Saturday, September 7, 2019

9/22/19 Through 9/28/19

9/22/19 Through 9/28/19

The riches loved destroy the peace
That we were meant to know.
Depravity and crime increase,
And wickedness will grow.

It starts in subtle little ways
So insignificant,
But grows into a mighty blaze
Of selfishness and want.

The only way to stem the tide
Of greed and avarice,
Is listen to the other side
Whose mantra goes like this:

The little matters quite a lot
For truly it reveals,
The trusted and the trusted not
Who make their shady deals.

Those faithful in the little things
Who simply work and pray,
Will bring about a peace and joy
That permeates the day.

I trust each morn to hear His voice,
A little rhyme or two.
A morsel to my spirit feed,
And maybe also you.

But time will tell how well I've heard
And if I've acted so.
No longer sight be dim or blurred
Where we are bound to go.

To darkness deep and self-absorbed,
Or light of endless day.
My prayer is but to find the Lord,
And ever there to stay.

Let us build a house for Him
And set it on a Hill.
No longer will the land be dim,
But brightened by His will.

His word be spoken everywhere
And everywhere we find,
Great peace and joy are present there
If we, His precepts, mind.

When light surrounds with darkness gone,
No obstacles perceived.
To good and holy all are drawn,
And happiness received.

Mother Mary, faithful one,
As virgin pure, you bore God's Son.
Temple pure and well-adorned
Mother of our Savior scorned.

Teach us all to act like you
And answer, yes, in all we do.
In humble service making way
To listen well, and then obey.

In every age You've sheltered those
Who followed in the way You chose.
With shoes to last for forty years,
Or comfort in their land of tears.

A faithful God who daily feeds
And grants what every child needs.
Much more than idle hopes discussed,
A Rock, in which to place our trust.

Lord make my disposition right
To see You everyday.
To listen well and see the light,
If only but a ray.

One tiny ray can touch my heart
And bring eternal joy
To brighten up my darkest part,
And selfishness destroy.

Oh flood me with that precious gift
Of meeting You each morn.
And through my many failings sift
That Christ, in me, be born.

No other thing has satisfied
The longings of my heart.
You know how often I have tried,
But only grown apart.

A bag with holes, a pocket torn,
Can carry none worthwhile.
Let praise and thanks, my heart adorn, 
And greet You with a smile.

Who do you say that I am,
A prophet, a king, just a man?
The answer to this. No disciple should miss,
If he's living according to plan.

Afraid to question, Lord I come.
The depth of love, in me, to plumb.
Can I but follow to the cross,
And count my wealth as none but loss?

You hook with just a simple word
That somehow, through the din, is heard.
And draws a longing soul to hear:
"Come follow Me, and do not fear."

Come follow One they crucified,
Who freely gave His life and died
That you might live eternally,
And learn to be one truly free.

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