2/4/24 through 2/10/24
With drudgery and pain endured
What hope for better time secured?
The lot of man that's here below
Is but the Cross of Christ to know.
To learn to love when ere it hurts
For love, all suffering converts
To joy when resurrection comes
In palaces instead of slums.
The pleasures sought on Earth below
Are smoke and mirrors, we should know.
For none have ever satisfied
Our cravings found so deep inside.
But love enduring deep within
Will turn our hearts away from sin
With grace provided on the way
To see beyond the present day.
Then suffering is well-embraced
Every trial, with courage faced.
For all has purpose here below,
The Cross of Christ for all to know.
In dedication of the Temple
Many sacrifices made.
Sacrifices monumental
Great the tribute that was paid.
Tribute for the Holy Presence
Just to be one near the throne
Ark the symbol of His essence
Lord of all and God alone.
Now, far greater gift we're given
From the altar, mystery
Bonds of sin and death are riven
By the Lord of history.
Have you offered just thanksgiving
For the way that you've been fed?
Present here for all the living
As a humble piece of bread.
No earthly house can hold His glories
Learn from all the ancient stories
He whom the heavens can't contain
Shall only with the true remain.
When ritual becomes the rote
His love becomes a thing remote.
He can't be made to image man.
The Father's is the only plan.
Wisdom is a gracious gift
But not by wisdom does He sift
For wisdom is no use at all
If we ignore His sacred call.
Obedience is that which saves
For wise can also be as slaves
If they ignore enduring good
And fail to act the way they should.
The wisest man became a slave
Who unto carnal power gave
His will, and turned his back on Love
For flesh instead of that above.
I beg for wisdom every day
But more than that, I humbly pray
That God would shape my carnal will
To every word of His fulfill.
For that alone will lead to joy
Obedience I must employ
Or else, become the foolish wise
Who follow Satan's evil lies.
"Since this is what you want..."
Six dreaded words to hear
The riches here you flaunt
But fail to Me draw near.
I grant your heart's desire
Though foolish you will find
To seek the Spirit's fire
Is where true wealth is mined.
Temporal is fleeting.
The lasting from on high.
Carnal greed defeating
The one with jealous eye.
Submit and just obey
As simple as it sounds
The surest humble way
To get to Heaven's bounds.
Hear the voice of God is calling
Day by day in many ways
Turn around no longer falling
For the games the devil plays.
Hear the "Ephatha", be open.
Let the voice of God come in
Bring the full impressive scope in
Turn your back unto the sin.
In obedience, we prosper
In rebellion, suffer long
Be a one to goodness foster,
Follow right and shun the wrong.
What golden calf was made by you,
Are you a one to seek the true?
And does the lie ere satisfy
Because it's placed on mountain high?
So many things we make a god
But what we make is shown a fraud.
The One who fills our every need
Is God alone, and God indeed.
So, leave the way of foolish men
And find the joy of Christ again.
Return to Him alone that feeds
Supplying all our spirit needs.
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