Saturday, May 8, 2021

5/23/21 Through 5/29/21

 5/23/21 Through 5/29/21

In the ancient days of old
Your fire made disciples bold.
You gave them tongues that all would hear, 
And know the God of love was near.

"New wine they've had", the people said.
This talk of rising from the dead.
But as they listened, hearts were changed
Priorities were rearranged.

Three thousand on that blessed day
Would come to follow on the way
Of Jesus Christ, the saving Lord
Whose Spirit now has been outpoured.

This day as well we need that gift
To warm the heart and spirits lift,
To grant us courage from above,
To speak in wisdom, truth, and love.

Renew, oh Lord, the cloudy mind.
Let all souls, repentance find.
That in the light of this new day,
We all would follow in Your way.

Eve anew in Mother Mary
Virgin pure and undefiled
Brought to us a Saving Victim
In her tender little child.

"Yes", she answered at each bidding
From the day that she conceived.
Any selfish thought forbidding,
Offering all she received.

At the cross, her heart was sharing
All the torments of her Son.
From the cross our Lord declaring
She our mother, we her son.

Look for tender mercies from her.
Feed upon her loving breast.
Find in her your needed succor,
Guide upon your earthly quest.

Come not here as empty-handed
With no offering to show.
Bring your sacrifice expanded,
So your depth of love I know.

For all you have, I've given you,
This gift of life as well.
So hold not back in what you do,
And of My favors tell.

Not one who's given all to Me 
Has ever known regret.
For each and every time they see,
The more they give, they get.

Outdone in generosity
I never once have been.
So bring your every gift to me,
And turn away from sin.

Eternity cannot make known
The wonders of our God.
A drop amid the ocean depth,
Or grain on beaches broad.

How silly seem the worries here,
When He is in control.
At times He seems so far away,
When there within our soul.

He speaks to man in clearest word
That plainly now we see,
But when it came at first we were
Perplexed by mystery.

So trust is that we're called to give
In every time and place.
No matter what may come our way,
His holy will embrace.

And you will find the cup you drink
Akin to that of His
And then, at last, will come to know
The only God that is.

So much, dear Lord, I want to see.
Creation's wonders dark to me.
Though eyes be open, darkness reigns,
And on my soul, be sinful stains.

But you, dear Lord, please pity me,
And shine Your light that I may see
The stumbling blocks along the way,
And follow every word You say.

Look and see if fruit is there.
Examine branches, find them bare.
Drive away the dead revealed
Who fail, providing not a yield.

The Master looks for fruit in all.
For sure the great. No less, the small.
But finding none, the Master grieves, 
And curses those with only leaves.

So be the tree producing much
With loving words, and works of such.
No matter what the season be,
Become a lush, well-fruited tree.

Obey in all the things you do,
But search for ways of loving too.
Turn not away from this pursuit,
The cross-shaped tree, has always fruit.

In search of wisdom every day,
I wake each morn to read and pray.
To mine from scripture, more than gold,
And pearls of wisdom to behold.

There each morn, I find a gem,
An endless, great supply of them.
A word to meet my need each day,
And spur my heart to further pray.

To contemplate His many words,
Or glory in the song of birds.
So many ways to sing His praise,
And let Him set my heart ablaze.

Grant my King, and great Defender,
Show all men Your light and splendor.
Scales remove that cloud the vision,
Walls remove that cause division.

Let me bear a Light for Nations,
Steadfast still, despite vexations.
Laboring to help the Artist
Gather in abundant harvest.

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