Saturday, September 28, 2019

10/13/19 Through 10/19/19

10/13/19 Through 10/19/19

So many are the gifts You give
To compliment the way we live
But many times we fail to see
Your love, and generosity.

Our life itself, the greatest gift
Yet we have set our minds adrift,
And fail to daily recognize
Your many gifts before our eyes.

Our blessings we may number not
See all around, and those forgot.
Even trials have served us well,
And of our loving Father tell.

What greater sign could ever be
Than Jesus Christ hung on a tree?
The lamb of God was left to die
Upon the cross, with darkened sky.

How can we turn away from love,
Forsaking light in land above,
Preferring total darkness where
Our selfishness brings more despair?

Speak to me, oh Lord this day,
And use me in some special way.
To turn the lost back to the light
And make their future ever bright.

Such fools the wise have now become
With blinded eye and mind that's numb.
The Maker they refuse to see
Attached to their depravity.

They worship what the Maker made
And look around as light will fade
To darkness growing ever still
And deepening their stinking swill.

The outside cleansed with shiny gleam,
But inside where the filth is seen,
Is guarded as their precious prize.
The foolish masquerade as wise.

Lord help me love and give your due
Not just in tithes of mint and rue
But with each simple loving deed
More to Your holy will accede.

Let my every act be yours
And let me never mind the scores
For goodness is its own reward
And forms us to our loving Lord.

My faith and trust is lacking so
I fail quite often, as You know.
But You can change my attitude
And help me win this inner feud.

I've seen how many times before
You gave me strength to help me soar,
Above temptation to the land
Of love and peace that You have planned.

But on my own a weakness reigns
With sin and selfishness as chains.
Help me to listen and obey
The many times You speak today.

Then day by day and brick by brick
Obedience will start to click,
And change a foolish sinful man
To one who lives within Your plan.

A work for all to share some way
To gather in the lost and stray
To bring the truth to all we meet
And gather in the harvest wheat.

It's up to Him to separate
The chaff from wheat, then demonstrate
His justice, mercy, wrath, and love;
The chaff to fire, and wheat above.

He gives to all an ample chance
To join Him in a victory dance,
But in the end the wicked lose,
Receiving what they freely choose.

Faith He renders all who will 
Believe in trial, and trust Him still,
Who risk it all to spread the word
Until the ends of earth have heard.

A gift He grants to others too
To simple ones like me and you,
Who see the folly of the side
That honors lust and boastful pride

Saturday, September 21, 2019

10/6/19 Through 10/12/19

10/6/19 Through 10/12/19

Faith an enigmatic thing
To which He calls us all to cling
To trust in spite of what we see
And let the Lord, our Shepherd be.

He leads us through the valley dim
If we but put our trust in Him,
And uses every trial faced
To prove our trust is not misplaced.

I wish to not be much involved
To live a quiet life.
For other lives be quite absolved,
And be with comforts rife.

But Priest and Levite were the same
Consumed with other cares.
Unwilling to accept the blame
For how the stranger fares.

They walked along without a thought
Of who their neighbor be.
And I must see, as well I ought,
The Levite there is me.

So waken me throughout this day
To where my neighbor lies.
And make me stop along the way
To lift his grim disguise.

Help me choose the better part,
A fool and weak am I.
Help me see Your work of art 
With trust, and faithful eye.

Cast off the burden of my sin
And lead me to repent.
That I may learn to enter in,
And freely give ascent.

To every word You speak to me
Throughout my every day
And come with all the saints to see
You truly are the Way!

Our Father on this very day
You know what I'm about to say.
Like Jonah, I have often fled
And yet with manna still You fed.

So faithful, righteous, kind, and good
Yet unrepentant there I stood.
A hundred twenty thousand there,
But in my mind, some shade the care.

Help me see as You see Lord
Who for each sinful man out-poured
Your blood upon that rugged tree
So every sinner could be free.

Let me forgive as you forgave
And let my love, be such to save.
That here Your kingdom come to be
To change them all, but also, me!

Once again, before You Lord
To ask what I cannot afford.
To change this sinful heart of mine
And make it look much more like Thine.

Make it be on fire with love
In search of only that above.
Abandoning all base desire
Filled with blazing holy fire.

My Jesus, how I long for You 
To permeate all that I do.
And make me keenly self-aware
How much I need my daily prayer.

To reinforce it every morn
From You, is every blessing born.
From You, is every breath I take,
To You, a morning off'ring make.

What have I done, to further Your will?
The darkness and cloud envelop me still.
The demons of death and horrors of hate,
Seem never to wane, or to evil abate.

New life that we bring is more threatened each day
By the ways of the world, attempting to sway
Into darkness of selfishness, envy, and greed,
Where demons, by legions indulge and then breed.

The seven-fold terror upon us has spread
Where mothers will murder, and babies are dead.
But the day of the Lord's second coming is near
And all who have sinned should be trembling in fear.

The days of His mercy will come to an end
Where justice will reign, and the evil descend,
To darkness eternal, where flame never dies,
With no one to hear all the pleading and cries.

Oh Lord, save us now, before it's too late.
Take our hearts made of stone to the evil negate.
With a new heart of flesh turn our eyes upon You,
And daily, Your love, in our hearts please renew.

Most precious virgin mother kind
Be still my heart, and to it bind
Your heart immaculate and pure.
Best way to meet your Son for sure!

To follow in obedience
The way of most expedience.
To say as you, "Let it be done."
Will bring us closer to your Son.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

9/29/19 Through 10/5/19

9/29/19 Through 10/5/19

The Lazarus outside my door
Is not the Christ I'm looking for.
I look right by his longing face 
And hurry to my comfy place.

Enjoying wine of many pours
While dogs come lick his many sores.
With purple clothes and linen fine
Indifferent to the poor, I dine.

Come tell the story, help me see
What wretchedness is found in me,
How often I could meet a need
And from my wretchedness, be freed.

Ever seeing us and them
Christ did such a thought condemn.
Each an image of the King,
Each will something special bring.

Every one a work of art,
Each with something to impart.
Only humble, this can see
For humble will, the greatest be.

Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
The city of the King.
Home to all, who evil stem
And humble worship bring.

All who seek shall come to you
From lands of far away
To see the mighty works You do
With simple lumps of clay.

I came as well for I believe
This is the narrow gate,
Through which, our sufferings, You weave
And newly life create.

Protection from the angels came
And trust in God for all became, 
The daily call to those He led
Who were each day, with manna fed.

The angel in the furnace flame
For trusting men of God became
A coolness there amid the heat,
A guard protecting from defeat.

Each one an angel guards this day
To lead them in the proper way.
Protecting them from all that harms,
And guiding to the Father's arms.

Those old enough to understand
Should listen well to what He planned,
And follow every word He said
To keep their soul and body fed.

The word He wishes us to spread
And in our hearts, there to embed
To bring His peace to peaceful men,
That they might raise a great Amen.

Too late when ere that time will come,
The terrors of the judgement from
The righteous one, the crucified,
Who hung by nails until He died.

Repent while yet there is some time
While mercy fills this heart of Mine.
For on that final day at dawn
The Judgement's here, and mercy's gone!

Don't wait to hear and heed My voice.
Decide this day and make your choice.
Your way you've seen enough to know
It leads to where you should not go.

To the land of love forsaken,
Where the lost and damned are taken.
Alone and empty, self-absorbed
With worthless gods, for years adored.

No longer hope for better days
But only pain amid the blaze.
With nothing left for you to lose,
Eternity, in that you choose.

My children, come and follow Me.
The glory of the Lord you'll see,
If you but ponder well His art
You'll see His might in every part.

A plan complex, yet simple too, 
Revealing truth and love to you.
A God who gives us everything
If we will just, our homage bring.

No falsehood in His holy word
Like that in from, the serpent heard.
A love beyond the human mind
In every Eucharist we find.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

9/22/19 Through 9/28/19

9/22/19 Through 9/28/19

The riches loved destroy the peace
That we were meant to know.
Depravity and crime increase,
And wickedness will grow.

It starts in subtle little ways
So insignificant,
But grows into a mighty blaze
Of selfishness and want.

The only way to stem the tide
Of greed and avarice,
Is listen to the other side
Whose mantra goes like this:

The little matters quite a lot
For truly it reveals,
The trusted and the trusted not
Who make their shady deals.

Those faithful in the little things
Who simply work and pray,
Will bring about a peace and joy
That permeates the day.

I trust each morn to hear His voice,
A little rhyme or two.
A morsel to my spirit feed,
And maybe also you.

But time will tell how well I've heard
And if I've acted so.
No longer sight be dim or blurred
Where we are bound to go.

To darkness deep and self-absorbed,
Or light of endless day.
My prayer is but to find the Lord,
And ever there to stay.

Let us build a house for Him
And set it on a Hill.
No longer will the land be dim,
But brightened by His will.

His word be spoken everywhere
And everywhere we find,
Great peace and joy are present there
If we, His precepts, mind.

When light surrounds with darkness gone,
No obstacles perceived.
To good and holy all are drawn,
And happiness received.

Mother Mary, faithful one,
As virgin pure, you bore God's Son.
Temple pure and well-adorned
Mother of our Savior scorned.

Teach us all to act like you
And answer, yes, in all we do.
In humble service making way
To listen well, and then obey.

In every age You've sheltered those
Who followed in the way You chose.
With shoes to last for forty years,
Or comfort in their land of tears.

A faithful God who daily feeds
And grants what every child needs.
Much more than idle hopes discussed,
A Rock, in which to place our trust.

Lord make my disposition right
To see You everyday.
To listen well and see the light,
If only but a ray.

One tiny ray can touch my heart
And bring eternal joy
To brighten up my darkest part,
And selfishness destroy.

Oh flood me with that precious gift
Of meeting You each morn.
And through my many failings sift
That Christ, in me, be born.

No other thing has satisfied
The longings of my heart.
You know how often I have tried,
But only grown apart.

A bag with holes, a pocket torn,
Can carry none worthwhile.
Let praise and thanks, my heart adorn, 
And greet You with a smile.

Who do you say that I am,
A prophet, a king, just a man?
The answer to this. No disciple should miss,
If he's living according to plan.

Afraid to question, Lord I come.
The depth of love, in me, to plumb.
Can I but follow to the cross,
And count my wealth as none but loss?

You hook with just a simple word
That somehow, through the din, is heard.
And draws a longing soul to hear:
"Come follow Me, and do not fear."

Come follow One they crucified,
Who freely gave His life and died
That you might live eternally,
And learn to be one truly free.