Saturday, May 29, 2021

6/13/21 Through 6/19/21

 6/13/21 Through 6/19/21

Plant Your seed Lord deep within.
Keep my heart and soul from sin.
Help me bear much fruit for Thee,
A meek and pliant, docile, tree.

May I give both shade and rest
To every traveler and guest.
That all may know it was your seed
Which made this lowly one succeed.

One day I'll stand alone on trial,
With no excuse or thin denial
To cover what in truth I've been,
A man that's far too close to sin.

But You can trim the boastful bough
And make it one of love somehow,
Despite its sin and ill pursuit,
That, in the end, would bear much fruit.

An eye for eye, or tooth for tooth,
No longer rules the day.
For Jesus showed the way, in truth,
To listen and obey.

To hear the Father calling now
Responding every time,
To yield and let His love allow
To break the paradigm.

To all the world, to be absurd,
A fool in many ways.
The least of all to be preferred, 
But joyful all our days.

The Spirit comes as peace and fire,
As wind and morning dew.
To quench a thirst and set afire
A love in me and you.

So yield when ere the chance arrives
To love a little more.
The Paraclete will change the lives
Of those who will explore.

I stand in awe of how You love,
And ask the same of me.
So far the way of God above,
What mortal eye can see.

A love for all, those bad and good
Despite their sinful way.
A love to imitate we should
For enemies each day.

Forgetting of the self is hard,
No matter what I do.
My time with You is often scarred
With thoughts of me, not You.

Myself so much, I like to see
In always rosy light,
But then it is, it comes to me,
I cower in the fight.

The peace and joy surrounding You
Comes not the least from me,
But when my gaze is long and true,
It's You alone I see.

I wish to get, and not to give,
To find the easy way,
And look beyond the ones who live
In poverty each day.

My eyes be cleared, dear Lord, I pray, 
And ears be opened wide,
To see my chance to love each day,
And do away with pride.

But whence it comes, I'll never know.
For then I'll only see
It's God alone who makes things grow,
And nothing comes from me.

He came, the Father, to reveal,
The deaf and blind to also heal.
That all might see what God had planned
And listen well to understand.

His kingdom here on earth can be
Akin to our eternity.
Where love supreme, eternal, reigns,
Or one of everlasting pains.

If we would trust the Father's love
Our world would be as that above,
But if we think we better know,
The world we get is one below.

So feed upon His daily bread
The flesh and blood by which we're fed.
Forgive and find the peace beyond
Alas, as heav'n on earth has dawned.

No treasure but the Lord alone,
Conflicted by the things I own.
What end will all the chattel be,
To glory Him, or glory me?

If the former, carry on,
But if the latter, then be gone.
All the stores accomplish naught
If hoarding things is what is sought.

The talent loaned must be repaid
With interest by the things it made.
A buried coin will bring no gain,
But only poverty and shame.

In my weakness strength appears.
In the quiet humble ears
Hear the voice of One who saves,
And raises dead from lonely graves.

The thorn that points to all I need
Is given to my pride impede,
And show that grace has ample clout
To conquer every fear or doubt.

The birds without a barn or store
Have all they need and plenty more.
The flowers in their bright array
Are finely dressed for every day.

So rest assured, the Father knows
Of all you need, in all your woes.
With grace you more than just survive,
With grace, you flourish, bloom, and thrive.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

6/6/21 Through 6/12/21

 6/6/21 Through 6/12/21

Each day I feed upon the bread.
His body and his blood, it's said.
So many fail to see it's true,
And call it just remembering You.

But I know well that's not the case.
I take each morn this gift of grace
To change this sinful heart of mine,
And turn it into one like Thine.

No simple bit of bread, I know
Could make the soul to melt and glow,
With faithful trust and love so pure,
To forge a bond with You secure.

Beatitudes encouraging
To live a counter way.
By faithful living them you're waging
Peace for each new day.

Far easier to say than do,
And follow down a road
That travelled every wind that blew
by passing every load.

A struggle's good, this word asserts.
Reward will come to those
Who suffer many kinds of hurts,
But always love have chose.

A city set atop a hill,
The one who seeks the Father's will.
A lamp placed high to light the way,
The one to listen, and obey.

No turning back from whence you came
When you profess the Savior's name.
So feed the flame, and flavor well
The works of God, of which you tell.

The dark will fight to overcome,
But love will not be overrun.
The cross will shine as bright as day,
And guide the faithful on their way.

So pray to God for courage men,
Turn not to darkness once again.
Lift high the lamp and show the way,
And flavor well the words you say.

Your laws, Oh Lord, are just and true.
I pray they govern all I do.
The fool alone will go astray,
And try to blaze another way.

Within your law we dwell secure,
With heart and mind remaining pure,
But in the selfish ways beguiled
The stray will find himself defiled.

To know Your law we must obey,
Our following illumes the way,
And opens always deeper still
New vistas of Your holy will.

Forgiveness is the answer now
To reconcile the world somehow.
No peace can come with grudges firm,
But in forgiveness all will learn.

To look upon the cross and see
What Jesus Christ has done for we
Who call upon His name each day,
And let His love show us the way.


Oh holy lance that pierced His side,
The point of which did then divide
The walls of love and mercy wide,
Inviting all to come inside.

As blood and water freely flowed,
His depth of love and mercy showed.
No torment He would not endure
To peace and love, for man secure.

In truth, the Son of God, was He,
Whose heart was pierced to rescue me.
Whose blood and water covers men
Who fail, but turn to Him again.

Such love the pen cannot describe: 
The hands, the feet, the open side.
Where stripes of healing love abound,
With thorns of mercy, Love is crowned.

Enthrone in me a heart as Thine,
And make my will with Yours align.
Pierce me through and mingle there
My heart with Thine of love so fair.

Oh heart of Mary, pure as gold,
Virgin blest that we behold
All the prophesies you heard
And pondered in your heart occurred.

Docile, trusting, you became
Virgin of most blessed fame.
Pierced by seven swords of sorrow,
Always trusting on the morrow.

Filled with grace from your beginning
Never cross, or ever sinning.
No more than on His word depend,
One faithful to the bitter end.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

5/30/21 Through 6/5/21

 5/30/21 Through 6/5/21

Triune God beyond all-knowing,
Everloving, ever-growing,
Words fall short of Thee describing,
Love unmeasured, Thee prescribing.

When before was ever known,
A god with people all his own,
Who speaks to them in varied ways,
And guides their steps throughout the days?

No other like our God above
Displays such wisdom, truth, and love.
So listen well, and then obey,
And walk amid the light of day.

What joy the Visitation brings,
The heart of younger Mary sings,
"My soul proclaims Your greatness Lord,"
Upon Your servant, grace outpoured.

Two miracles within the womb,
Each heart must now prepare them room.
One as herald, One as King.
They both a docile spirit bring.

That searches for the Father's will,
And strives to every word fulfill.
Those holy women point the way,
And bid us follow all you say.

Though far above what mind conceives
Grant blessings for one who believes,
And trusts that when the Spirit leads,
No matter where, He also feeds

Lord, You who open eyes to see
Remove what scales have blinded me.
Dispel the darkness I have made,
Forgive my role in evil played.

Your word disarms the treacherous
And opens eyes for most of us
To see how far we've strayed from good,
And help us walk the way we should.

So speak to me in varied ways
That I may hear throughout my days,
Your voice that says, "Come follow Me."
With open eyes that clearly see.

Oh Lord, how foolish I have been
To seek my joy through ways of sin.
To think I know what's best for me,
Refusing to, Your pathway see.

Your way involves some pain at times,
Caused mostly by my sinful crimes.
But lead me closer yet to Thee,
And clearer to Your pathway see.

The martyrdom we face each day
Becomes our light and guiding way
To find, at last, the restful place
Of peace and love that's filled with grace.

Don't think that life is empty waste.
Each burden, and each trial faced
He uses here to heal the blind,
And help them to, the pathway find.

Embrace the trial, look beyond,
And see what joy the cross has spawned.
Your crosses too, will lead to joy,
If you, His way of love, employ.

The marriage bed a sacred place,
A cherished point of love's embrace.
Not one of greed and selfish lust,
But place of prayer and Godly trust.

The love that's shared is meant to bond,
And take them to a place beyond
The physical embrace of love,
And closer to their God above.

Twas He who scourged me, this I know,
That mercy, to me, He would show.
That eyes be opened there and then
To never doubt His love again.

I know beyond a single doubt,
What He prescribes will all work out,
And somehow in the end I'll see,
If even now, I blinded be.

The angel said to freely give
That those less fortunate may live.
Almsgiving tied with righteousness,
What all believers should possess.

Far better here to give away,
Than growing stores for rainy day.
For all, at last, will face the end
Where none on riches can depend.

But love and charity will store.
They last for time and evermore,
And bring a joy both now and then,
For sure to God, and also men.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

5/23/21 Through 5/29/21

 5/23/21 Through 5/29/21

In the ancient days of old
Your fire made disciples bold.
You gave them tongues that all would hear, 
And know the God of love was near.

"New wine they've had", the people said.
This talk of rising from the dead.
But as they listened, hearts were changed
Priorities were rearranged.

Three thousand on that blessed day
Would come to follow on the way
Of Jesus Christ, the saving Lord
Whose Spirit now has been outpoured.

This day as well we need that gift
To warm the heart and spirits lift,
To grant us courage from above,
To speak in wisdom, truth, and love.

Renew, oh Lord, the cloudy mind.
Let all souls, repentance find.
That in the light of this new day,
We all would follow in Your way.

Eve anew in Mother Mary
Virgin pure and undefiled
Brought to us a Saving Victim
In her tender little child.

"Yes", she answered at each bidding
From the day that she conceived.
Any selfish thought forbidding,
Offering all she received.

At the cross, her heart was sharing
All the torments of her Son.
From the cross our Lord declaring
She our mother, we her son.

Look for tender mercies from her.
Feed upon her loving breast.
Find in her your needed succor,
Guide upon your earthly quest.

Come not here as empty-handed
With no offering to show.
Bring your sacrifice expanded,
So your depth of love I know.

For all you have, I've given you,
This gift of life as well.
So hold not back in what you do,
And of My favors tell.

Not one who's given all to Me 
Has ever known regret.
For each and every time they see,
The more they give, they get.

Outdone in generosity
I never once have been.
So bring your every gift to me,
And turn away from sin.

Eternity cannot make known
The wonders of our God.
A drop amid the ocean depth,
Or grain on beaches broad.

How silly seem the worries here,
When He is in control.
At times He seems so far away,
When there within our soul.

He speaks to man in clearest word
That plainly now we see,
But when it came at first we were
Perplexed by mystery.

So trust is that we're called to give
In every time and place.
No matter what may come our way,
His holy will embrace.

And you will find the cup you drink
Akin to that of His
And then, at last, will come to know
The only God that is.

So much, dear Lord, I want to see.
Creation's wonders dark to me.
Though eyes be open, darkness reigns,
And on my soul, be sinful stains.

But you, dear Lord, please pity me,
And shine Your light that I may see
The stumbling blocks along the way,
And follow every word You say.

Look and see if fruit is there.
Examine branches, find them bare.
Drive away the dead revealed
Who fail, providing not a yield.

The Master looks for fruit in all.
For sure the great. No less, the small.
But finding none, the Master grieves, 
And curses those with only leaves.

So be the tree producing much
With loving words, and works of such.
No matter what the season be,
Become a lush, well-fruited tree.

Obey in all the things you do,
But search for ways of loving too.
Turn not away from this pursuit,
The cross-shaped tree, has always fruit.

In search of wisdom every day,
I wake each morn to read and pray.
To mine from scripture, more than gold,
And pearls of wisdom to behold.

There each morn, I find a gem,
An endless, great supply of them.
A word to meet my need each day,
And spur my heart to further pray.

To contemplate His many words,
Or glory in the song of birds.
So many ways to sing His praise,
And let Him set my heart ablaze.

Grant my King, and great Defender,
Show all men Your light and splendor.
Scales remove that cloud the vision,
Walls remove that cause division.

Let me bear a Light for Nations,
Steadfast still, despite vexations.
Laboring to help the Artist
Gather in abundant harvest.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

5/16/12 Through 5/22/21

Let another take his place
Be filled with zeal and holy grace
The one that chose to fall away
Has gone along destruction's way.

How sad the loss of even one,
Rejecting all that God has done.
When pride consumes the will of man
We see just where the fall began.

"I will not serve." the damned all chose.
Save me from being one of those,
And let the love of Jesus show
The way for me to always go.

Holy Spirit be my guide,
Remain forever at my side.
May I always trust in You,
And let You make my heart anew.

Banish all my fear and shame,
Lord make me bold to speak Your name.
Set a fire in those who hear,
Then help them all to persevere.

Before His death, He claimed to win
His earthly battle over sin.
And scattered sheep we all would be,
Who from the enemy would flee.

But He that battled to the end
The promised Spirit He would send.
To make us all afresh and new
And heralds of the good and true.

Now I leave with calm assurance
Knowing that I've done my best.
Teaching you with all endurance
How to pass the final test.

Around the house at work or play,
In public, or within the home
There Jesus Christ was shown the Way,
No matter where we chose to roam.

So take what you received and go
Bring forth in life anew
That progeny of ours would know
A clear and perfect view.

Of Christ in everything you do
The reason we are here,
The excellence they see in you 
Will prove that God is near.

One in spirit, mind and body,
No more those, so rich and haughty.
One in love, with Him united,
To the Father's house invited.

We must claim our fond ambition
Following our intuition.
Listening and then obeying,
Daily to our Father praying.

Trusting Him through trial united,
Still we travel on excited
That beyond remains unsighted,
In the Father's love delighted.

The resurrection of the dead,
The hope on which our zeal is fed,
Is that which fuels the fire of love,
And sets our eyes on God above.

For only if the life beyond
In truth and love will correspond
To how He prayed, that we be one,
Can mortal souls on earth be won.

So short the sight of sinful man
The problem since the world began.
But love can lift the veil for these,
And show them how the Lord to please.

Do you love Me?  Lambs be fed.
Do you love Me?  Tend My sheep.
Follow where your Master led,
In His path your footsteps keep.

Time will come when you are made
A witness in the cross's shade.
But follow Me and you will see
The glory of that loving tree.

No promise here, a life of ease,
This call upon the will
The keeper of the Kingdom keys,
They too will want to kill.

But love has conquered sin and death
My presence here can prove.
So love until your dying breath,
And every sin remove.

All your concern is follow Me,
And through the trials, you will see
That those who persevere will know
I lead you in the way to go.

A guide for every step you take
Or sacrifice, for love, you make.
For there you'll find the peace I give
If this is how you choose to live.

Fear not the grief that comes each day,
I've conquered sin in every way.
A resurrection you will see,
If you but choose to follow Me.