Saturday, January 13, 2024

1/28/24 Through 2/03/24

 1/28/24 Through 2/03/24

Let not restrictions hold you back
Restrictions plan for full attack
They steady knees that rock the boat
And work to keep our faith afloat.

In training for most any good
To strengthen what we know we should
We sacrifice the good for more
Of what we're truly looking for.

What curses come from those so bold!
What demons need to be controlled!
When curses are so well-deserved
Perhaps our good may then be served.

Our sin is often turned away
As unimportant on our way.
We overlook the many times
We minimize our many crimes.

The curses uttered open eyes
And tear away our vain disguise
They show what truly we have earned
And how our souls be justly burned.

But Christ can free us from these chains
And salvage what of life remains
If we but seek His will today
And have the courage to obey.

"Persevere in faith." He said
Don't let the devil win.
Let your trust in Him be fed
And turn away from sin.

For faith, it is that heals the soul
And joy, the gift we bring.
If we but seek and fill our role
Content, our song to sing

No soul escapes these earthly bonds
Without the call of death
Let faithful words and joyful sounds
Be on our final breath.

So many suffer for my wrongs
But put the blame where blame belongs
My sin has made a mess of things
But healing and accord He brings.

There's none refused who seek His face,
He blesses all with healing grace.
Repentant sinners all agree
There's none with greater love than He.

So, why delay?  Now turn around
Let peace and healing love be found.
He knows far best your every need
And how to make His plans succeed.

Passing down the kingdom's crown
A task for every man
Be he one of great renown,
Or just a simple man.

What really matters we must know
And learn before we die,
We have a choice of ways to go, 
So many ways to try.

But one alone will lead to where
The value truly lies
A narrow way of humble prayer
Where selfish interest dies.

A way that seeks the Father's will
Intending to obey
One drawing always up the hill
Enduring, come what may.

My eyes have seen the saving light
The burning flame forever bright
One raised upon the cross of man
To execute the Father's plan.

By touching Him the fire spreads
A cleansing that the carnal dreads.
But freed of dross, makes purified
Resembling The Crucified.

So, each a candle may become
One touched by God's eternal Son
To light for others well the way
In all we do and all we say.

Come away to peace and quiet
Find a way for love to reign
Feed upon a steady diet
Of His word, there's much to gain.

Love bespeaks the Lover's beauty
Words, the conversation starts
Silence brings the Lover's booty
Music in two beating hearts.

Full communion, overflowing
Bonds beyond what words can say
Wisdom, understanding growing
Far above the Earthly fray.

Few have found this hidden treasure
Offered to each one so fond
Lost amid the things you measure,
Never finding that beyond.

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