just like a poor and common one.

Your word consumed, made part of me
The world and flesh would plainly see
The doing shows our faith to men
Far more than what we speak or pen.

One like a child in many ways
Is best to offer fervent praise.
Humility is welcomed where
The Father's love is in the air.

So, feed me well in every day
Let not my heart go far astray,
But let me find my pasture green
In faithful, loving, tame, routine.

It's there the joyous children play
Without a care to cloud the day.
Secure in loving Shepherd's care
Apart from every evil snare.

Only those who mourn the evil
Only those You set aside
All the rest endure upheaval
All the rest be life denied.

Show no mercy, show no pity,
Young and old, and all alike
Wield the sickle in the city
All the wicked, deadly strike.

With their corpses stain the Temple
Fill the courts with all the slain
Go outside and slay the city
Killing all till none remain.

Such a day is now much nearer
Growing closer every day
Be not just a passive hearer,
Be a doer and obey.

Oh, what glory for the Maiden
One on Earth with sorrows laden.
One in humble service ready
One whose faith was firm and steady.

Taken up to meet the Savior
Now, at last, to glory savor.
Purest vessel of creation
Sinless for the whole duration.

Be our mother now and ever,
Help us in our life's endeavor.
Send us grace that's daily needed,
Let your words be gladly heeded.

Do the all He says to do,
Abundantly He'll answer you
With overflowing gifts of love,
With joy and peace that's found above.

The story of the Church I tell
Once rescued, fed, and nurtured well
He cleansed and bathed Her nubile form
With lace and jewelry then adorned.

Her beauty far exceeded all
But she ignored the sacred call.
Enamored with her beauty now
She turned and to the creatures bowed.

Polluting all on her bestowed
Her nakedness, like harlot's showed.
His every gift to her profaned
Her beauty now besmirched and stained.

But He, a covenant has made
And never shall His word be swayed.
In pardon, He extends His hand
To bring her to the Promised Land.

The childlike awaits the word
And acts upon whatever's heard.
They hope and trust because they're low
And well their need for God they know.

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